Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Improve Your German Pronunciation With Tongue Twisters
Improve Your German Pronunciation With Tongue Twisters German tongue twisters are known as tongue breakers in German, or Zungenbrecher. Many of the classic German tongue twisters easily fit that unique description, and they can also be an amusing and entertaining way to practice your German pronunciation. German Tongue Twisters Here is a collection of German tongue twisters - with an English translation of each one. Want more tongue breaking? Here is a collection of more tongue-twisters. 1. Acht alte Ameisen assen am Abend Ananas. Eight old ants ate pineapple in the evening. 2. Allergischer Algerier, algerischer Allergiker. Allergic Algerian, Algerian allergic 3. Esel essen Nesseln nicht, Nesseln essen Esel nicht. Donkeys dont eat nettles, nettles dont eat donkeys. 4. Es klapperten die Klapperschlangen bis ihre Klappern schlapper klangen. The rattlesnakes rattled until their rattles sounded run-down. (This is a Schà ¼ttelreim, or goat rhyme, as is the the next one.) 5. Es sprach der Herr von Rubenstein, mein Hund der ist nicht stubenrein. So spoke Mr. von Rubenstein, my dog, hes not house-trained. 6. Es grà ¼nt so grà ¼n, wenn Spaniens Blà ¼ten blà ¼hen. It turns so green when the flowers in Spain flower. (This is the German version of The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain from My Fair Lady.) 7. Fischers Fritz ißt frische Fische, frische Fische ißt Fischers Fritz. Fischers Fritz eats fresh fish; fresh fish eats Fischers Fritz. (This can be compared to the English Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.) 8. Hottentottenpotentatentantenattentat Hottentot potentates aunt assassination. (Note: the correct term for Hottentot is actually Khoi-Khoi, a people from what is now Namibia.) 9. Im dichten Fichtendickicht sind dicke Fichten wichtig. In the thick spruce thicket thick spruces are important. 10. In Ulm, um Ulm, um Ulm herum. In Ulm, around Ulm, all around Ulm. 11. Die Katzen kratzen im Katzenkasten, im Katzenkasten kratzen Katzen. The cats scratch in the cat box, in the cat box scratch the cats. 12. Die krumme Katze tritt die krumme Treppe krumm. The crooked (hunched) cat goes down the crooked stairs crookedly. 13. Der Cottbuser Postkutscher putzt den Cottbuser Postkutschkasten. The Cottbus postal coach driver cleans the Cottbus postal coach chest. 14. Ob er à ¼ber Oberammergau, oder aber à ¼ber Unterammergau, oder ob er à ¼berhaupt noch kommt, ist ungewiß! Whether hes coming via Oberammergau, or perhaps via Unterammergau, or not at all, is uncertain. 15. Der Pfostenputzer putzt den Pfosten, den Pfosten putzt der Pfostenputzer. The post-cleaner cleans the post, the post is being cleaned by the post-cleaner. 16. Wenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen, dann fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach. When flies fly behind flies, then flies fly after flies. 17. Wenn hinter Griechen Griechen kriechen, kriechen Griechen Griechen nach. When Greeks creep behind Greeks, Greeks creep after Greeks. 18. Wenn meine Braut Blaukraut klaut, dann ist sie eine Blaukrautklaubraut. If my bride steals red cabbage, then shes a red cabbage-stealing bride. 19. Zehn Ziegen zogen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo, zum Zoo zogen zehn Ziegen zehn Zentner Zucker. Ten goats pulled ten centners of sugar to the zoo, to the zoo pulled ten goats ten centners of sugar.(A hundredweight, der Zentner, equals 50 kilograms, 100 Pfund or 110 U.S. pounds.) 20. Zwischen zwei Zwetschgenbumen zwitschern zwei Schwalben. Between two plum trees twitter two swallows. Need Help? If youre struggling with the tongue-twister, ask a German native to say it for you or look online to hear the pronunciation. It can help to hear it, not just read it. Start slowly; practice just small chunks of a tongue twister first.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Tobacco And Western Culture Essays - Human Behavior, Smoking, Health
Tobacco And Western Culture Essays - Human Behavior, Smoking, Health Tobacco and Western Culture Grade Received on Report : 89 Essay 1: Tobacco and Western Culture The use of tobacco dates back to the 17th century. The primary reason for its beginning was purely economic at first. It later became apparent to researchers over the decades that tobacco was more than just a commodity to be traded for economic gain. It was actually a drug, nicotine, which developed into physical dependency and had adverse side effects as people began to live longer. Further research at the social level, revealed its social impact on the western culture. It didn't take long before early traders began to realize the economic benefits of trading tobacco as a primary cash crop. Its known influences were completely overlooked to maintain the desired income and trade benefits. In western culture, early settlers, saw tobacco as a primary source of support for the family. It was entirely possible to grow tobacco and live a very good lifestyle. During the early years, tobacco was not seen as a bad thing. Instead, it was actually a way of life. As time passed, govermental agencies also began to see the economic benefits produced by the tobacco industry. Taxing the crop became very lucrative and later resulted in subsidizing the farmers as needed to maintain taxation levels. The advent of production cigarrettes soon opened doors for manufacturers which hadn't existed before. A cheap and easy method of providing tobacco users a manageable product soon led to widespread use in the western world. This attitude soon began to chang! e, however, as researchers began publishing reports on the ill effects of smoking and tobacco use. Tobacco lost a lot of its social influence when people began to understand its physical effects. Tobacco use was linked with birth defects in pregnant women. Lung cancer was directly linked to smoking in 1950 by the Cancer Control Department in the New York State Health department. It became very clear that the past opposition to smoking and tobacco use was substantiated. It had also become clear that smokers were in a group alone from the rest of society. Just as other groups grew and shrank with the times, so would the smokers. Nicotine had been discovered to be the dependency factor in tobacco and soon ranked a classification with other social drugs like alcohol and caffeine. Its use was seen to be just as severe as these and warranted just as much focus in the social arena. This didn't stop people from using tobacco. The reasons for tobacco use had already become more complex than just physically damaging. Tobacco use had grown to be a social instrument. It can be easily proven that people smoke for different reasons. Stress is now a large part of society and nictotine tends to reduce the stress factor. There have also been reports of the soothing effects nicotine provides during times of prolonged strain on the brain. This is typically due to long hours of reading or studying. The ability of nicotine to soothe the mind allows the brain more concentration and thus the individual is able to more easily comprehend the task at hand. Despite the good and bad effects of tobacco use, it still continues today and I feel that it will be some time before smoking is completely removed from society. Actually, it's not half bad considering the alternatives of the 21st century. Consider pulling up in your car next to someone at a stop light smoking a cigarette and think about seeing someone smoking marijuana. Which would you prefer? Essay 2: Birth Control The main reason to limit the population in a given society is to insure that a balance between the resources available and the number of people is not exceeded. It is fundamental to the survival of a given society that everyone has enough food, housing, and work to maintain certain social standards. This has been done in many ways throughout the centuries. Birth control methods range from religious belief to medical fact to social superstition. In all cases the limiting of newborn has effectively kept people out of anarchy. In looking at the history of birth control, it is easy to imagine why the population must be regulated. Even today the situation is being
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company
Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company Christina Enquist shares her experience assembling the team of professionals that helped launch her debut novel, The Immundus - and her very own independent publishing company, Odolf Mingan Publishing.I was on safari, traversing my way through the rugged terrain of social media, seeking the elusive and coveted book editor. Not just any editor would do. I knew I had to have an editor with experience in editing young adult and science fiction, preferably someone who had edited bestsellers and award-winning novels.I tried reaching out to editors on Twitter and got some bites, but I was concerned about handing my manuscript over to a person whose qualifications I wasn’t sure of. It was then that I happened upon a Mark Dawson podcast where he talked all about Reedsy. I began to investigate Reedsy myself and was instantly hooked. Thus ended my safari, as I found a prize better than I imagined: an entire herd of talent.I knew that I had found my resource for top talent, one that cou ld support me in starting my indie publishing career. I didn’t have to worry about hiring full-time or even part-time employees. I could hire professionals per project/book by contracting them through Reedsy.I am gearing up to launch my debut young adult dystopian novel, The Immundus. The story is set in the year 2828 in Domus, the world’s last remaining country. Domus’ population is dwindling as the result of a mysterious disease called allagine. When 16-year-old Nia is recruited by a research company pioneering a cure to allagine, she witnesses something she shouldn’t have. As she sets down a dangerous path that uncovers national secrets, Nia must decide not only what kind of person she wants to be, but how far she’s willing to go to save humanity.In order to make The Immundus the best it could be, I connected with professionals at different stages of my book’s development.EditingI contracted two editors to get my book ready for the pre sses. Katrina Diaz Arnold served as my developmental and line editor, while Parisa Zolfaghari worked as my copy editor and proofreader. Both of these women were wonderful to work with and provided exceptional feedback to help me shape my story and tighten the lines.For example, Katrina was instrumental in helping me determine where to end the book - not always a straightforward task when writing a trilogy. She also made me aware of areas where I needed more thought or dialogue so the reader could fully understand what’s going on - which is crucial in any novel with dense worldbuilding. "Working with a professional editor is crucial for any novel with dense worldbuilding." @cienquist Parisa added additional depth to my story: she not only provided copy edits to make sure my punctuation and grammar were appropriate, she also provided some of her own developmental recommendations - even adding a few more scenes to raise the stakes of the novel’s central conflict. Since I started working with the professionals I found on Reedsy, I have learned so much about the publishing industry and its standards: from learning about widows and orphans thanks to my copy editor, to understanding bleeds and crops from my designer, my team helped me acquire the knowledge I needed to become an indie publisher.The Immundus is available for pre-order on Amazon!Please share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Christina Enquist in the comments below!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Organizational Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organizational Design - Essay Example Recent reports from all over the world shows that most of the companies reducing their work forces to stay in the market. Though the IT sector and real estate field has immensely affected by the current crisis, all the other sectors also suffered a lot from the current crisis. Apart from financial crisis, so many other factors like growing crime rates and violence are also made it difficult to operate business functions. There is an important relationship between the organizational structure and strategies.†A strategy is the plans and actions necessary to achieve organizational goals†(Griffin and Moorhead, (2007), p.450) The success of a business lies in identifying the proper organizational structure and strategies. The goals of the organization must be well defined before implementing changes in organizational structure. As far as Fruity Foods (FF) store is concerned, the main problem is the location. No store can operate successfully in a poor location even if their products are better compared to others. Second problem of FF is the environment. Customers are normally reluctant in going for shopping in places where the crime rates are more. More over this shop is more vulnerable to theft because of the owner’s inability to take necessary precautions. Since the owners are approaching their retirement, this store needs to be completely restructured in order to sustain in the market. For that purpose, an evaluation of the organizational environment is essential. â€Å"The organizational environment includes all of the elements ---people, other organizations, economic factors, objects and events---that lie outside the boundaries of the organization. The environment is composed of two layers; the general environment and the task environment. The general environment includes all of the broad set of dimensions and a factor within which the organization is operates including political, legal, cultural, technological, international and
Why you like Risk Management Plans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why you like Risk Management Plans - Essay Example A risk management plan is a document that is created by the project manager to estimate risks, assess the impact of the risks and define solutions to the challenges. Risk management plans also contain a risk assessment matrix that determines the impact of a risk over a specific period (Power, 2008). The procedure of creating a risk management plan starts with understanding how risk management works then the project is defined, stating all the risks and their possible impact. Input from other stakeholders is crucial at this stage. All irrelevant issues are removed then probability of each risk occurring is calculated. The possible losses from the risks are then assigned with an impact number on a scale from 0.00 to 1 with less risky activities having a small value. Next, the total risk is computed then mitigation strategies are developed. After that, the project manager creates contingency plans and analyzes the efficiency of the strategies. Finally, an effective risk is calculated. A risk management plan has several objectives. The plan calculates risks and the probability of the risks resulting in loss. This is important when determining whether to pursue a business project. A risk management plan creates strategies for managing risks or managing the losses from the risk. The plan reduces the possibility of surprises and supports efficient use of organizational resources (Rejda, 2011). Risk management plans contain strategies on how to tackle risks. These strategies include risk avoidance, loss reduction, and risk control, spreading the risk, self-retention, and duplication of resources, accepting risks and transferring risks. Risk avoidance is the most efficient risk management technique. By avoiding a risk, the possibility of loss is eliminated completely. Risk avoidance is the most effective approach but not the most practical one. It is impossible to eliminate all aspects of risk in a project. Some
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why are men most of the time the leading character in science fiction Essay
Why are men most of the time the leading character in science fiction films - Essay Example Such determinations have manifested through female actors joining and streaming the art of science fiction films to agitate for their recognition. Feminist female writers have expressed desire to translate the current social shift that is intending to achieve total gender equality. Many reasons underlie the mystery of male gender appear to dominate or assume massive roles as leading characters in the science fiction film. One reason attributes to the intensive use of technology in the science fiction films (Tolette 42). In most of the science fiction films, it is common to come across high-tech guns, rockets, robots and massive scientific phenomena in the lines of technology. It is undisputable that male genders or men have been the main innovators, inventors and creators of the technologies and the technological devices. The fact that they create technology and technological devices places them in the best position to control and manage the operations of the devices. Tolette confirm s that these are facts known to every individual in the wider societies and it would be deceptive or meaningless for writers of the science fiction films give women leading roles in the movies (49). The aspect of deception can occur because movies and films act as reflections of the contemporary or future social issues within the particular societies, and people find it enjoyable when movies demonstrate some aspects of social reality. This means that using male gender to play leading roles in the films creates sense of reasonability, credibility and authenticity of the particular films of science fiction. However, the technological aspect tat warrants male dominance in the science fiction films is slowly fading since women are increasingly participating in technological advancements making it reasonable to begin featuring females as leading characters in the films. One example of such developments includes The Stepford Wives (1975) that featured a small village where there was gradu al replacement of wives with robotic women (Stange, Carol and Jane 1223). Other examples are the Eve of Destruction (1991, Aliens (1986), Terminator 2 and Cherry 2000 (1987), which pointedly placed women in the positions of technological mastery. The listed films feature women as wielders of hardware, creators of powerful programs and givers of orders. In the demonstration of Johnston, another reason for male taking leading roles in most of the science fiction movies relates to the fact that they men constitute the majority writers of the films (52). This dominance has seen male film writers focus on giving men roles of leading characters. The dominant male film writers also take advantage of widespread perception and reality that men constitute the great scientists and use the scientific fictions in films to confirm this reality to the societies. In addition, dominant male writers of the science fiction films use the privilege to hold on the traditional beliefs that put men above w omen. The film writers have the urge to demonstrate and reinforce their initial social order of making women subjective to men and incapable of playing complex roles. Another reason for domination of male in leading characters in science fiction relates to be belief that women make decisions based on emotions and tension while those of males rely on rationality (Stange, Carol and Jane 1224) 43). This fact makes filmmakers afford women subordinate and supporting roles while men play leading roles. Science fiction films solely bases on the principles of technology and are tech intensive. To operate successfully, scientific devices such as those
Target Marketing Strategies and Customer Relationship Management Assignment
Target Marketing Strategies and Customer Relationship Management - Assignment Example Pizza Hut is priced much higher due to its quality focus and satisfies this market over lower-income customers. Secondly, Pizza Hut is well-known for its family-focused in-house dining capabilities that appeal to large groups in the nuclear family structure (Huynh, 4). This is a unique characteristic of Pizza Hut over competition that appeals to families looking for quality meals for dine-in purposes. Pizza Hut is widely dispersed geographically across the world, therefore geographic segmentation or demographics are not very effective. The following is a positioning strategy for Pizza Hut using psychographic elements: Pizza Hut pizzas are positioned under price/quality dimensions. An appropriate slogan for the products might be Pizza Hut: Incredible ingredients for a more luxurious pizza experience for the discriminating client. Forget the other guys and tap into high quality at Pizza Hut.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Critical Analysis of Chinas Economy Research Paper
Critical Analysis of Chinas Economy - Research Paper Example During the industrialization era, China dominated its lead in global technological discoveries. It is believed that China made its breakthrough in economic growth during the Song Dynasty. During this rule, China made gross investments in technologies, witnessed highest rates of urbanization as well producing large amounts of highly demanded iron. As a result, China acquired the global superpower rank in economic growth. However, the reign did not last very long after Western Europe emerged with bigger economic growths between 1500 and 1800. It is believed that China fall could be related to the tyranny of Ming (1368 –1644). In addition, trade and innovation received minimum focus during the dynasty of Qing (1644 –1911) (Chow and Kui-Wai 156).Significant growth in efficiency and productivity, physical capital, and labor contributed to economic growth prior to the year 1978 in China. Essentially, aggregate factor productivity reduced within the same period. Research indic ates that the decrease registered scale of 1.07 percent. In addition, additional years of schooling in China resulted in increased growth in the annual human capital which reached 1.55 percent. As a result, the total factor productivity registered a partial decrease. In the later years, the actual input versus capital ratio maintained a constant figure. Therefore the roles of total factor productivity were inverted with those of accumulation of capital. Contrastingly, the growth rate in human capital registered a decrease.
Tennessee Technological University Essay Example for Free
Tennessee Technological University Essay In choosing the right kind of University that mold and hone one person’s talents and skills to survive the â€Å"real world†, one must not only consider the academic quality given by the university, rather all aspects that the university can contribute to the individual. With my aspiration to become a computer science specialist, I chose TTU for the same reason as every one has, it has a strong credibility in terms of its different fields of study, and other curricular activities that promote the well-being of the individual. I can not demise the fact that it was named as one of America’s 100 Best College Buys, which implies that the money invested in the education of a student is very worth it for the quality of education TTU has given. It has remained atop of public schools nationwide, and regarded by the Princeton Review as the Best Southeastern College. With all the qualifications and strength of the school in terms of quality education and instructor, one is only left with the impression that in TTU, the foundation of true college academic attainment is indeed felt. The application process at TTU requires an accomplished application form that is readily made available in pdf format online. A $15 application fee must also be paid. The university’s admission also requires official transcripts of high school record be sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. To ensure a healthy well-being of its students, TTU also requires applicants to submit an accomplished Student Health Form, also made available online, and a form for meningitis or hepatitis. I chose TTU as my university not only for the qualification it has in its Department of Computer Science at the College of Arts and Sciences, but also how it maintains an environment that is safe and convenient for its students to enjoy. Aside from the different activities laid out by the school, the campus grounds alone speaks of how dedicated the university is in maintaining a healthy environment for its students to enjoy. I entrust TTU to mold me into someone better and fulfilled, I chose TTU to help me fulfill my dreams.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The globalization of media
The globalization of media The globalization of media is a pervasive phenomenon associated with several different theories and views about its characteristics and consequences. Due to the considerable amount of transnational media which originates in the U.S, many fear that globalization will lead to an Americanization of the world, while others fear the power imbalance in media flows will weaken national sovereignty (Straubhaar et. al 2009, 531). The article Indigenity, media and cultural globalization: The Case of Mataku, or the Maori X-Files by Kevin Glynn and A. F. Tyson supports the opposing view that globalization provides the opportunity for national cultures to counter the Eurocentrism in the global media market, though the Western domination of the market does act as an obstacle against the expansion of productions by lesser known cultures (Glynn et. al 2007, 210). Despite minor setbacks in the organization and flow of the article, Glynn provides developed and well-researched arguments in support of his view, and strengthens his thesis further through the analysis of an internationally known indigenous television drama, Mataku. From the first part of the article, the authors thesis is clear: contemporary media is comprised of a multidirectional flow of information and culture, rather than a homogenic and unilateral one. The global mediasphere is complex and differentiated, with evident cultural hybridity between local and global production (Glynn et. al 2007, 211). Firstly, analyzing the alternative view that globalization is an extension of colonization shows that it is an established view with strong points in support of it. Cultural imperialists believe globalization poses similar threats to indigenous population as colonization did during the early colonial period (Rodricks 2003, 81). Similarities between globalization and colonization, as outlined by Rodricks (2003, 49) include the idea that both phenomena involve a focus on financial gain, a competition for consumers, markets, and resources, and a suppression of indigenous cultures (Rodricks 2003, 50-57). Furthermore, knowledge, as presented by global media, is described as specialized, compartmentalized, and standardized (Kawagley et. al 1999, 121) which reflects the Eurocentric view that knowledge should provide universal definitions and categorized information (Henderson 2000, 35-37). This view of knowledge directly opposes the First Nations view that knowledge should involve collect ivity, and decision-making as a community (Rodricks 2003, 79), further exemplifying the biases and Eurocentrism, evident in the global market. Glynn, although he does not deny the struggles faced by First Nations mediamakers against racism and stereotypical portrayals of minority cultures in mainstream television, has a more positive outlook of globalization as a trend that creates opportunities for establishing public recognition of indigenous identities (Glynn et. al 2007, 220). At one point he even suggests, through a quote from a Maori producer, Tainui Stephens, that the inevitable struggles against more dominant cultures in the global media market, can be an aid, as opposed to a hindrance, to the Maori quest for self-determinism, since it makes [the Maori] that much more determined to succeed (Stephens 2004, 114). Glynn raises several points to support his claim that the indigenous public sphere is continuously expanding through global media systems (Glynn et. al 2007, 211), and each of the points are specific to his thesis and backed up with historical events, such as the establishment of Aboriginal television channels, or opinions of other scholars. For instance, he refers to Kraidys conclusion that through aspects such as immigration and colonial expansion, the local and the global have long been hybridized (Kraidy 1999, 459). He also refers to Stuart Halls view that the use of global media is key for cultural and political survival of indigenous cultures (Grossberg 1996, 143), and Lisa Parks view that global media does not need to act as a tool for Western cultural imperialism, but can instead be used to establish aspects of local culture and priorities (Parks 2005, 59). By providing an array of quotations and references to a number of people, some of whom are closely associated with the s ubject under discussion the Maori, Glynn presents a well-supported and thus, convincing position. The number of quotations and references which he presents depicts his analysis as one that is evidently well-researched. However, the implementation of this research at some points in the article, acts as an impediment to the organization and flow of his argument. Because of the various different views he references to from various people, there is a section in his article where he stacks, in a sense, one point after another, where each point counters the one preceding it. He begins with the dismissing of Marshall McLuhans concept of the global village as overly idealistic (Glynn et. al 2007, 209), counters this with the point that, despite this, the concept has a romanticism about it which disregards the issue that the global village is discriminatively governed by the West. Nevertheless, Glynn mentions as a counterpoint to this concept of power imbalance, neoliberalism promotes the idea of a free flow of information, and this point is then, in turn, countered with the argument that the concept of a free market is overly simplistic, and can have a suppressive effect on cultural self-expression. The fears associated with Western domination of the global media market is briefly discussed before finally arriving at the point which supports Glynns original thesis that such a view makes the fallacious presumption that indigenous cultures do not have the ability to withstand Western imperialist power (Glynn et. al, 210). The way these points, each of which are supported by a different authors opinion, are presented sacrifices clarity since the reader may be susceptible to losing track of Glynns primary thesis due to the bombardment of other points that are raised, each in succession to the other. Despite this shortcoming, overall, Glynn presents a strong argument, with a substantial amount of support given through other opinions and relative research. The second part of the article deals specifically with Mataku, an indigenous production which has received both domestic and international success; the popularity of this drama serves as an example which encompasses each of the points raised in Glynns thesis. A strength in Glynns discussion of the issue of globalization in relation to indigenous media production is, throughout the article, and primarily in the concluding section, Glynn does not present an overly idealistic view of the positive effects which globalization can have on the growth of national cultures. Rather, he reminds us that, despite the possibilities which globalization presents in regard to this issue, the undertakings involved in the production and popularization of indigenous media must be dealt with cautiously, and the struggles of First Nations mediamakers involving the establishment of institutions, the availability of funding, and the dominant Westernized views of mainstream media, are constant challenges. Glynn thus provides a convincing, optimistic yet practical view of the ways in which the globalization of media can contribute to the growth of the indigenous public sphere and the establishing of national cultures on a global scale. References: BATTISTE Marie and James Youngblood HENDERSON (2000). What is Indigenous Knowledge?, in Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage: A Global Challenge, Saskatoon: Purich Publishing Ltd, pp. 35 38. GLYNN, Kevin and A. F. TYSON (2007). Indigeneity, media and cultural globalization: The case of Mataku, or the Maori X-Files, International Journal of Cultural Studies, vol.10, no.2, pp. 205-224. GROSSBERG, Lawrence (1996) On Postmodernism and Articulation: An Interview with Stuart Hall, in Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies. Edited by David Morley and Kuan-Hsing Chen. London: Routledge, pp. 131-150. Joseph STRAUBHAAR, Robert LaROSE, Lucinda DAVENPORT (2009). Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology. Enhanced 6th Edition. Boston, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. KAWAGLEY, Oscar, and Ray BARNHARDT (1999). Education Indigenous to Place: Western Science Meets Native Reality. in Ecological Education in Action: On Weaving Education, Culture, and the Environment. Edited by Gregory A. Smith, Dilafruz R. Williams. New York: SUNY Press. pp. 121. KRAIDY, Marwan (1999). The Global, the Local, and the Hybrid: A Native Ethnography of Glocalization, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 456-76. PARKS, Lisa (2005). Cultures in Orbit: Satellites and the Televisual. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. RODRICKS, Warren (2003). Globalization and Corporization The Evolving Nature of Education Online at: , consulted on February 8th, 2010. STEPHENS, Tainui (2004). Maori Television, in Television in New Zealand: Programming the Nation, Edited by Roger Horrocks and Nick Perry, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 107-15.
Connections in John Miltons Paradise Lost Essay -- Milton Paradise Lo
Paradise Lost: Connections "Put that down... NOW!" As many of us have grown older, familiar phrases return to us that were instilled during our childhood. These ideas taught us how to grow and learn within the world. Just As our Parents taught us these words, God taught Satan and everyone under him ideas for their further growth and enrichment. "Paradise Lost" contains connections which are still used today. "Paradise Lost's" initial connections begin with the awesome power of God. Another connection states Satan being theroot of all evil. The final connection refers to the forgiveness of God. Paradise Lost's ideas and connections have been in use since this epic poem has been written. The initial idea of "Paradise Lost" states that God is all powerful. God's supreme power is shown throughout "Paradise Lost": "Him [Satan] theAlmighty Power Hurled headlong flaming from the etherneal[sp.] sky" by Godis only one example of God's supreme power. Satan even admits to God's almighty power - "I now of force belie...
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The purpose of the scene in Act 3 Scene 4 is to celebrate the coronatio
The purpose of the scene in Act 3 Scene 4 is to celebrate the coronation of Macbeth with a banquet. It gives us an insight into his state of mind Choose a scene, which you think, would be particularly effective in its impact on an audience. Discuss how this scene is presented in two different productions. Say which you prefer and why. The purpose of the scene in Act 3 Scene 4 is to celebrate the coronation of Macbeth with a banquet. It gives us an insight into his state of mind and present character, and the changes in the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Finally, we can look at the deteriorating evil that is vivid in Macbeth. Throughout the scene, Macbeth is haunted and hallucinating, which Lady Macbeth has no control over. At the opening of the scene the atmosphere is exceedingly pleasurable, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are entertaining their guests and are exceeding the roles of host and hostess. When the murders are brought to Macbeth’s attention, he hurries over to speak with them. Here we see how Macbeth’s deteriorating character move from, noble, respectful to cunning, and calculating. The language used to enquire of Banquo and Fleance were murdered was somewhat crude and vindictive, â€Å"is he dispatched.†We see Macbeth use entrapment imagery to convey his apprehension with Fleance escaping. It is clear Macbeth is alarmed now about his uncertain and indecisive future. We realize that Macbeth is anxious and fretful worrying that Fleance may seek revenge and become extremely dangerous. â€Å"There the grown serpent lies the warm that fled.†His aside is packed with animal imagery, which is used to suggest his insecurity and animal instinct. As this is happening, it is made clear that Lady Macbeth is livid and accuses her husband of being an improper host. His response is too talk of Banquo’s absence, â€Å"Where the graced person of our Banquo present.†His hypocritical tone causes the ghost of Banquo to enter which understandably frightens Macbeth and his hysterical state provokes a lot of questions and suspicions. He passes remarks like â€Å"the table is full†and â€Å"which one of you have done this? Macbeth continues in this frenzied state as he beings to communicate with the ghost, â€Å"thou canst not say I did it.†Macbeth is clearly saturated with guilt and his mind is overcome with torture and evil. â€Å"Never .. ... then rushes over to her husband to bring him back to some form on normality. In this production Lady Macbeth is a lot more composed which is the image I perceived in my head when reading the book. I found her to be the peacemaker in the relationship, so therefore this production again met my expectations of the characters. Lady Macbeth constantly tries to calm her delirious husband and restore some customariness back into the banquet. The lords are very confused in this production and talk constantly of the sights they are witnessing. Once they leave, we see a very disappointed Lady Macbeth, gazing through a distant window. The pair then walk up the stairs together with a light, the red light shines as they lay in bed together which conveys, their intimacy and closeness. It is clear now that she does not need to encourage Macbeth anymore to murder. Both productions were cleverly put together, with wonderful actors and actresses. I did enjoy the Roman Polanski version a little bit more simply because it reinforced the images I had already appreciated. The imagery used in this one, was more vivid and realistic which captured and held my attention for longer.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Littering of Country Roads
We see the signs everywhere, â€Å"LITTERING IS A CRIME PUNISHABLE BY A MAXIMUM $1,000 FINE OR IMPRISONMENT UP TO ONE YEAR, OR BOTH!†(Litter, 2007). The question in the minds of many of us though is â€Å"Why do people litter and especially along our country roads?†One of the definitions used for litter is â€Å"misplaced trash or solid waster†(Litter, 2007). Research in the area of â€Å"why do people litter†has been completed by several organizations and government entities. I will examine some of the reasons I found in the research. One of the factors noted in the research was just simply lack of knowledge of the environmental effects of littering (Why, 2007). It has been shown in studies that just educating those who litter can make a difference in whether or not they continue to litter. We could speculate that possibly many of those in the country will not have as great of access to the information that helps to create an awareness to the problems littering creates. When litter has already accumulated in an area, research has shown the area to be more susceptible by others to be seen as an easy dumping grounds or an invitation to dump more. One of the reasons they encourage volunteers and regular litter clean-ups is to prevent further litter build-up. Because country roads are less likely in general to be a part of litter clean-ups this can add to the problem. Lack of social pressure to do the right thing was mentioned as contributing to the problem (Why, 2007). This could also be a contributing factor as to why litter is often seen more in rural areas or areas where the population tends to have a greater financial disadvantage. Litter in these areas may not be seen as great a priority as more basic needs and problems in the rural neighborhoods. Another factor was mentioned as there being a lack or an absence of consistent enforcement of the laws against littering (Facts, 2004). Although signs may be posted, if there is seen to be lack of enforcement in backing those littering laws, they will have little effect in that area or neighborhood. This can be another reason why there may seem to be more litter along the less visible and often less-traveled country roads. Enforcement officers tend to concentrate where there is greater population. According to one study, if the people or residents of an area have little pride in their neighborhood or in another person’s neighborhood, they are then more apt to toss out trash in that particular area. It also may be that if my neighbors yard is littered, it is less noticeable when my yard is littered. The country roads and rural areas are generally less noticeable than the city or urban areas. It is no secret that individuals with higher income who live in the suburbs have more income to spend on lawn upkeep and continuous lawn maintenance. Many areas in the country attract those with less income who would have less to continuously maintain their properties and the roadways that run along their properties. Lastly, it may be surprising to some, however, not all people see what they toss out as being regarded as litter. Studies show this is often the case for those who toss cigarette butts out the car window. When asked why they toss them along the roadside, they often respond in a way to indicate they do not feel as if cigarette butts, or some items should be included as trash or littering. However, cigarette butts â€Å"can take up to five years to break down†(Facts, 2004). References 2004. Facts about litter. Department of Environment and Conservation. http://www. (accessed April 21, 2007). 2007. Litter laws. Official Website of the city of Rock Hill. enveng/litter/index.php3?number=61866&lang=E (accessed April 21, 2007). 2007. Why do people litter? Government of Prince Edward Island. April 21, 2007). Wikipedia contributors, ‘Litter’, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 24 April 2007, 22:02 UTC, [accessed 24 April 2007]   Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Medium Is the Message- Self Assessment
Self Assessment #1 I truly enjoyed this essay. It made me think. The topic puzzled me to the point where I had to figure out what in the world medium meant. I read the box over and over again. I started to underline words that kept showing up over and over again. I tried to understand what MuLuhan is talking about gives me a headache. Once I thought I had it figured out I was shot down and this happened many times. I researched, I thought about it extensively in class and out side of class. I used reasonable logic to find my meaning of medium. This time by golly I think I got it. For the first paragraph I followed directions. I explained exigence. I explained why medium is important for discussion. I related it to how I came to my definition. I also, explained why it needs defining. I feel I did an extremely good job on this part because I under stood. I re-read my work over and over again. Played with what I wanted to say and did the best job I could do to put my message on the page. I feel I did a really good job on this paragraph and am satisfied. My second paragraph was denotation or the dictionary definition and connotation, other’s opinions. I followed direction. I used the Oxford English Dictionary as you requested. One thing that might hurt me here is that I got lazy and did not want to write out the whole thing every time I made a reference to it so I made an abbreviation. OoOoo†¦. Big deal. If you take points away for that, that’s dumb because I know you don’t want to read the Oxford English Dictionary over and over again. I made a reference to, two different definitions. One’s I felt were good. As I read what you gave us in class and developed my choice based on what I felt medium meant and these would be the best for my argument as they were polar opposites. I could have done more internet research or other definition research but I felt I didn’t need it because I felt I got a well developed censes for my connotation. My connotation, I felt it would be smart to do a mix of people, ranging by education, age, and gender. This is how I came to ask my brother, my mom and an old professor of mine. My third paragraph is my prize, my winning grade paragraph. I know I got my definition right this time. I feel it in my gut. I was in the â€Å"zone†, you even told me. I feel I really understand meaning. My sentence, to make it work is beautiful. So beautiful it only took me two sentences to explain myself. To be honest I never cut anything I wanted to say out and I never even went onto two pages because I felt I knew what I was talking about. I feel accomplished and I want to share my writing with other people. The pressure put on by you helped with that. You said it is hard to impress you so I worked hard to at least come close or try to. My essay is work at least a B. AT LEAST! I worked my butt off on this essay. So help me if I get lower than a B I am going to flip out. No I will go crazy. My work here is above average as I completely understood the assignment and gave through analysis. This is some one my best work. I studied the context and I read the book. Off the record, meaning you can not say this information to them. We know I was my group leader and those boys would be no where with out me. I carried them; no I rocked their socks off. Robert was still in this parallel universe land and who knows what they Asian gang bangers were thinking. So that means I had to think twice as much to come up with something reasonable than other people in other groups because I had no real input from my class mates. To be honest I feel this paper is an A-/B+. I spent too much time on this assignment to be just average. The only reason I said, at least, least being the lowest a B is because I did not want to sound cocky. Ali Smith 24 April 2009 English 105. 28 Jeff Cravello The Logical Definition of Medium Logic implies that an intellectual human being must use their brain to break down a complicated situation in order to simplify it into easier terms through proper analysis and extensive research. The more a person uses logic; the more intellectual and professional sounding a person becomes. People in the elite work force praise intellectual superiority because this means you are educated. The more logical and educated a person is, the higher their salary will be. This is some of the reasoning behind as to why people attend college. It is to practice their logistical skills to make the right decisions in life and develop a career based on logistical analysis. Based on this, the exigence related to the word medium is that medium a very complex word that needs simplifying. The only way to come to a reasonable definition of the word medium is through logistical thought. The Oxford English Dictionary definition and every context that contains the word as a tangible object, are too extensively different that the possibilities to find one universal meaning for the word leads to many different possibilities. The only way to find a reasonable definition for medium is to think logically. The Oxford English Dictionary (O. E. D. ) defines medium as, the plural form of media as being â€Å"A middle quality, degree, or condition†¦ something intermediate. †For the context of how Marshall McLuhan’s book, The Medium is the Message, uses the word medium; this definition does not work because it makes no sense. Even defining media does not helps, which by the O. E. D. is defined as, â€Å"newspapers, radio, television, etc. , collectively, as vehicles of mass communication. †Figuring, some words have multiple definitions. Another O. E. D. definition defines medium as being, â€Å"pervading or enveloping substance; the substance or element in which an organism lives, one’s environment. †This makes no sense because how can one word be defined as a tangible object, an environment, the middle between two things and the plural of media if there is nothing in these definitions that connect? Sometimes sources for information can be misleading. On an internet site, www. dictionary. com, medium is defined as fifteen different things. One of those definitions is, â€Å"something intermediate in nature or degree. †This site was no help because all its definitions were the same definition of medium being the middle. So if a dictionary is no help then maybe a person might know what this word means? A Cal Poly Pomona economics professor said that, â€Å"A medium is the average. †An eighth grade boy said it was, â€Å"The middle. †A mid-aged business woman said that, â€Å"medium is the stuff that is in between. †The definitions from each person connect but each person only gave a one sided answer. Given the context, medium is something tangible so the definition for this word is more complex than just being the middle between two things or just an environment alone. The definition for a medium is a propagated material object used to cause a connection to occur and create a surrounding environment that can perceive our signals, waves, and forces between one and another. One way to prove if a definition works, take the word defining and apply it in a sentence. Yesterday, my whole mode changed within seconds when I received word through a medium that I had won tickets to meet my favorite band. Going off this model, when I received the news I heard it through a martial object, my cell phone. A connection was made; therefore my environment, my mood; had changed as I perceived the information from another person to myself. The medium is the message. Works Cited – McLuhan. Marshall. The Medium is the Message. – The Oxford English Dictionary – Debi Smith (50 year-old mother) – J. R. Smith (13 year-old brother) – Professor Amrik Dua of the economics department – www. dictionary. reference. com- http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/medium
Monitoring is the systematic and routine gathering of data from program and projects for four principle purposes as written in (World Bank, 1980), to gain from encounters to enhance practices and exercises later on (Ben, 2002), to have inner and outer responsibility of the assets utilized and the outcomes acquired, to get informed decisions on get on the future of the initiative and to promote empowerment of beneficiaries of the activity additionally discussed by (John and Khilesh, 2008). Evaluation is the assessing, as systematically and objectively as possible, a completed project or programme (or a period of a progressing undertaking or program that has been finished) Evaluations assess information and data that illuminate key choices, in this way enhancing the venture or program later on unmistakably shown by (Yang, Sun and Martin, 2008). From the perspective of (Pfohl, 1986), assessments should make inferences around five fundamental parts of the mediation: pertinence, adequacy, effectiveness, effect, and maintainability. As the global network struggle to improve the advancement results at the nation level, new difficulties emerge in the act of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The ponder by (Mintzberg, 1994) trusts that the key arranging models for monitoring and evaluation of network-based undertakings of the 1970s, at last, failed in light of the fact that, they didn't recognize vital arranging and vital reasoning in monitoring and evaluation of network-based tasks. Citing to from (Miller, 1990), Citing from (Miller, 1990), and Mucai found in their research that the victories and strengths of some community-based projects can often be the cause of their future monitoring and evaluation strategic failure. A few journalists have clarified that despite the fact that numerous assets are put resources into the improvement of M;E frameworks, not every one of them really gets executed or regardless of whether they do, they are just in part actualized because of difficulties experienced amid usage (Groene and Branda 2006, 298). Mahmood et al (2011) indicated the intricacy and in addition poor understanding of M;E frameworks as one of the challenges experienced in its execution. In some cases, the implementation is described as being problematic, as issues such as improper operationalization of outcomes, makes it impossible to measure what is intended to be measured (Groene and Branda 2006, 299). Individual staff inside Organizations make varying understanding and assumptions about the M;E system and place different values on M;E, which results in various institutional rationales towards M;E framework and a more extensive hierarchical inability to quantify advance and think about results. There are additional difficulties among Organization in making an interpretation of wide authoritative objectives into particular task exercises, underscoring strains in execution and constraints in M;E practice (Catherine Benson Wahlà ©n 2014, pp. 77-88) The study by (RM Mthethwa, 2006) contend that; the primary challenges looked by numerous association is that the learning, abilities, and capability required for those aspiring and performing obligations identified with M;E of public projects is limited. Program authorities neglect to comprehend the significance of M;E at the neighbourhood government level of the different tasks. Along these lines, they have neglected to build up an institutional M;E framework (counting M;E designs, pointers and instruments). This uncovers albeit much has been accomplished as far as giving administrations to the larger part of recipients, much still should be done as far as preparing, workshops, exchange on M;E and how reasonable frameworks can be actualized at Organization level to upgrade service delivery. From (UNDP Evaluation site, 2011), its contend that there are a wide range of (delicate, hard and blended) factors that impact the achievement or disappointment of Monitoring and Evaluation system in network-based undertakings, going from the general population who convey or actualize the technique to the frameworks or systems set up for co-appointment and control. These variables should be distinguished and managed to guarantee productivity and viability in Monitoring and Evaluation arrangement of the network-based tasks as suggested by (John and Khilesh, 2008). A significant number of the tasks faces challenges in Monitoring and Evaluation of their activities because of numerous elements. This is as indicated by (Pfohl, 1986). According to Messah and Mucai in their paper, Factors Affecting the Implementation of Strategic Plans in Government Tertiary Institutions: A Survey of Selected Technical Training Institutes, as cited in(Finkelstein, 2003), maps four circumstances in which strategic planning for monitoring and evaluation of community-based projects failure is most likely to occur: Babbie and Mouton (2001, 342), in looking at dimensions of programme management and implementation, cited a number of issues that impact on the implementation of M;E systems. Issues raised include the competencies and abilities of the personnel who are to manage the implementation; the organizational structures available to create an enabling environment for the discharge of M;E duties, personality styles and attitudes of implementation staff (Babbie and Mouton 2001, 344). Despite these challenges, many organizations have begun to recognize the importance of M;E for two key reasons: accountability and improvement (Margoluis et al. 2009). Accountability-focused evaluation serves to ensure that organizations account financially for their activities and implement promised activities and usually stems from a formal process required by the donors. Improvement-focused evaluation aims to improve implementation and organizational, management or project effectiveness. This improvement- focused on understanding and challenges of M;E is the focus of these research. I define M;E as the process through which organizations evaluate their practices and outcomes according to their mission and objectives.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Distribution of Power Within Politics essays
Distribution of Power Within Politics essays "An argument against egalitarianism" The most prevalent sentiment of the times is summed up in one word and that is equality. At every level and on all fronts including political, social and economic, the egalitarian gospel has been asserted as the way the light the truth. The rights of the child are considered equal to those of the parent, the pupils to that of the teacher, Jack is as good as his master, a professor of economics political assessment judgement is neither superior nor inferior to that of an illiterate road labourer, each being provided with identical voting power. The obvious difference of nation, race and sex are nothing more than historic hangovers. It is instilled in us from childhood the great evil of inequality while paying no regard to individual differences. The thrust of broader educational guidance is towards a collective responsibility where children are not encouraged to excel so much as they are to fit in. When differences prevail they are condemned, so the All Black scoring a spectacular try hangs his head as he returns to the halfway mark in a facade of modesty and repentance for his individual assertiveness. The egalitarian sentiment underlines the thrusts and trends of this centuries changes in human relationships. Witness the outrage from the professional do-gooder social worker set, on behalf of the victim of societys inequalities lout who knocks over an old lady and steals her purse. The old lady is dismissed as a symbol of societys oppression whilst the thug, we are told, is uttering a cry for help. The do-gooders offer a flood of words and sometimes convincing arguments but as William Blake said He who would do good to another must do it in minute particulars. General good is the plea of the scoundrel, the hypocrite and the flatterer. The seed for equality was planted centuries ago but it was not until the mid...
Celiac Disease - Smart Custom Writing Samples
Celiac Disease - Smart Custom Writing Internal Communication.An undeniable fact one may claim is that we are all involved in every day communication process. Whether it is a chat on the phone with a friend, daily newspaper reading, TV watching, socializing in a family circle or at school, college or at workplace – that is all a continuous information interchange thus being communication. The work for each individual is an indispensible part of life. That is the self-realization and make-a-living field. The organization of proper environment the staff is involved in goes beyond doubt. It results in coherent and collaborative team work and their effective performance. Therefore in any profit-making business sphere or public relations area we anyhow deal with management practice. So, let’s get an insight into the inner nature of a company’s arrangement. Any business structure inevitably encounters some sorts of ‘roughnesses’ that is the problems connected with underestimation and/or lack of motivation and information awareness of some staff members. Such ‘impurities’ may provoke disunity and discord in vision and perception of the company’s main priorities, future perspectives, strategies etc. that constitute its key conception. Not of the least are the issues of personnel’s obscure and misleading comprehension of his or her own role in the whole company’s success-building machine. To tune up this whole mechanism sophisticated managerial tools are applied. Hence, we touch the notion of internal communication (IC). It comprises the company’s functional leverage of monitoring, motivating, encouraging and coordinating the work of employees. It reflects the prowess of elaborate management policy. Thus, we need to clarify and elucidate some aspects concerned with the internal communic ation practice. ‘Internal’ designates the very gist of the process on question. It generally implies not only socializing among each other, but also has a wider sense representing the visible result of the correlated and interconnected efforts of each participant. The relationships and attitudes among ‘senior’ and ‘junior’ members influence inner performance and matter a lot in shaping the image of a company outside. Here the IC is substantially helpful to reach the goals the governing body pursues. The work with personnel should not just envisage giving orders and expecting their dutiful fulfillment. This approach to dealing with staff is very delusive and lacks essentials – there must be a dialog between ‘boss’ and ‘subordinate’ in all levels of company’s operation. For the both sides to be mutually beneficial and their interests not to clash a special strategy is developed that contains certain aspects to be consid ered.  ‘To listen to’ aspect can’t be ignored. It’s essential that Human Resources Management (HRM) take into account employees’ viewpoints, ideas, suggestions, since it gives the staff a feeling of their direct involvement in the process. Collection, procession and distribution of information among employees regarding the state of business and possible current problems is meaningful to create overall awareness and advances respect and loyalty to a company. In this connection we speak about interconnectivity that can be achieved by internal communication means.  Every day in any organization a great deal of issues is discussed and devolved through briefings, conferences, meetings, forums etc. where the staff participants are actually present. Hence they are engaged in face-to-face communication. Another way to represent and deliver information is either by printed regulations, newsletters and brochures or electronically – e.g. e-mail, voice-mail, messaging and corporate net system called intranet. It’s evident that nowadays world everyday witnesses the impetuous technological progress which helps to optimize and maximize people’s work. With the emergence of Internet humans saw the increasing role of electronic communication that was marked by convenience and relative velocity in information exchange. The benefits are obvious. So, firms, organizations, companies and enterprises viewed the perspective of application the analogy of global web being limited to the boundaries of internal company’s structure – intranet. Virtually it is a private network that serves the function of data storage and its distribution among all employees. The access to the system is available only to staff and restricted to non-authorized persons. The intranet constrains the external entry by means of firewall and thus provides safety of net content. Since intranet exploits the same technologies and tools which are applicable in internet for the web and e-mail service and also file transfer, no extra time and efforts are necessary for the staff members to adapt and utilize the corporate net capacity. Another advantage that counts is also the enhanced efficiency that staff show which is obtained by prompt and easy access to the database. Apparently, it proves to be useful when dealing with complex project work that necessitates the interchange of ideas with partners and seeking for the information relevant to the work performed. Therefore it might be facilitating to use links to collect data, then discuss it online with project participants and so share the viewpoints. Such an example among other positive sides of internal web resource demonstrates its time-saving expediency. In addition, the work of line managers is supported and to an extent simplified, since the work net is constantly updated and replenished. Thus, there is no need for an employee to persistently bother a line or senior manager with minor and insignificant issues. This kind of information is always at disposal in the intranet. Alongside with the virtues there come vices. The implementation of this sort of systems appears to be costly. Small businesses are unlikely to design and bring into action sophisticated intranets as compared to big corporations. Programming, design, constant upgrading inevitably requires investment. Unfortunately, another hindrance seems to be quite significant. We can’t but agree that however elaborate and well-programmed the network can be it is still exposed to insecurity ( Wireless/Networking). Computer tampering may be regarded as a contemporary problem number one in electronic communication. Moreover, considering a modern arena of leadership and competition not always sound actions are undertaken. The competitors may resort to tricks in attempts to fish out the information they can get advantage of. On the grounds of the mentioned pros and cons we can arrive at conclusion that in future for the intranet as the internal communication tool to become more secure it’s essential to pay thorough attention to the company’s R D activities in search of more failsafe and reliable information guarding. Concerning the whole internal communication practice we should emphasize the importance of psychological aspect in recruiting personnel and scrutinizing their relevance to the position and the end-result of their work. A special team of professional psychologists and analysts is able to timely reveal and prevent the possible deviation of some individuals from the main policy. That will immensely contribute to foresee the leak of information and hidden intensions of intranet users in case they turn out to be not true members of the team but possible spies. Thereby, to avoid malfunction and make the whole mechanism work in accord the constituents matter a lot.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
History of Ethics Violations in Congress
History of Ethics Violations in Congress Back-to-back charges against two veteran members of Congress in the summer of 2010 cast an unflattering light on the Washington establishment and its historic inability to mete out justice among members who stray beyond ethical boundaries they helped to draw. In July of 2010, the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct charged U.S. Representative. Charles B. Rangel, a Democrat from New York, with 13 violations, including failing to pay taxes on rental income he received from his villa in the Dominican Republic. Also in that year, the Office of Congressional Ethics charged U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, a Democrat from California, with allegedly using her office to provide assistance to a bank in which her husband owned stock to ask for federal government bailout money. The potential for highly publicized trials in both cases raised the question: How often has Congress expelled one its own? The answer is–not very. Types of Punishment There are several major types of punishment members of Congress can face: Expulsion The most serious of penalties is provided for in Article I, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution, which states that each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Such moves are considered matters of self-protection of the integrity of the institution. Censure A less severe form of discipline, censure does not remove representatives or senators from office. Instead, it is a formal statement of disapproval that can have a powerful psychological effect on a member and his relationships. The House, for example, requires members being censured to stand at the well of the chamber to receive a verbal rebuke and reading of the censure resolution by the Speaker of the House. Reprimand Used by the House, a reprimand is considered a lesser level of disapproval of the conduct of a member than that of a censure, and is thus a less severe rebuke by the institution. A resolution of reprimand, unlike a censure, is adopted by a vote of the House with the member standing in his place, according to House rules. Suspension Suspensions involve a prohibition on a member of the House from voting on or working on legislative or representational matters for a particular time. But according to congressional records, the House has in recent years questioned its authority to disqualify or mandatorily suspend a member. History of House Expulsions Only five members have been expelled in the history of the House, the most recent being U.S. Representative James A. Traficant Jr. of Ohio, in July of 2002. The House expelled Traficant after he was convicted of receiving favors, gifts, and money in return for performing official acts on behalf of the donors, as well as getting salary kickbacks from staff. The only other House member to be expelled in modern history is U.S. Rep. Michael J. Myers of Pennsylvania. Myers was expelled in October of 1980 following a bribery conviction for accepting money in return for his promise to use influence in immigration matters in the so-called ABSCAM sting operation run by the FBI. The remaining three members were expelled for disloyalty to the union by taking up arms for the Confederacy against the United States in the Civil War. History of Senate Expulsions Since 1789, the Senate has expelled only 15 of its members, 14 of which had been charged with support of the Confederacy during the Civil War. The only other U.S. senator to be kicked out of the chamber was William Blount of Tennessee in 1797 for anti-Spanish conspiracy and treason. In several other cases, the Senate considered expulsion proceedings but either found the member not guilty or failed to act before the member left office. In those cases, corruption was the primary cause of complaint, according to Senate records. For example, U.S. Sen. Robert W. Packwood of Oregon was charged with the Senate ethics committee with Sexual misconduct and abuse of power in 1995. The Committee on Ethics recommended that Packwood be expelled for abuse of his power as a senator by repeatedly committing sexual misconduct and by engaging in a deliberate ... plan to enhance his personal financial position by seeking favors from persons who had a particular interest in legislation or issues that he could influence. Packwood resigned, however, before the Senate could expel him. In 1982, U.S. Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr. of New Jersey was charged by the Senate ethics committee with ethically repugnant conduct in the ABSCAM scandal, for which he was convicted of conspiracy, bribery, and conflict of interest. He, too, resigned before the Senate could act on his punishment.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
8 Hilarious Truck Signs Spotted On the Road
8 Hilarious Truck Signs Spotted On the Road 1. Straight and to the point!â€Å"Don’t Like Trucks? Stop Buying Shit. Problem Solved!†2. You better check yourself, before your car wreck yourself.â€Å"This Vehicle Makes Wide Ass Turns†3. Got Milk?â€Å"Keep Back 500 FT. We Aren’t Hauling Milk!†4. Bonus point on being as smelly as a regular school bus!â€Å"Caution, Stool Bus†5. It’s always funny to give Kanye a bad rap.â€Å"Chicago’s Best Wrappers. Sorry Kanye†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 6. Really? I did not know that†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Packing Tape Should Not Be Used For Painful Practical Jokes.†7. Time is still tough for truck driversâ€Å"Driver carries less than $50 cash and is fully naked†8. Mmmh, thanks for the heads up.â€Å"If you want to get past, you had better be fast, because I’ve got a truck, and I don’t give a **ck!†All images via
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Beethovens Hair Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Beethovens Hair - Research Paper Example Along with these theories of Beethoven’s music composition style, number of theories are being put forward and even tested by the researchers on what exactly caused deafness in him. It was around 1800s, by the age of 26, when Beethoven began lose hearing in both his ears. Initially, he suffered from a serious form of ear disease called Tinnitus, because of which he mainly heard ‘ringing’ sound in his ears, thereby making it difficult for him to hear the music. Then, over time, mainly around early 1820s, his hearing loss became more intense, with Beethoven not able to even acknowledge the tumultuous applause, which he received from a huge crowd at a concert, as he was not facing the crowd and mainly because he was not able to hear it. (Colles and Grove). Although, he gave up conducting public concerts, he continued to compose and that resulted in many of his celebrated works. The exact cause of his deafness is unknown, but based on the study of old literature and importantly on the current researches being conducted by prestigious institutions, certain probable causes are being put forward. In addition, the recovery of Beethoven’s hair and advanced testing of it including Forensic testing have unlocked details about various facets of his life, particularly the physical as well as social factors, which could have contributed to his deafness. â€Å"Scientists tested a lock of Beethovens hair in hopes that, at last, the world would have explanation for the composers deafness.†(Martin and Nibley 30). Before this testing was done, various causes was attributed to his hearing loss and that included otosclerosis or abnormal growth of bone in his inner ear, typhus, syphilis and lead poisoning. Among these four causes, the first two were discounted earlier or could not be proved, with the later two being discussed through current researches. Otoscl erosis is a disease which happens when there is â€Å"new bone formation either in the area of
Unit operation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Unit operation - Essay Example The feed plate is the 10th tray from the top of the column. The height of the column is 21m above ground level. The minimum number of trays are required at total reflux is 18. The column diameter in the enriching section is 1.005 m and the column diameter in the stripping section is 1.39 m. The below feed is bigger than above with an average column diameter. The biggest diameter was selected of 1.39 m as an estimation of the overall column diameter. The type of tray used in this distillation design was Sieve trays. It singly passes liquid flow across. The tray is 5 mm thick and spaced 0.45 m apart. Every tray contains 5888 active holes with diameter 5 mm in each at a hole pitch of 13.5 mm. The pressure drop across each tray is approximately 1.22 kPa, resulting to a total pressure drop down the column of 36.6 kPa. This is insignificant and the total column is considered to be operating at the atmospheric pressure. The saturated feed enters at 103ËšC while temperatures at the top and bottom of the column are 100.86ËšC and 117.48ËšC, respectively. The total condenser used is a double pipe heat exchanger with a duty of 2417.85 kW while a horizontal thermosyphon partial re-boiler with a duty of 1495.32 kW was chosen. The method used in designing the distillation column is the McCabe-Thiel Method and design method outlined in Coulson and Richardson. An assumption of constant molar overflow (CMO) is made in this design.However; it was not an accurate assumption to make as it results in a significant error in the calculations. A summary of the key findings of the design is as illustrated in the flow diagram on page 2. 6.2. The reflux calculations are limited by the equilibrium data and on the assumption of CMO. The optimum reflux ratio is selected in correspondence to the lowest operating cost of the column. Hence if either of these assumptions are incorrect or the true optimum reflux ratio deviates
Friday, November 1, 2019
Standards and Standardization Research Paper Essay
Standards and Standardization Research Paper - Essay Example The international method and schemes that are used are applied to the methods and processes used for the creation and maintenance of content, the specific tools used for content creation and maintenance and the interoperability of the contents. The implementation of international standards and other standardization procedures has the effect of reducing the risks that may be met as well as improving the quality of goods and services that may be offered consequently improving an economy as well as the welfare of the society as a whole. Economists propose a mode of categorization of standards that can be based on the economic effects that come across that is useful in the analysis of both the economic forces that determine standardization as well as the impacts of the standardization. Therefore, it can be authoritatively argued that any standard enhances trade as they reduce asymmetries in information, show the consumers that there is quality and create a common basis of discussion for the partners involved in trade that has an effect in the reduction of costs incurred in transaction (Estevadeordal, Suominen and Teh 2009, p.251). International standards can be used to facilitate trade in terms of imports while national standards are essential in protecting domestic suppliers from competition from foreign markets and through this; consumers are protected as well as reduced costs for companies. In addition, due to the fact that industries rely more on a network of suppliers and differentiated value chains, international standards are an important element in the assessing the quality of products and the reduction of risks to both consumers and the suppliers. Swann (2010) states that there is a positive relationship between international standards and standardization of exports or imports whereby for national standards, the results are inconclusive while internationally it affects trade and the economies depending on their design and mode of implementation (Swann 2010 , p.6). Standardization is a voluntary, consensus-driven activity carried out by all interested parties and along with the code of mutually recognizing others, it plays a noteworthy role in the in the proper running of both the internal and international markets. Harmonization of standards helps ensure that there is a free movement of merchandises within the national and international markets thus making the businesses or enterprises to be more competitive in the market (Chrisdoulaki 2010, p.5). The standards set up by different criteria of standardization has got the beneficial effect of protecting the health and the safety of consumers of the products offered in the market place whether locally or internationally as well as the protection of the environment in which we live in. National/international Product Certification schemes Canadian Standards Association (CSA) The Standards Council of Canada whose main task is to improve and promote efficient as well as effective standardiza tion procedures for products and services used within Canada and internationally has accredits the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). It conducts both standardization and certification after which it awards the CSA certification mark when products meet the required safety and performance levels in its fifty-seven areas of operation. Within the arm bit of CSA group is the CSA International that tests
Much Ado About Nothing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Much Ado About Nothing - Assignment Example As Boggs and Dennis (46) said â€Å"Much Ado about Nothing†is an interesting film that mirrors Shakespeare’s poetic and an all-encompassing entertaining prowess. I would recommend the film to any individual who wants to have a view of the 16th century literature redone with modern aesthetics and presented as film. As Landrum (751) said, Dogberry is the constable manning the Watch. The chief law enforcement officer of Messina is relatively honest and demonstrates a high level of seriousness in executing his policing tasks. However, his habit of employing incorrect terms to communicate is what differentiates his portrayal in the script and in the film. In the text his actions are not well defined, but with Nathan Fillion acting as Dogberry, viewers are effectively treated to a great drama surrounding the character’s â€Å"wrongful†choice of words. The film actor is known for turning his rather distracting approach (in the text) to an elaborate sense of parody in the film. In Act II, Scene III, the garden scene features the practice of a new ploy that can only be captured in film and not any other forms of art. Don Pedro, Leonato and Claudio persuade Benedick that Beatrice loves him. The romanticist trickery seems to be bearing a fruit when Benedick buys the idea. The character is of the opinion that he is spying on his comrades, but, because his presence is no longer a secret, they intentionally raise their voices to be heard. The romanticist drama created by Leonato, Don Pedro, and Claudio as they attempt to suppress their laughter about the possibility of Beatrice breaking down under the weight of her emotional attachment to Benedick depicts blind romance between the two characters, which unlike other forms of art, filmic trickery helps to connect (Landrum 785). In the subsequent Act III, scene I, Hero and Ursula pull a trick upon Beatrice, which surprisingly blinds her just the same way as Claudio and Don
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