Friday, August 28, 2020
American Spending Patterns Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
American Spending Patterns - Research Paper Example These progressions are frequently activated by significant life occasions, a portion of these life occasions incorporate finding a new line of work, getting hitched, having youngsters or retirement. Our examination of spending matters should concentrate on the accompanying gatherings of American individuals College Kids Young Married Couples Families with small kids Families with youngsters Older couples whose kids have moved out Retirees We will likewise inspect the effect hard monetary occasions have had on the spending examples of Americans. The rising vulnerability and expanding joblessness has likely has a huge effect and we will investigate its implications in the finishing up pages of this report to guarantee that a wide and comprehensive picture is given. Reference Person Factor: It is fascinating to take note of that 26% of the nation’s shopper units have a reference individual younger than 35, and they establish around 23% of the yearly purchaser spending. Interestin gly, family units headed by individuals matured 65 or above establish just 15 percent of the yearly spending regardless of making up 20% of the complete families. Family units that are driven by people matured somewhere in the range of 35 and 64 comprise 53 percent of the populace and record for 63 percent of the yearly buyer spending. School Kids Spending Habits: College spending is impacted altogether by marking (McCullough). Brands are a significant piece of the cognizant and subliminal dynamic procedure of youthful school kids. This conduct is to a great extent an aftereffect of a tendency towards intriguing friends and making an enduring effect. The condition of the youthful American outlook can be summed up by their propensity towards marked pants, to such an extent that they are happy to pay $150 for a couple, school ladies conveying $500 Louis Vutton sacks, and men wearing $300 Gucci Belts (McCullough). An enormous piece of this conduct is affected by the omnipresent gatheri ngs that understudies will in general go to nowadays. Regularly, understudies who burn through several dollars on purchasing stuff for one gathering rehash the equivalent for another gathering the very fnext end of the week. The dread that individuals will perceive recently worn benefits, prompting rants or belittlement drives understudies to make a special effort to make superfluous buys. Shopping is likewise viewed as a remarkable type of treatment; understudies feeling discouraged, miserable, or unconcerned go to shopping to cause themselves to feel better. This is an interesting open door for advertisers to gain by; it’s not that understudies have the need, they go out on the town to shop when they feel like. Other than expanding spending on garments, understudies are additionally progressively slanted towards spending exceptionally on cheap food and most recent hardware, including devices, for example, cell phones and tablets. Understudies, who can manage the cost of a v ehicle, are likewise spending their cash on them. A significant element of understudy spending is that they are for the most part spending more than they win, as per a study led by Alloy Media and Marketing (McCullough). A noteworthy part of understudy spending is done on food, anyway the rest of spent on mobile phone administration, diversion and garments. It is sheltered to state that media and VIPs are affecting understudy conduct considerably. The craving of getting as adequate and cool as famous people drives understudies, who can stand to, to purchase costly fashioner garments and attire. Television programs show a great deal of lavish way of life. There are a few unscripted TV dramas that delineate such ways of life and for any individual who can manage the cost of such extravagances, it turns into a need. Understudy spending on style and food has prompted rising degree of obligation
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
John Whites drawing and Theodore De Bry engravings
Presentation In 1585, John White drove the third Raleigh-financed journey to Roanoke Island; in an endeavor arranged by Sir Walter Raleigh known as the bombed settlement of Roanoke. The city of Raleigh situated in Central North Carolina, is named after Sir Walter Raleigh, who very set his foot there. He anyway â€Å"encouraged the settlement of North Carolina, and assumed an extraordinary job in advocating the New World’s potatoes and tobacco in England and Ireland†(Bry 1).Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on John White’s drawing and Theodore De Bry etchings explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More John White reported his excursion with watercolor pictures of the local individuals he experienced and a portion of the scenes and material products of their lives so when he came back to England he could show what he had seen. A distributer by the name Theodore De Bry later on made etchings of some of White’s pictures to be remember ed for Harriot’s book. This paper will examine the progressions made on White’s work by Bry, hidden reasons and proposals for the changes. Town Of Pomeiooc Description John white painted a â€Å"bird’s eye perspective on an Algonkian town, situated between the current Lake Landing and Wyesocking Bay, on his 1585 visit to the Carolina coast,†(Hulton and Quinn 1964) be that as it may, Theodore De Bry, engraved a plate known as ‘The appearance of the Englishmen in Virginia’ which speaks to the guide of North Carolina arranged toward the west. Without a doubt, as per Hulton and Quinn (1964) the guide shows â€Å"part of Pamlico Sound, Roanoke Island, the mouth of Albemarle Sound and the Alligator River, and part of Currituck Sound with the Carolina Outer Banks, separated into six islands.†Variations between Theodore De Bry Engraving and Drawing by John White coming up next are the significant varieties between Theodore de Bry etching and drawing by john white. Fundamentally, work of Bry has some critical changes whatever White had made, with the back access to the palisade being overlooked, augmented posts and a hexagonal ground plan for the house that had dome. Also, in spite of the fact that he didn't exactly make noteworthy minor departure from occupation limit, Bry thought that it was appropriate to draw a trees foundation just as drawing cornfield, and sunflower and a little lake to one side and right of the image separately. In addition, the drawing of the Indians contrast as Bry chose to introduce two of them drawing water â€Å"using hemispherical vessels with circle handles,†while the engravement additionally remembers an edge for the forefront with plants developing on it (Hulton and Quinn 1964) The Reasons De Bry Might Have Had for Making those Changes De Bry needed to relate his etching all the more near the lost variation from which White made his drawing. At the distributing time, De Bry could have rolled out certain improvements by looking at B. Sloane duplicate plate 81 with that of John White. Prior to distribution, De Bry could have perused the historical backdrop of Algonkian town, which may have affected his decision of variations.Advertising Looking for exposition on history? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to the depictions given by a large portion of the individuals who expounded on Carolina Algonkians, the shafts drawn by White were around right yet they were excessively generally dispersed. As indicated by a reference house at Roanoak with five rooms, white shows nothing practically identical (Deak and Birmingham Public Library 1992). Indian Woman and Young Girl Description John White drew an image of a lady remaining to the forward looking half right, and to her left side there is a youngster confronting half left. She is in a cover skirt of bordered skin, long hair got at the scruff of her ne ck, a headband, a dab neckband on her neck and on her abdomen where her correct hand is pushed, some painted or inked adornments on her brow, chick, jawline, and upper arms, and a huge container watch formed vessel on her left hand. Her tallness exactly at the woman’s midriff, the young lady wears an accessory, â€Å"a tongue like pendant on her correct hand, a strap and a doll on her left hand†(Hulton and Quinn 1964). Varieties between Theodore De Bry Engraving and Drawing by John White In De Bry etching, certain varieties made incorporate giving the lady her correct foot just before her left foot while the young lady is running towards the left holding a doll on her left hand. The distinction with White’s drawing is that the young lady is fixed at the left half of the lady †not running (Hulton and Quinn 1964). Also, Bry rolled out different improvements by expelling the headband from the lady and changing the area of tattoo marks from the jawline to the calves notwithstanding adding an additional string to the girl’s neckband and expelling a pendant from the equivalent. The Reasons De Bry Might Have Had for Making those Changes During his season of distributing, Theodore De Bry had at his introduction the account by Thomas Harriot and the drawing by John White in this manner he rolled out certain improvements from the story through examination. He may have rolled out certain improvements from the historical backdrop of the spot from different sources or from its exhibition halls and files. Ramifications of the Modifications The changes made by De Bry in his etchings gives the peruser a more extensive perspective on the historical backdrop of Algonkian town in North Carolina. One will in general expect that De Bry had done what's necessary exploration before he distributed Harriot’s book implying that he was attempting to consummate White’s drawings.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on John Whiteâ €™s drawing and Theodore De Bry inscriptions explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Bry, Theodore D. John White’s endeavor to protect the Roanoke settlers. N.d. 16 October 2010. Deak, Gloria-Gilda and Birmingham Public Library. Finding America’s Southeast: a sixteenth century see dependent on the mannerist etchings of Theodore de Bry. Birmingham, Birmingham Public Library Press. 1992 Hulton, Paul and Quinn, David B. American Drawings of John White.1964.16 October 2010. This article on John White’s drawing and Theodore De Bry etchings was composed and put together by client Lee Ellison to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Giuseppe Garibaldi Giuseppe GaribaldiBook activityHe arranged the unification of Italy. He was condemned to death yet he scaped to South America. At the point when he was living in South America 1836-1848 he partook in the war against of argentina battling with Uruguay. Giuseppe Garibaldi was Italy's best trooper . He paricipated in the Risorgimiento, the risorgimento was a nationalistic development that planed the freedom. He had a little armed force which he controlled from montevideo.After he was in South America he went to the United States and North Africa. The living in the two continets caused him to acquire the name of (saint of the 2 worlds).He could come back to Italy in the year 1854. Piedemonte was battling a war against austria which Garibaldi helped him battle. He succeded against the Austrians in Milan. and furthermore against the french powers. The Papal states announced him a legend. He served in the military of Sardinia, in the mean time he was impacted by the prophet of nationalism.E nglish: arribaldi Garibaldi taken in Naples, Ita...In 1860 he began a revolt, to catch Sicily and Naples. He dint like Italian nonconformists and he needed to extend the domain of sardinis. A person called Premier Cavour was the central priest of Sardinia and of ruler Emanuel II. They were the main ones who upheld him and the main ones who helped him, since he had no help from the legislature. In this time he was administering Sardinia. Chief Cavour and King Emanuel II were possibly going to support him on the off chance that he demonstrated that he was succesfull. He arived at marsala, sicily, declaring himself despot utilizing the name,Victor Emanuel. He accompanied 1000 Red shirts. At that point he battled on the Volturno River. Ha additionally deafeted at the clash of Calatafimi, his soldiers deafeted the military of the ruler of Naples. The greatest skirmish of...
Barrier is something Essay
Unit 18 What is boundary? An obstruction is something that gets into the way or prevents something else from occurring. As we as a whole know, correspondence is an outrageous complex advancement. What's more, on the off chance that one individual thinks that its difficult to get subject or to compose or even talk successfully about it, that individual can't be certain that his/her significance has been gotten precisely. This loss of significance which may square correspondence is regularly called Barrier. There are 3 primary manners by which correspondence can be blocked: 1. On the off chance that an individual can't see, hear, or get the message 2. On the off chance that an individual can't understand the message 3. On the off chance that an individual misjudges the messages 1. Individual can't see, hear, or get the message. Visual inability Hearing inability Ecological issues â€(noise) Talking from excessively far 2. Individual can't comprehend the message. Diverse language are being utilized, including gesture based communication Individuals utilizing various terms, for example, slang web or content language One of the speakers has physical or acumen inability, for example, memory misfortune or learning Dysfunction. 3. Individual misconstrues the message. Social distinction: various societies decipher non-verbal and verbal and humor, in various ways Assumptions about individuals: suppositions about race, sexual orientation, incapacities and so on can prompt generalizing and misconstruing Emotional Difference, exceptionally furious or extremely cheerful individuals may misjudge what is said think regarding mockery Social challenge: discussion and non-verbal messages comprehended by dear companion may not be comprehend by outsiders. Physical hindrances A physical hindrance to correspondence Is something in the encompassing that prevents the individual from speaking with other. For instance if where the discussion is held might be uproarious. Impairmentsvc A few people will haveimpairments that can prevent them from correspondence for instance on the off chance that they can't see,hear,or talk. Enthusiastic variables Passionate factor can influence the manner in which we speak with others for instance, absence of help/absence of trust, afraid,feeling happy,feeling sad,low self-estee/or over/under sure. Diverse language A few people may not communicate in a similar language as you and along these lines you may experience issues seeing each other Jargon Language is when individuals utilize specialized words. The utilization of language can be mistaking for other to comprehend.
Brief Overview of The Freedmens Bureau
Brief Overview of The Freedmens Bureau The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, otherwise called the Freedmen’s Bureau was set up in 1865 to help recently liberated African-Americans and uprooted whites following the Civil War. The Freedmen’s Bureau furnished liberated African-Americans and whites with cover, food, business help, and training. The Freedmen’s Bureau is viewed as the principal government organization gave to the social government assistance of Americans.â For what reason was the Freedmen's Bureau Established? In February of 1862, abolitionist and writer George William Curtis kept in touch with the Treasury Department proposing that a government organization be built up to support in the past oppressed individuals. The next month, Curtis distributed an article upholding for such an organization. Thus, abolitionists, for example, Francis Shaw started campaigning for such an organization. Both Shaw and Curtis helped Senator Charles Sumner draft the Freedmen’s Bill-one of the initial steps to setting up the Freedmen’s Bureau. Following the Civil War, the South was devastatedfarms, railways, and streets had all been wrecked, and there were an expected 4,000,000 African-Americans who had been liberated at this point had no food or safe house. Many were likewise ignorant and needed to go to school.â Congress set up the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. This office was otherwise called the Freedmen’s Bureau in March 1865. Made as an employment office, the Freedmen’s Bureau was a piece of the War Department, which was going by General Oliver Otis Howard. Giving help to both African-Americans and whites who were dislodged following the Civil War, the Freedmen’s Bureau offered cover, fundamental clinical consideration, work help and instructive services.â Andrew Johnson's Opposition to the Freedmen's Bureau Only one year after its foundation, Congress passed another Freedmen’s Bureau Act. Subsequently, the Freedmen’s Bureau was not just going to introduce for an additional two years, however the U.S. Armed force was directed to secure the social equality of African-Americans in previous Confederate states. Be that as it may, previous President Andrew Johnsonâ vetoed the bill. Not long after Johnson sent Generals John Steedman and Joseph Fullerton to visit destinations of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The motivation behind the generals’ visit was to uncover that the Freedmen’s Bureau was fruitless. All things considered, numerous southern African-Americans bolstered the Freedmen’s Bureau due to the guide and assurance provided.â Congress passed the Freedmen’s Bureau Act for the second time in July of 1866. Despite the fact that Johnson vetoed the demonstration once more, Congress abrogated his activity. Accordingly, the Freedmen’s Bureau Act became law.â What Other Obstacles Did the Freedmen's Bureau Face? Regardless of the assets that the Freedmen’s Bureau had the option to give to recently liberated African-Americans and uprooted whites, the office confronted numerous issues. The Freedmen’s Bureau never got enough financing to accommodate individuals out of luck. What's more, the Freedmen’s Bureau just had an expected 900 specialists all through southern states. Furthermore, notwithstanding the restriction that Johnson introduced in the presence of the Freedmen’s Bureau, white southerners spoke to their political agents at the neighborhood and state levels to end crafted by the Freedmen’s Bureau. Simultaneously, many white northerners contradicted giving help exclusively to African-Americans following the Civil War.â What Led to the Demise of the Freedmen's Bureau? In July of 1868, Congress passed a law that shut the Freedmen’s Bureau. By 1869, General Howard had finished the majority of the projects related with the Freedmen’s Bureau. The main program that stayed in activity was its instructive services. The Freedmen’s Bureau shut totally in 1872. Following the end of the Freedmen’s Bureau, editorialist George William Curtis composed, No establishment was perpetually significantly important, and none has been all the more useful. Additionally, Curtis concurred with the contention that the Freedmen’s Bureau had deflected a â€Å"war of races,†which permitted the South to remake itself following the Civil War.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hate emerging from ignorance Free Essays
Our present reality is loaded up with mayhem and detest rising up out of obliviousness. I feel we need to assume individual liability to cultivate harmony and support agreement to make the world a progressively neighborly spot. As Mahatma Gandhi’s saying goes â€Å"be the change you need to find in the world†, I wish to roll out an improvement that would affect our future. We will compose a custom paper test on Detest rising up out of obliviousness or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now I accept that training is one of the most significant apparatuses required to achieve this. An informed psyche would positively be better prepared to settle on the correct choice when confronted with an ethical clash. Individuals need to comprehend that we are no different, independent of how we show up outwardly. Training would enable an individual to comprehend the world better and could kill bigotry.  Hence, I think about a chance to work in an assorted domain with individuals from various societies and financial foundations to be a groundbreaking encounter. I trust being a corps part in ‘Teach for America’ would offer me a chance to share thoughts and edify myself by cooperating with individuals who share basic qualities. I am a solid adherent to human nobility and anticipate that everybody should be treated with due regard. I feel that the world can't turn into a reasonable spot without everybody given equivalent access to training. I accept that adding to an option that could be greater than me would give my life more reason. Subsequently, I need to enable the oppressed to learn and come up throughout everyday life. Notwithstanding, this objective can't be acknowledged for the time being as it requires cautious arranging, organized usage and consistent assessment for additional improvement. I have figured out how to keep up a decent record all through my scholastic profession by practicing steadiness and commitment. I have an affinity for working in groups and accept that we can achieve more on the off chance that we share duties. I likewise see myself as an individual who will consistently support what I accept is correct and express my dispute when I feel something isn't right. I keep up an uplifting standpoint towards life in any event, during hardships, which causes me center around things that should be done in the present as opposed to agonizing over the past. I have strived difficult to incorporate these great qualities in all parts of my life and plan to do likewise in my expert profession too. I look for monstrous delight in helping others, particularly the ones that frantically need assistance. It makes my heart yearn to see individuals in our affluent country endure without food and legitimate consideration. I will take the necessary steps to resuscitate this circumstance. I emphatically feel that our people in the future must be engaged by higher figuring out how to achieve this respectable aim. I accept that making child strides towards change will in the end add to something greater and significant. I trust every one of these characteristics of mine will basically add flavor to your corps network. I would think of it as a fantastic respect on the off chance that I am acknowledged to fill in as a corps part and guarantee to place in the entirety of my heart in the entirety of my interests. Step by step instructions to refer to Hate rising up out of obliviousness, Papers
Vinegar as Alternative Battery
Vinegar as Alternative Battery An Investigatory Project Presented to The Faculty of the High School Department Surigao Education Center Km. 2, Surigao City _______________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Physics IV _______________________________________________ By: Edradan, Dhaniel Jefferson Yaun, Mary Allyssa Concon, Leonel Galos, Jancirfil Jimena, Rimar Villarojo, Kerr March 2013 APPROVAL SHEET Vinegar as Alternative BatteryPrepared and Submitted by MARY ALLYSSA YAUN, DHANIEL JEFFERSON EDRADAN, LEONEL CONCON, JANCIRFIL GALOS, RIMAR JIMENA, KERR VILLAROJO has been analyzed and is suggested for endorsement and acknowledgment for ORAL EXAMINATION. GIOVANNI P. DOSANO Adviser â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€- PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVED by the board on ORAL EXAMINATION with the evaluation of__ on February 2013. ZALDY P. BELOY, Ph. D _______________ ______________ Member ___________________Memb er ACCEPTANCE in incomplete satisfaction of the prerequisites for SCIENCE IV Acknowledgment There are many individuals the analysts would wish to thank for their liberal and unselfish assistance in acknowledgment of this examination. Above all else, Almighty God for giving the specialists the persistence and steadiness to handle the examination; To their folks who gave them their full help, monetarily and ethically. To Sir Giovanni Dosano, who turned into the specialists incredible and truly investigate paper counsel who quietly helped and empower them finish the study.The scientists salute for the persistent assistance and direction. Also, most particularly, Sir Zaldy P. Beloy, Ph. D. for helping the analysts to get change and accentuate the significance of the examination. List of chapters Title Pagei Approval Sheetii Acknowledgementiii Abstractiv Table of Contentsvi CHAPTER I: THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction4 Review and Related literature5 Statement of t he Problem5 Significance of the Study5 Scope of Limitations5 Definition of Terms7-8 CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY Research Design9 Materials9 General Procedure9-10 Observation10Flow Chart of Methodology11 CHAPTER III: RESULTS AND ANALYSIS CHAPTER IV: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary13 Findings13 Conclusion13 Recommendation13 References14 APPENDICES15 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction We all realize that the world is currently confronting a vitality emergency and everybody is attempting to take care of that. Presently you can show everybody that electrical vitality or power can be produced using air and vinegar. All things considered, vinegar are openly accessible all over. Battery is a gadget that changes over substance vitality legitimately to electrical energy.It comprises of various voltaic cells; every voltaic cell comprises of twoâ half-cellsconnected in arrangement by a conductive electrolyte containing anions and cations. One half-c ell incorporates electrolyte and the cathode to whichâ anionsâ (negatively charged particles) relocate, I. e. , theâ anodeâ or negative anode; the other half-cell incorporates electrolyte and the cathode to whichâ cationsâ (positively charged particles) move, I. e. , the cathodeâ or po sitive anode. In theâ redoxâ reaction that controls the battery, cations are diminished (electrons are included) at the cathode, while anions are oxidized (electrons are expelled) at the anode.The terminals don't contact one another yet are electrically associated by theâ electrolyte. A few cells utilize two half-cells with various electrolytes. A separator between half-cells permits particles to stream, however forestalls blending of the electrolytes. Vinegar is an answer of acidic corrosive and water. Acids give H+ particles into an answer. The convergence of these particles is the thing that decides if an answer is a solid electrolyte (conductor) or a powerless one. Since vinegar has a lo w centralization of acidic acid(about 5%) it just has a pH of just ~2. 4 as is a feeble acid.Review of Related Literature According to Doctor Sergey expressed that vinegar have heaps of electronic magnet cells that can on the grounds that power will little megabytes. During the experimentation, the analysts discovered that 4 bits of calamodins are sufficient to light a specific bulb. It is additionally discovered that a coin which is hot copper and copper wires are not the suitable materials in making the test. Rather than the materials referenced utilized the copper coin and crocodile wire. The electrifies nail additionally matter in lightning the bulb. Utilize the 1. inches excited nail to adjusted the progression of the current. Articulation of the Problem The specialists meant to answer the accompanying: 1. What amount of measure of vinegar that can make the light radiating diode bulb light? 2. Would vinegar be able to bean elective battery? Hugeness of the Study This movement i s finished by the analyst with a significant reason. This movement is propelled exclusively for the Fourth Year High school understudies of Surigao Education Center. Extension and Limitations This investigation concentrated distinctly on business vinegar as an elective wellspring of vitality. Meaning of Terms Battery †a gadget comprising of one or moreâ electrochemical cellsâ that convert put away chemicalâ energyâ into electrical vitality. * Vinegar †a fluid substance comprising chiefly ofâ acetic acid (CH3CO2H) andâ water, the acidic corrosive being created through theâ fermentationâ ofâ ethanol byâ acetic corrosive microorganisms. * Electricity †is the arrangement of physical marvels related with the nearness and stream ofâ electric charge. * Acids †is a substance which responds with aâ base * Electric Source †aâ physical propertyâ ofâ matterâ that makes it experience aâ forceâ when close to other electrically charged issue. Feline par ticle †the particle in an electrolyzed arrangement that moves to the cathode;â broadlyâ :â a decidedly charged particle * Anion †the particle in an electrolyzed arrangement that moves to the anode;â broadlyâ :â a contrarily charged particle | * Anode †the terminal of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation happens: as * Cathode † the cathode of an electrochemical cell at which decrease happens: * Current †a progression of power * Voltage †electric potential or potential contrast communicated inâ volts * Galvanized Nail †Galvanizedâ nails are an exceptional sort ofâ nailâ used in construction.They have experienced a unique galvanizationâ process, which includes covering them with aâ zincâ coating so as to frame a defensive hindrance. This boundary likewise fills in as aâ sacrificial anode, which implies the covering will break down before the metal inside does, if the hindrance itself gets harmed. * Copper Wire †Copperâ has been utilized inâ electric wiringâ since the development of theâ electromagnetâ and theâ telegraphâ in the 1820s. The innovation of theâ telephoneâ in 1876 made further interest for copper wire as an electrical channel. Section II METHODOLOGY Research DesignThe distinct and trial configuration was utilized in this examination. Materials/Equipment * Vinegar (Commercial) * 1 meter Alligator Wires * 1. 5 inch Galvanized Nails * 1. 5 inch Copper wires * Tape * 2 Cups * Led bulb General Procedure A. Readiness on Materials 1. Plan and check all the materials required B. Set up the readied materials 1. Offer first the vinegar in quite a while 2. Fill the cups with vinegar 3. At that point place a sort at the highest point of the cups at that point put two unique openings C. Interfacing the wires 1. Join the aroused nail and copper wires both side. Try not to permit the copper wire and aroused nail contact one another. . Join the gator wire to the copper wires and excited nails 3. A ppend the croc clasp to the bulb and it will illuminate. C1. Perception C2. Assortment of Data C3. Classification C4. Assessment C5. End Flow Chart of Methodology Conclusion Tabulation Collection of Data Evaluation Observation Experimentation Setting up the Prepare Materials Preparation CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table. 1 TRIAL| AMOUNT OF VINEGAR| OBSERVATION| 1| 200 ml| The drove bulb haven’t delivered light| 2| 400 ml| The drove bulb still haven’t created light| 3| 800 ml| The drove bulb delivered little light| | 1000 ml| The drove bulb created incredible light| Based on the table over, the analysts originally arranged in preliminary with the measure of vinegar 200ml however it doesn't make the drove bulb light. On the subsequent preliminary, they arranged 400ml however again it doesn't work. By the third preliminary, with the measure of 800ml of vinegar, it just delivered a little measure of light on the drove bulb. On their last preliminary, they attempted to utilize more vinegar with the measure of 1000ml, and afterward it previously made the drove bulb delivered extraordinary light. Part IV SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATIONSIn this section the scientists will be giving the outline of the discoveries of their investigation. The ends on the various issues that emerged and to the proposals on the sorts of progress their perusers can do sooner rather than later. Outline With the utilization of vinegar it is demonstrated powerful when the copper wire and electrifies nail is embedded in it. In light of the perception of the analysts through experimentation it was demonstrated that Vinegar can be an elective battery and can be a decent wellspring of power and further legitimized dependent on the consequence of the study.Findings Based on the analysis led, coming up next were the discoveries of the investigation: 1. With the measure of 1000ml of vinegar, it can make the drove bulb light with the utilization additionally of ele ctrifies nail and copper wire 2. Vinegar contains limited quantities of acidic corrosive that can make the drove bulb light Conclusions Based on the discoveries the specialists have directed, the analysts in this manner reason that vinegar can be an elective battery and a genuine case of delivering light.With the electrifies nail and copper
Dig me, but dont bury me
Dig me, but don’t bury me DID YOU KNOW? Super Smash Bros. Brawl is coming out for the Wii on December 3, 2007. France. Im in France. But I just got done with Italy. And I just got done with uploading way, way too much blog to the other blog that MIT pays me to write. So you should go over and read that now. At your leisure. I mean, because it still applies hereyou, too could write 6,000 words of blog entries on an 8-hour train ride, if you just choose MIT as your undergraduate institution. Basically my job has evolved into a never-ending search for free wireless access. Today that came in the form of a McDonalds in Marseille, France. Seriously. As Samuel L. Jackson prophesied so long ago, their main hamburger is indeed called a Royale with Cheese. But one thing I wasnt ready for was that another one of their sandwiches is called a Croque McDo, which I guess must be some unhealthy version of the Croque-monsieur, which is itself just grilled cheese with cream on top, and a fried egg, if youre a lady. But I didnt get any of that today, I just got a milk shake, which is just called a Milk Shake, not a I dont know, a Lait Shake? I really dont speak this language. So I bought my 95-cent Lait Shake and sat here for 3 hours using free McWireless. Problem was that apparently MITs FTP server didnt like being contacted by a wireless host called MCDONALDS. Yeah, I cant really imagine why. So I couldnt upload any of my photos. Which was the whole reason I came to McDonalds in the first place. I mean, Im glad I found out about the Croque McDo and everything, but I was kind of bummed. So I was looking through free photo upload sites, which Id never used before because MIT webspace is just so convenient, and about fifteen minutes later, I said to myself, You know, I bet Google has an application for this. I mean, duh, Sam. Okay, seriously, theyre playing No Scrubs now, in this McDonalds in Marseille where you can order a Croque McDo. I cant even process this anymore. Anyway, five minutes later I uploaded all the photos I needed to upload to Google Photos using my Croque-McFreeWireless. It might not be the best upload space up there, but, then again, since its Google, it very well might be. Now Im off on a bus to Aix-en-Provence, France. I think. Ill probably be in Spain by the next time I blog, so, until then Hasta mañana, monsieur.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
The Role Of Women In Politics Of The United States Of America - 1100 Words
The Role Of Women In Politics Of The United States Of America (Essay Sample) Content: Women in American Politics Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Describe the role of women in US politics in recent years. Give three names of women who have played a significant role in this field usually dominated by men. Give details on their contributions to the US legislation etc. For the better part of American history, women have been actively involved in politics, a field that is predominantly occupied by the male gender. Even before the constitution granted women the voting right, many tried their best to make a difference and succeeded, not just by proving that women were equally matched for the job but also by formulating essential legislation, advocating for the rights of citizens, and much more (Jaquette, 2018). Whether they were selected for the high-profile political jobs, whether they occupied positions at the federal and local levels, and regardless of the fact that many lost elections, each of them played a remarkable role. Some of the women who have greatly impacted the American political landscape in the recent years include Patsy Takemoto Mink (1927-2002), Michelle Obama (1964 to date), Nancy Pelosi (1940 to date), Sarah Palin (1964 to date), Janet Reno (1938-2016), among others. Looking at their respective roles, Patsy Takemoto Mink co-sponsored the 1972 Education Amendments in collaboration with fellow congresswoman Edith Green, prohibiting discrimination based on gender in athletics and academics at schools benefiting from federal funding (Norris, 2013). Michelle Obama, the first African-American First Lady who also doubles up as a lawyer, transformed the role of the First Lady and made it more relatable by using social media to promote arts, education of the girl child, college initiatives, and healthy eating. Nancy Pelosi, the congresswoman of the Bay Area, assumed a high ranking role in the United States when she became the Hou...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Unusual Secret of Topics for Essay Competition
The Unusual Secret of Topics for Essay Competition Topics for Essay Competition at a Glance You should look at a task to locate a theme not an issue but an opportunity and even a benefit. The fundamental idea of the middle section is to give valid and sensible knowledge as a way to sway the reader and be sympathetic to your cause, based on the place you stand on this issue. The secret to all types of synthesis is precisely the same. In an issue of speaking, picking out persuasive essay topics is similar to telling yourself what you wish to convey to the rest of earth. In the instance of achieving goals, it's worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of the competitive practice. The very best advice, however, is to just locate an intriguing means to broach everyday questions. In the same manner competition continues among human beings with, the desire to meet their needs. Key point to bear in mind when selecting a topic for your technology papers is that the topic needs to be specific enough to allow you to cover all facets of the topic. In order in order to construct and pursue the interest of the graduate essay vividly, it's also wise to opt for a topic with source materials readily offered. The topic you select for your technology papers ought to be interesting and ought to concentrate on your field of interest. Having highlighted the above, the following advice will permit you pick a topic for writing university essays that are of high quality and relevant in the contemporary field of specialty. Creative Essay writing is currently recognized among the most helpful activity for kids for their general personality development. Writing a superb persuasive essay is not an easy job, however, it's achievable. Therefore, it isn't surprising to conclude that writing a math dissertation is among the most challenging papers to compose. Writing argument essay is an art in the sense it requires thorough understanding of the subject, together with skill. The superior topic for a classification essay should have some logical point, you could classify. The essay is just one of the significant methods you'll be able to distinguish yourself. The entire essay has to be written in a polite tone with superior grammar and usage of vocabulary. Persuasive or argumentative essays are supposed to convince the audience of someone's viewpoint about a specific topic. You should first ascertain the reason behind your essay, before it is possible to write persuasive content about it. Don't neglect to bring a strong hook at the beginning (introduction paragraph) and wind up with an impressive conclusion to create the reader want to talk about the interesting persuasive essay topics of your pick. Understand your topic well and make sure that you explain your points in easy and understandable language. You could also lack enough knowledge on the subject, or you aren't good in using English language for writing essays. Criteria for the selection could be dependent upon your interest and the knowledge you have regarding this issue. Also, it's possible to create different skills like speed or agility in the event the competition is connected to physical activity. If you aren't able to grasp the subject of the discipline, then you ought not elect for it otherwise you won't have the ability to write on it. Competition also results in exploitation.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Lying Is Unneccessary and It Can Hurt You - 1637 Words
Lying that you didn’t eat the last cookie from the jar can’t compare to the lies that some important people have told. Lying is a crime. Time, money and care are stolen because liars were able to fill people’s heads with false information. It is not fair to the people who believe these unpleasant lies. Yes, it is but a lie can be disrespectful, hurtful and dangerous. However, what happens when a lie is told and revealed? It is too late to actually tell the truth. By the time you are about to explain it, everyone is already mad and disappointed at you. What if we turn it all around? What if the superhero is already there to the save day? No one needs to signal them or cry to let them know that there is a crisis. The fact is the superhero exists, he’s always going to be locked up inside you and it’s called the truth. The truth can be told right after an incident and there’s no point for the villainous lie to appear. Lying can ruin careers, as it did to Ben Johnson in 1988. Ben was born in Falmouth, Jamaica on December 30th 1961. He immigrated to Canada when he was 15 years old. Ben joined the Scarborough Optimists Track Field Club, where he met Coach Charlie Francis. Coach Francis was a Canadian 100m sprint champion. At the 1982 Commonwealth Games, Ben won two silver medals, his first international success. He was established as Canada’s top sprinter. After Ben Johnson lost eight times, he came back in 1985 to beat Carl Lewis. Ben Johnson was a World record holder for
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Definition and Examples of an Anecdote
An anecdote is a brief narrative, a short account of an interesting or amusing incident usually intended to illustrate or support some point in an essay, article, or chapter of a book. Compare this to other literary terms, such as parableâ€â€where the whole story is a metaphorâ€â€and vignette (a brief descriptive story or account). The terms adjective form is anecdotal. In The Healing Heart: Antidotes to Panic and Helplessness, Norman Cousins wrote, The writer makes his living by anecdotes. He searches them out and carves them as the raw materials of his profession. No hunter stalking his prey is more alert to the presence of his quarry than a writer looking for small incidents that cast a strong light on human behavior. Examples Consider the use of an anecdote to illustrate something like the literary version of a picture is worth a thousand words. For example, use anecdotes to show a persons character or state of mind: Albert Einstein: There was something elusively whimsical about Einstein. It is illustrated by my favorite anecdote about him. In his first year in Princeton, on Christmas Eve, so the story goes, some children sang carols outside his house. Having finished, they knocked on his door and explained they were collecting money to buy Christmas presents. Einstein listened, then said, Wait a moment. He put on his scarf and overcoat and took his violin from its case. Then, joining the children as they went from door to door, he accompanied their singing of Silent Night on his violin.(Banesh Hoffman, My Friend, Albert Einstein. Readers Digest, January 1968)Ralph Waldo Emerson: In [Ralph Waldo] Emersons later years his memory began increasingly to fail. He used to refer to it as his naughty memory when it let him down. He would forget the names of things, and have to refer to them in a circumlocutory way, saying, for instance, the implement that cultivates the soil for plow .(Reported in Clifton Fadiman, ed., The Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes, 1985) Brainstorm to Choose the Right Anecdote First, consider what you want to illustrate. Why do you want to use an anecdote in the story? Knowing this should help brainstorm the story to choose. Then make a list of random ideas. Just free-flow the thoughts onto the page. Examine your list. Will any be easy to present in clear and concise enough manner? Then sketch out the basics of the possible anecdote. Will it do the job? Will it bring extra layers of evidence or meaning to the point youre trying to convey? If so, develop it further. Set the scene and describe what happened. Dont get too long-winded with it, because youre just using this as an illustration to your larger idea. Transition to your main point, and hearken back to the anecdote where needed for emphasis. Anecdotal Evidence The expression anecdotal evidence refers to the use of particular instances or concrete examples to support a general claim. Such information (sometimes referred to pejoratively as hearsay) may be compelling but does not, in itself, provide proof. A person may have anecdotal evidence that going out in the cold with wet hair makes him or her sick, but correlation is not the same as causation.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Project Planning Management - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2454 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Table of Contents Background Company Information Main Case Factors affecting sustainability Project Timeline Course Correction References Background As the population in cities increases, so does the number of vehicular trips made by people. As the road width is fixed at the time of city planning, the volume of traffic that can pass through is limited. The result is increasing traffic congestion in the city. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Project Planning Management" essay for you Create order This leads to increased commute time coupled with greater difficulty in commuting. Air passengers miss their flights stuck in traffic, ambulances have difficulty in taking emergency cases to the hospitals, and professionals reach late to office. Road rage, traffic accidents are some of the incidents experienced as commuters strive to reach their destinations at the earliest. A picture of chaos and lawlessness emerges; people become dehumanized to their environment. A pragmatic solution to problems of traffic is to discourage the use of private vehicles and encourage the use of public transportation. But it is easier said than done. Public transport has to be not only cheaper than private transport but also must be quicker/save time. Although modes like buses, auto rickshaws, bicycles may make economic sense, but they do not have any advantage in travel time over private vehicles. It is in this context that Mass Rapid Transit Systems (MRTS) come in. A rail base MRTS can be intro duced in any corridor where the level of traffic in any direction exceeds 20,000 persons per hour. However, MRTS are capital intensive and have long gestation periods. It is this reason why they have not been taken up on a large scale in many developing countries. The city of Delhi has experienced phenomenal growth of people (18 m) and vehicular population. Vehicular population increased from 5.62 lakh in 1981 to over 65 lakh today. About 1000 vehicles are added to Delhi roads every day. The heterogeneous nature of traffic has decreased vehicular speed. To cater to the needs of the public and to gear up the city for hosting the Commonwealth games in 2010, rail-based MRTS, named Delhi Metro was introduced in the city. With wide roads and ownership of most land with the govt., the city was suitable for introduction of rail based MRTS. Delhi Metro has had phenomenal success since its introduction in 2003. As airline travel grew rapidly in the early 2000s, the roads leading to the airports in most cities became congested. In Delhi, there were only a few buses that serviced the airport on route to and from other destinations. Further, Delhi was hosting the commonwealth games in 2010 that would increase the influx of tourists, spectators and media to the city through the airport. Therefore, to service such travelers, DMRC proposed to build a dedicated and high speed metro line, connecting the airport to the New Delhi railway station. The line would reduce travel time between the two places to 18 minutes from the 2 hours taken by road. This was the beginning of the airport express line. Company Information Delhi Airport Metro Express Private Limited was incorporated in 2008. It is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) incorporated under the Indian Companies Act with joint venture between Reliance Infrastructure Limited and Construcciones Y Auxiliar De Ferrocarriles (CAF). CAF is also the technical partner and supplies the rolling stocks for the project. DAMEPL was awarded the contract on the basis of their highest quote for annual concession fees to be paid to DMRC. Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. held a 95 per cent stake in DAMEPL, with the remaining 5 percent held by CAF. Debt was arranged by the lead banker Axis Bank along with India Infrastructure Finance and eight other banks. The debt to equity ratio was 70:30. Corporate Identification Number U74210DL2008PTC176177 Name DELHI AIRPORT METRO EXPRESS PRIVATE LIMITED RoC RoC-Delhi Registration Number 176177 Company Category Company limited by shares Company Sub Category Indian Non-Government Company Class of Company Private Company Authorised Capital (in Rs.) 8,700,000,300 Paid up capital (in Rs.) 100,000 Number of Members(Applicable only in case of company without Share Capital) 0 Date of Incorporation 01 April 2008 Address 1 DELHI AIRPORT METRO EXPRESS DEPOT, NEAR SECTOR 8 Address 2 DMRC METRO STATION, SECTOR 21, DWARKA City NEW DELHI State Delhi Country INDIA Pin 110075 Whether listed or not Unlisted Date of Last AGM 20 September 2013 Date of Balance sheet 31 March 2013 Company Status (for eFiling) Active Main Case The Delhi Airport Express line was the first public-private partnership project in metro rail. The agreement was signed in 2008 between Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) and Delhi Airport Metro Express Private Limited (DAMEPL). The 22.7 km line proposed to connect the New Delhi Railway station to the Delhi International Airport. The idea was to reduce the congestion on roads that led to the airport, and enable the passengers to continue their onward journey to/from the airport to the adjoining areas through the rail network. The DAEL was designed to be a dedicated high speed metro line (135 km/hr as opposed to 80 km/hr), with only 6 stations on a 22.7 km route so as to provide faster service. The line started from New Delhi railway station and ended about 4 km beyond the airport till Dwarka, a fast growing residential area. The line was to be commissioned by October 2010, in time for the Commonwealth games being held in New Delhi. Under the PPP agreement, Build Operate Transfer (BOT) model was followed whereby the concessionaire was to operate the line for a period of 30 years, build the extension line, and then hand over the project to the public sector. DMRC was well aware that the project costs would be prohibitively high. It had estimated that the concessionaire would not be able to recover all capital and operating costs from fares alone. To reduce the financial burden on the concessionaire, DMRC undertook the responsibility for building and financing all civil construction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" including the viaduct, tunnels and the stations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" while the private concessionaire was asked to finance operating systems à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" signaling system, track, rolling-stock, power distribution system etc. Land for real-estate development was also offered to concessionaires. Even this was thought to be insufficient to make the project financially viable as capital costs for operations alone were estimated to be USD 300 m. Therefore, there was a provision of additional capital subsidy from the govt. to make the project viable. DMRC invited bids from potential concessionaires on the basis of least requested amount of viability gap funding from the govt. The private concessionaire was expected to undertake a variety of risks including ridership ie the number of passengers using the system. Ridership was a key risk because it was the main source of revenue for the concessionaire. DMRC made a daily ridership estimate of 46,000 passengers in 2010, growing to 86,000 people per day in the next 10 years.(Exhibit 1). The forecasts were based on hourly counts of passengers at the airport terminals and surveys of departing and arriving air passengers about their starting/terminal destination. The contract was won by Reliance Energy- CAF consortium. CAF provided the rolling stock and held 5% equity in the project, with Reliance holding the rest. However, problems started emerging even before the operations could be started. Originally set to open by August 31, 2010, the line finally opened on Feb 23, 2011, after missing 4 previously set deadlines. The DMRC fined Reliance Infra 37.5 lakh every day from 30 September and 75 lakh every day from 31 October for repeatedly missing the deadlines. Further, the daily ridership projections came to naught. The average ridership remained at 11,000 persons per day, with a peak of 22,000. Such poor load factor doomed the project since the beginning. To compound the problems further, structural defects were found in the civil construction leading to , first reduction in speed to 105 km/hr, and then to complete halt of operations due to safety concerns from July 2012. The halting of operations led to a tense stand-off between the private concessionaire and DMRC. It ultimately culminated in the exit of the private party, with DMRC taking over the operations of the Airport Express Line. Operations resumed from Jan 2013. It was estimated that DAMEPL was running a loss of Rs 40 m every month. We examine the mistakes made in project planning, financing, and the role of external factors in affecting the feasibility of the project. Exhibit 1 Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Projected Ridership 46000 48970 52132 55498 59082 62897 66958 71281 75884 80784 86000 Actual Ridership 11000 11000 10069 12856 Factors affecting sustainability Cost structure: The high cost structure undermined the feasibility of the project from the very beginning. License fee: Rs 10,000 per annum Concession fee: Rs 510 million. It shall be increased every year by 5% Additional concession fee: Rs 30 million for retail space at concourse level of New Delhi and Shivaji Stadium station Cost of operation and maintenance of clearing house: To be shared between DMRC and DAMEPL. Revenue sharing: From COD (Commercial Operations Date), the following percentage of Gross Revenues would be apportioned to DMRC; One percent of Gross Revenue from first to fifth year Two percent of Gross Revenue from sixth to tenth year Three percent of Gross Revenue from eleventh to fifteenth year Five percent of Gross Revenue from sixteenth year onwards till Termination date Capital Structure Rs million Debt 20000 Subordinate debt 8000 Equity 0.1 Debt to Equity ratio to be maintained 30:70 Ridership: The overly optimistic forecast of daily ridership was the primary factor in the failure of the project. The average ridership remained at 11,000 persons per day, with a peak of 22,000 persons. It was assumed that the project would be able to capture up to 62% of the airline passengers. However, it was only able to capture 30% of the airport bound traffic. RITES, a Railwayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s consultancy arm, had based its passenger numbers on the development of Aerocity ( a bunch of five-star hotels) around the Delhi airport, which was being developed by GMR on a public-private-partnership (PPP) basis. The Aero city never materialized. Low ridership was also because of poor frequency of trains. Instead of six trains, only four were made operational. The decision to close the line at 11:30 pm cut off many passengers who would be arriving/leaving late at night and in the early hour of the morning. Over-estimated returns: Instead of claiming viability gap funding, Reliance offered money to DMRC in the form of concession fee to operate the project. This was in contrast to the second highest bidder à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" LT-GE consortium à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" that asked for a subsidy of Rs 3460 m or interest free debt of Rs 14400 m for a longer term. The success of the project depended upon the ability of DAMEPL to execute real estate developments as planned. Revenues from real estate were expected to account for 70% of the total revenues in the initial years, and more than 50% of the total revenues during the entire concession period. However, revenues from real estate development were never realized. Technical problems: The Airport line has recorded 0.375 failures per route kilometer, which is high as compared to the Blue line of DMRC which has 0.14 failures per route kilometer. Time Cost-overruns: Non-availability of labor and heavy rains interrupted construction activity in Delhi. Further delays occurred in obtaining various clearances like safety and security. DAMEPL was given a one month extension on account of construction delays. But penalty was imposed subsequently for missing each deadline. DMRC imposed penalty on the concessionaire at the rate of Rs 3.75 m per day from September 2010 and Rs 7.5 m per day from Oct 31 2010. It led to a total estimated penalty of Rs 900 m. Exhibit 3 gives the implementation schedule. Exhibit 3: Project Implementation schedule Signing of Agreement Withing 60 days of LOA Financial Close Within 120 days of LOA Key dates and Milestone Dates Start of Design Interface with DMRC Contractors 30 days from LOA Completion of Design interface 6 months from LOA Completion of Design for execution 9 months Delivery of 1st train set 31-Oct-09 Testing of Rolling stock 31-Jan-10 Integrated Testing and Commissioning 1-Apr-10 Commissioning of Project COD 31-Jul-10 Actual Commissioning 23-Feb-11 Project Timeline Aug 2006: (DMRC) finalizes a detailed project report for the airport line Sep 2007: DMRC awards the first tenders for building the railway line 23 Jan 2008: DMRC awards a 30-year build-operate-transfer contract to the Reliance Energy led consortium with the Spanish railway equipment CAF Mar 2009: Delhi Airport Metro Express Pvt. Ltd, a special-purpose vehicle floated by Reliance Infrastructure Ltd (R-Infra) to build the airport line, says it has managed to raise the debt required for the project. Nov 2009: DMRC completes 95% of the tunneling and civil construction on the line and hands over the stations to concessionaire R-Infra for laying tracks. 31 Aug 2010: The airport line misses the first deadline to begin operations, but R-Infra is given a one-month extension on account of delays in handing over the stations by DMRC 30 Sep 2010: The line fails to get the mandatory safety clearance from the Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety (India). DMRC s laps a fine of Rs.37.5 lakh per day from 30 September on R-Infra for missing the deadline 10 Jan 2011: CMRS grants safety clearance to the airport line, except for the Dhaula Kuan and Delhi Aerocity stations 23 Feb 2011: The airport line starts its first train services from New Delhi railway station to terminal T3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport 15 Aug 2011: CMRS grants safety clearance to Dhaula Kuan and Delhi Aerocity stations Dec 2011: DMRC managing director E. Sreedharan meets R-Infra executives to discuss the areas that need improvement, particularly the train coaches May 2012: DMRC chief Mangu Singh expresses dissatisfaction with the operation of the line Jun 2012: DMRC asks consultants Shirish Patel and Associates to conduct an inspection of the line due to safety concerns, after the operator reduces the speed of the trains from 105 kmph 7 Jul 2012: The operations suspended indefinitely for safety repairs. The ministry of urban development cons titutes a committee to investigate the defects in the civil construction of the railway line. January 2013: Operation resumed. Course Correction After taking over the operations of Airport Express line, DMRC has taken to following steps to improve the popularity and financial sustainability of the project: The frequency of trains was reduced from 15 to 10 and-a-half minutes Maximum speed was increased from 70 km/hr to 80 km/hr, reducing travel time by 19 minutes Parking facilities have been created at Aerocity Metro station; feeder bus services have also been started. The total number of train trips was increased from 148 to 166. In July 2014, it reduced fares by 40% Proposal to extend the line to IIFCO Chowk in Gurgaon and a Delhi-Alwar link to make the airport line operationally profitable. As a result of the steps being taken by DMRC, the total ridership per day has increased 28 % from 10,069 in July 2013 to 12,856 in June 2014. References
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marasco 10. . Depression. By. Mary Katherine Marasco. Ms.
Marasco 10 Depression By Mary Katherine Marasco Ms. Carr Anatomy and Physiology H 23 February 2016 Mary Katherine Marasco Ms. Carr Anatomy and Physiology H 23 February 2016 Depression Depression- the most diagnosed mental illness in the world- is also the most misunderstood. Depression?a sad or discontented mood?can leave a person feeling lethargic, unmotivated, or hopeless, and in some cases ? contemplate suicide. Unfortunately, depression usually begins as high levels of anxiety and with exposure to trauma in children. Higher levels of anxiety or exposure to stress-inducing and traumatic situations as a child could mean an increased risk of depression as an adult. Although a serious mental illness all over the world in†¦show more content†¦The cerebral cortex directs functions like speech, behavior, reactions, movement, thinking, and learning. In fact, some research suggests that bipolar disorder originates with problems with the thalamus, which links sensory input to good and bad feelings. The hippocampus also affects depression. It, like the amygdala, is part of the limbic system. It is vital in processing long-term memory. This section of t he brain registers recurring fear. In people with clinical depression, the hippocampus is much smaller. Research suggests, even, that ongoing exposure to stress impairs the growth of nerve cells in this part of the brain. One of the most important jobs of the brain is to process senses, through neurons. Neurotransmitters are specific substances that help relay information to the brain. Scientists have identified many neurotransmitters that affect depression. A lack or excess of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, glutamate, lithium carbonate and gamma-aminobutyric acid are thought to contribute to depression. Acetylcholine is involved in learning and enhances memory. Serotonin helps regulate sleep, appetite, and mood, and inhibits pain. Research shows the idea that many depressed people have reduced levels of serotonin. Low levels of a byproduct of serotonin have been linked to a high risk for suicide. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter which constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure. An excess in
Voter Fraud And Public Affairs Research Essay - 1795 Words
We have all wondered if elections over the years have ever been rigged, well now we have kind of a definite answer. Thanks to the ignorance in the upcoming election I have found two articles that correlate with each other, thanks to BBC. The first one is titled â€Å"Is the U.S election really rigged?†and the second is â€Å"What happens if Trump refuses to accept defeat?†Donald trump brought up the topic of voter fraud at one of his rally in Delaware recently, because he is a sore looser but that’s beside the point. Vanessa Barford of BBC looks at four points to dig deeper into this speculation, she talks about voter fraud, the claim ‘dead people generally vote for democrats’ and stolen votes. Donald Trump in the third and final presidential speech declined to say if he would accept the results of the upcoming election. In the first article about election fraud they talk about voter fraud, according to the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public A ffairs Research â€Å"Only a third of Republicans say they have a great deal or quite a bit of confidence that votes will be counted fairly†, but according to research done by various professors this fraud that they talk about isn’t a major problem in America. As a matter of fact, a professor by the name of Justin Levitt did a study and found thirty-one (31) impersonation cases out of one billion votes from U.S election from 2000-2014. These numbers do sound very convincing but as usual Donald Trump still would have something to say, and hisShow MoreRelatedEssay on Voter ID Laws in the United States1184 Words  | 5 PagesVoter ID laws in the United States have begun to create controversy since the beginning of its adaptations in the early 2000’s. 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Exploring Biographical Knowledge Into The Daily Routine...
The focus of this study was to explore how incorporating biographical knowledge into the daily routine and care of an individual with dementia can bring about changes in their behaviors that impact quality of care and quality of life. This chapter assembles the major findings of the study, considers the unique contribution to the research and practice of the care of people with dementia in a long term care setting. The implications for further research discussed as well as limitations of the study considered. Discussion The study makes a unique contribution to the existing literature on biographical approaches in dementia care. The findings suggest a positive effect of this approach for people with dementia in long term care setting. Similar to Life Story Work, Reminiscence Therapy and Meaningful activities this study indicates a number of benefits. First, it promotes increased understanding of the person. It enables nursing home staff to see a person in the context of his whole life. This in turn leads into deeper relationships. The voice of the resident with dementia can be heard when he or she is seen as a person and not just as a patient. The uniqueness of person’s needs and values can only be understood and adequately addressed by knowing his or hers life story. As in case of Rosemary, by learning about her life experiences the staff were able to see not a â€Å"mean and loud woman†but somebody who expresses her fear of water getting into her ears, or attachment to
Strategic Management Identification and Description
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management for Identification and Description. Answer: Introduction: The term strategic management can be defined as the identification and description of the strategies, which enables the managers to execute high performance and gain a competitive benefit for their organisation. An organisation is only considered to be having a competitive advantage unless its productivity is superior to the standard profit for all the companies prevailing in its industry. Strategic management can as well be considered as the group of judgments and activities, which an administrator assumes and derives the outcomes of, firms performance (De Waal 2013). The manager should have a complete acquaintance and understanding of the general and competitive surroundings of the organisation to make correct decisions. They must perform a SWOT Analysis (Strength, weakness, opportunities and threats), i.e., the managers must make the best possible utilisation of the strength and reduce the weakness of the organisation, by employing the arising opportunities from the business activities without ignoring the threats. Hence, strategic management is nothing short of planning for the predictable and unfeasible contingencies. It can be implemented on both small and large organisation as the smallest organisation also faces the competition. By developing and implementing correct strategies they can achieve competitive advantage of their business. It is a tools for setting up the objectives and proceeding ahead with them to attain them. It is concerned with making and implementing decision to regarding the future directions of a corporation. Strategic management helps the manager to recognize the course in which an organisation is moving. Therefore, strategic management is a constant procedure, which assesses and controls the industry and the business under which an organisation functions by evaluating its competitors, setting goals and strategies to meet the needs of the organisation. Concept of strategic management: The word strategies have been derived from greek word which means Stratcgos. Hence, strategies are an action, which the managers undertake to achieve multiple goals of the organisation (Hill et al. 2014). It is a general direction, which is set for a business entity and its diversity of mechanism to attain a needed position in future prospect. It is mainly concerning of incorporating commercial activities by utilising and allotting the limited resources within the context of business environment in order to convene the current objectives. While formulating strategies it is to be noted that verdicts are not taken in a vacuity and any act by the organisation will be assemble a reaction from those affected are competitors, consumers, workforce and suppliers. Strategy is understood as the acquaintance of goals , uncertainty of events and the need to take into account the most probable and actual performance of others. It is the features of judgments in a business entity which reflects the objectives and aims, reducing the key strategies and programmes for attaining such ambitions by defining the business which an organisation carries, the kind of financial and individual organisation it desires to be and the involvement it strategizes to make to its shareholders, consumers and civilization at large. Vision and mission of strategic management: One of the primary features observed according to the perceptions of management is the thought and practice weather an organisation has any vision or mission. In addition to this, the first thing one learns in the school of business is the significance of vision and mission statements. It has been discovered in the learnings that organisations having well-spoken, coherent and objective oriented vision and mission statement generates double the amount of benefits for its shareholders in contrast to the firms having no vision or mission. Some of the advantages of having a vision and mission assertions are listed below; Above the whole thing else a vision report provides harmony of objectives to a business firm and injects the employees with the sense and belongings of identity. Perhaps vision and mission statements are symbols of organisational identity, which carries the firms creed and motto (Eden and Ackermann 2013). This sort of features enables them to be known as statement of creed. The mission and vision statement states out the context under which an organisation functions and offers the workforce with a tendency that is to be pursued under the climate of business entity. Such tools not only defines the existence of the organisation but also acts as a indicators of the directions under which an organisation should proceed to realise the goals set in the vision and mission statements. The vision and mission statement works as a point of focus for individuals in order to identify them with the process of the business entity and which gives a business entity a sense of direction. On the other hand, strategic management also deterring to those who does not wishes to follow them from taking part in the organisations activities. It is also noted that the mission and vision statement helps an organisation to interpret the objectives into labour structures by assigning task to the aspects of the business firm with the responsibility of implementing in practice. To spell out the main objectives on which the structure of the organisation functions depends and executing the actionable cost involved in the conversion of objectives into the presentation and time associated instruments. Finally, the vision and mission statements provides a beliefs of survival to the workforce, which is of utmost importance for humans. The vision and mission statement is concerned with the essential sense for functioning in a particular organisation. As it can be observed from the above stated a meaning vision and mission statement is destined to go extended way by setting up the foundation for presentation and actionable framework to exemplify the strength of the organisation. On the other hand, vision and mission statement is a matter of significance relevance as numerous identities an individuals have during their daily lives (Schilke 2014). It is to be believed that business entities spends a huge amount of time in significant of their vision and mission statement and ensures that a business entity comes with the declarations that provides importance as an alternative of being meagre judgments that are devoid of any implications. Features of strategy 1. Strategy is relevance as it is not feasible to determine future for the foreseeable amount of time. Without a perfect forecast a business entity should be ready to deal with the uncertainties concerning the business environment. 2. Strategic management of an organisation should be concerned with the long-term aspects rather than operating at a routine level. It deals with the likelihood of operations and novelties or new products, innovative process of manufacturing and new markets to be explored in the future course of time (Lasserre 2012). 3. Strategy is established to take into the account the possible behaviour of the consumers and competitors. Strategies concerning with the workers will forecast the employees performance. 4. Strategies are well organised matrix of an organisation. It defines the general mission, vision and directions of a business entity. The objectives of strategic management are to increase an organisations strength and to minimise the strength of the rival firms. Competitive advantage of strategic management: Understanding competitive advantage: It is a tool that strategic management is concerned with attaining and preserving competitive advantage over its rival and competitive firms. Competitive advantage can be defined as anything, which a business entity does especially when compared with the rival firms (De Waal 2013). It is to be noted that stresses on comparison with competing firms serves as a competitive advantage and it is all about how the best competitors stay economically competitive in the market. Competitive advantage mounts up to business entity when it does something, which the other competing firms are unable to do, or owns something that the competitors wishes. For example, for some business entities the competitive advantage signifies that a firm lesser - fixed assets when it is compared with the competitor firms, which is again beneficial during the financial slump. Sustained competitive advantage: It has already been defined that what competitive advantage holds in relation to the strategic management and the sources arising from competitive advantage differing from organisation to organisation. However, it is also evident that a business entity can have a basis of competitive advantage for only a definite period because other competing firms copy and duplicates the successful organisation strategies leading the original firm losing its source of competitive advantage over the long-term basis (Stead and Stead 2013). Therefore, it is very important for business entity to establish and develop continued competitive benefit. This can be done by following ways; Constantly adapting to the evolving external business landscape and matching with the internal strengths and capabilities by channelling the possessions and competencies in a smooth manner. By formulating, executing and assessing the strategies in an efficient way, which makes the utilisation of the above stated factors. The truth that business entities loses their competitive source of advantage during longer term is borne out by figures which shows that the top organisation in Malaysia had over 80 per cent of the marker share during the year 1978 which has significantly came down to less than 50 per cent. Introduction of internet and competitive advantage: With the introduction of internet, gaining of competitive advantage has develop into easier concept as business entities directly sell to the customers and the interconnected suppliers, consumers, outstanding creditors and other relevant stakeholders involved in its value chain. Due to the taking away of mediators, organisations can lower the cost and enhance the productivity (De Waal 2013). Nevertheless, internet has transformed the regulations of conducting business and acts as elements of competitive advantage in this era of digitization. Internet is now about how well organisations utilise the digital stage and social media to increase advantage over other competing firms. Finally, it is evident that competitive advantage should be earned, gained and defended as the above stated conversation illustrates. Organisations which are alert and quick to respond to the evolving market circumstances and whose interior potentials are associated with the external opportunities are those who would sustain themselves in the commercial landscape of the 21st century (Schilke 2014). As it can be observed from the characterisation of competitive benefit, it is ethereal and subjective to change as business entities should always look out for the new source of opportunities for competitive advantage and should always be aware of the competitors next moves. Benefits of strategic management: According to Grant (2016) there are numerous benefits of strategic management and it consists of recognition, prioritization and examination of opportunities. For example, newer products, new markets and innovations into the business firms are only achievable if firms are indulgent in strategic planning. On the other hand, premeditated administration facilitates a firm to undertake a purposeful view of the activities being performed by it and performing a cost benefit analysis as to whether the firm is conductive business in a profitable manner or not. It is to be noted that one does not mean financial benefit alone but also includes the evaluation of productivity that is concerned with the assessment of the business entity tactically aligning to its aims and objectives. An important point to be considered in this context is that strategic management enables a firm to familiarize itself to its marketplace and customers by ensuring that it realises the right strategies. Benefits of strategic management are listed below; Financial benefits: According to Goetsch and Davis, (2014) it has been learned that business entities that indulge in strategic management are capable of earning more profit and successful than those that does not have the advantage of strategic planning and strategic management. When a firm indulges into forward looking forecast and cautious assessment of their main concern, they have power over the potential outlook, which is essential in the fast changing business landscape of the 21st century. Strategic management concept shows that numerous business fails every year and most of these failures accounts for lack of strategic focus and strategic directions. Furthermore, it is noted that business entities with high performance is likely to create more informed decision because they consider both the aspects of long term and short term consequences and have designed their approach consequently. In contrast to this, business entity that does not indulge them in consequential premeditated forecast are usually beaten down by internal struggle and insufficient focus show the way of failure. Nonfinancial benefits: Under these section tangible benefits of the premeditated administration is discussed. Apart from these benefits, business organisations that indulge in premeditated administration are more conscious of the outside threats, a better understanding of rivals firms strengths and weakness helps in increasing the productivity of the employees (Bradley 2016). Improved understanding leads to lower resistance to transformation and clear understanding of the connections among performance and rewards. The vital elements of strategic management is that it is dilemma solving and problems thwarting capacities of a business entity is improved through implementing premeditated administration. Strategic management is necessary since it helps an organisation to decrease the change and converse the need to modify better to its employees. At last, premeditated administration assists a business firms to bring order and discipline to the activities of the firms in its both internal process and external activities. Closing thoughts: In the modern era, almost all the organisation has understood the vitality of strategic management. However, the important distinction exists amid those who do well and those who does not succeed is the way in which strategic management is performed and strategic planning is executed out by the business entity to create a disparity between success and failures. Nevertheless, there are still business firms that does not engage in premeditated scheduling or where the planners are not offered support by the management. These firms must realise the benefits offered by strategic management and must make sure the long-term feasibility and achievement in the market place. Process of strategic management: The process of strategic management defines the strategy of organisations. It is also defined as the procedure through which the executives make a choice of a set of strategies for the business entity, which will enable them to accomplish better performance. Strategic management is a permanent process that appraises the trade and industries in which the organisation is concerned; evaluates its competitors by fixing the ambitions in order to meet all the current and future competitors and then re-evaluate each strategy. Strategic management process consists of the following steps; 1. Environment scanning: Environmental scanning is defined a process of gathering, inspecting and providing information for the purpose of strategic management. It helps in interior and exterior elements, which influences an organisation (Watson 2013). After carrying out the environmental examination procedure, management must assess it on a regular interval and strive to progress it. 2. Formulation of strategy: Formulation of strategy is the procedure of making a decision best possible act for achieving objective of the organisation and thus, attaining the purpose of the organisation. After performing environment scanning, managers formulate functional strategies of corporate business. 3. Implementation of strategy: Implementation of strategy defines that making the strategy work as desired or placing the organisations selected strategy into the action. Strategy implementation includes designing the structure of business entity, distribution of resources, developing the process of decision making and human resource management. 4. Evaluation of strategy: Evaluation of strategy is the last process of strategy administration. The important strategy assessment activities consists of; judging internal and external aspects that are source of the current strategies employed by the organisation, measuring the performance and taking remedial or corrective actions (Hrebiniak 2013). Evaluations make sure that the organisations strategy as well as the implementations meets the organisational needs and objectives. These mechanisms are steps that are executed in sequential order, when establishing a new tactical plan. Modern day business that has previously established a strategic management plan will relapse to these procedures according to the current state of affairs in order to make the necessary changes. Figure 1 Components of strategic management (Source Kapferer 2012) Components of strategic management procedure: Strategic management is an fragmentary procedure, therefore, it should be realised that each components interrelates with the other elements and that this organisation frequently occurs in chorus. Techniques of strategic management process: Techniques of strategic management process refer to selecting the most suitable route of act for the apprehension of the goals of organisation and objectives and simultaneously accomplishing the vision of business entity. The techniques of strategic management principally consists six main techniques that does not pursue a unbending sequential order however they are very logical and can be effortlessly pursued in the following ways; 1. Setting up the organisational objectives: The important techniques for any type of strategy statement are by setting up the objectives, which are of long term for organisation. It is understood that approach is usually intermediate for attaining the objectives of business entity. Objectives emphasises the stress upon the situation of being there while strategy focuses ahead the procedure of getting there (Langley et al. 2013). Strategy consists of both fixations of both objectives as well as the medium to used to apprehend those objectives. Thus, strategy is broader approach, which considers in the utilisation of resources and achieving the objectives of business entity. 2. Evaluation of business entity environment: The next technique is to determine the universal monetary and industrial surroundings under which an organisational functions. This consists of the business entity competitive situation. It is vital to carry out a qualitative and quantitative re-evaluation of the business firm existing the product line. The objectives of such re-examination are to ensure that techniques, which are significant for competitive success in the market, can be discovered so that the management can recognize their own strength and weakness. After locating the strength and weakness, a business firm must keep a watch on the competitors moves and actions in order to discover likelihood opportunities of threats to its markets and sources of supply. 3. Setting up the quantitative targets: Under these techniques, a business firm should virtually fix the quantitative targets principles for a number of the organisational objectives (Barney and Hesterly 2015). The concept following this is to assess with the long term consumers, so as to assess the contribution that may be made by a variety of merchandise zones or functioning department. 4. Aiming in context with the divisional plans: Under this technique, the contribution made by each of the subdivision or division or merchandise class within the business entity is recognized and appropriate strategies are performed for each sub-unit. This involves a cautious examination of macroeconomic trends. 5. Performance analysis: Performance examination consists of determination and analyzing the opening connecting the planned or required presentation. A significant assessment of the business entity past presentation, current condition and the required future conditions should be performed by the organisations (Morden 2016). This decisive assessment recognizes the amount of gap that exists among the authentic reality and the long-term ambitions of the organisation. An effort is made by the establishment to calculate approximately its possible outlook if the trends persists. 6. Choice of strategy: This is the final techniques in the process of techniques involved in strategic management. The best course of action is actually chooses after considering the goals of the organisation, its strengths and potential limitations along with the external opportunities. Factors influencing the choice of strategy: Strategic management is the methodical procedure of analyzing, co-ordinating and employing decisions and actions plans to accomplish sustainable spirited advantage (Riding and Rayner 2013). There are certain factors, which consist of the management functions, transformation in structure, competition, social-economic factors, laws and technology. Management functions: Alteration in the structure of the administration or the board of directors or exit of the administrative officers influences alteration in strategy. The inward associates of the management team might need to reconsider the present strategies with the objective of enforcing innovative ideas to take the business to improved level. Structural transformations: Structural transformation consists of mergers acquisition and expansion into the global markets, which helps, in necessitating the strategic realignment. Such transformation changes the management, structure of capital and markets structure of business firms, which makes strategic management inevitable (Watson 2013). An organisation should adjust according to the current strategies and formulating new strategies in order to re align the mission and objectives of the organisation. Competition With rise in the competition of the target markets, imperative reassessment of strategies in an effort to improve the competitive benefit has become vital for very business organisations. Business firms employees such strategic tools like SWOT analysis to analyse the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats and change the present strategies (Schilke 2014). For instance, challenges such as simulations of product by the rival firms possess threats to the competitive advantage of a business firms. Altering strategies will enable a business entity to change the course of operations by concentrating on the inherent weakness and threats. Socio-cultural factors: The social and the cultural factors of a business entity must make quick changes in the strategic management process. Every business organisation must ensure that strategic process is realigned to description for the demographic and cultural simulations, particularly while penetrating into the new markets or scheming new products for a particular marketplace sections. Laws: Alteration in regulations such as the tax, environment and healthcare laws influences the procedure of strategic management. An organisation must adjust according to the current needs of their business to integrate the requirement of the new laws. For example if law directs an organisation lower the carbon footprint it may require the review process of production or the supply chain management approach so that it can comply with the new requirements. Technology: A business entity might change its approach due to the accessibility or lack of sufficient technology. The acquirement of capital resources such as mechanical and advanced equipment may enable an organisation to amplify the amount of production in order to adjust to the needs of the supply chain function (Ward and Peppard 2016). Hence, the information technology trends also influence the changes in strategic management. Conclusion: Strategic management is one of the key tools that is available with the management of the organisation to develop the organisational management systems. The report has examined the key elements of strategic management to improve the understanding of managers by placing a major emphasis on the process of strategic decision-making. The volatility of the environment is the circumstances, which hinders the development process by introducing a great deal of uncertainty. In addition to this, a review of the major significant management models indicates that an organisation must include the aspects of strategic management such as formulation of strategies, evaluating and controlling strategies etc. Moreover, the concept of strategic management is still concerned to undergo change in order to meet the organisational needs and objectives. Understanding and following the complete process will facilitate the management to attain the goals of the organisation. Reference List: Barney, J.B. and Hesterly, W., 2015.Strategic management and competitive advantage concepts and cases. Pearson. Bradley, G., 2016.Benefit Realisation Management: A practical guide to achieving benefits through change. CRC Press. David, F. and David, F.R., 2016. Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases. De Waal, A., 2013.Strategic Performance Management: A managerial and behavioral approach. Palgrave Macmillan. Doz, Y. and Prahalad, C.K., 2013, January. 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