Thursday, April 16, 2020
Sample Essay For Importance of Family Relationships
Sample Essay For Importance of Family RelationshipsA sample essay for the importance of family relationships can be designed by using a content management system. It is very important to design a sample essay for the importance of family relationships that are well-designed, easy to read.You will find lots of online sample essays in various categories. Sample essays are written for different purposes like improving interpersonal skills or helping a student know what to do in his/her life. It is really important to write a few sample essays before you actually sit for the exam. This will give you a lot of time to reflect on the topics you have written.A sample essay for the importance of family relationships may help you understand the importance of family relationships and their importance in a person's life. It is also important to present the various aspects of a relationship. A good essay will make the readers to relate to the text.The sources of great information are given at the end of the essay. It will help you know how to prepare for the exam. And it will also help you understand the material better.The online sample essays can be used in real life as a reference. Students can use it as reference when they apply for higher studies. This is good as it will enhance their communication skills, especially when they are trying to write a thesis.A sample essay for the importance of family relationships will serve the purpose of guiding students to approach the subject with more attention. There are several benefits from studying a sample essay for the importance of family relationships. First, it will help you retain the information better. Second, the essay should be written in a common language, so that it will be easier to understand.It is also important to remember that a single point should be communicated clearly. As students, we should learn from the mistakes of others, but it is also important to learn from the mistakes of others.Writing a great essay takes a lot of effort. The writers have to do several activities before the essay can be ready. Writing a great essay is difficult but it is very important to be prepared from the beginning.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Robber Barons or Captains of Industry free essay sample
Robber barons were business leaders who built their fortunes by stealing from the public and captains of industry were business leaders who served their nation in a positive way. These three entrepreneurs were robber barons, for they either did many good things for the nation but had tricks up their sleeve, or were just leaders that treated people unfairly. Henry Ford, John D.Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie were robber barons during the 1900’s. John D. Rockefeller was a robber baron because he monopolized the oil industry, barely donated to the community and led the workers to harsh conditions. When Rockefeller monopolized the industry, it was bad enough that he was going against the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, which stated that having a monopoly was illegal. He even stated, â€Å"The coal oil business belongs to us,†after owning most of the companies due to his monopoly. The trick behind this act was to lower the prices of oil so everyone could afford it. We will write a custom essay sample on Robber Barons or Captains of Industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even though this sounds very beneficial for the community, it was bad once Rockefeller was able to own every single company and raise the prices back up, leaving the people with no choice. Since automobiles were also much cheaper and more consumers were buying them, it would lead to more consumers buying oil from Rockefeller and only him. People stated he was a captain of industry because he helped people in poverty, but raising prices back up would not make it any better. Rockefeller also donated $8 billion to the economy, along with controlling 1. 52% of it. Even though $8 billion was an extreme amount of money, it was nothing compared to his $66. 3 billion dollars. Finally, Rockefeller’s workers were working in harsh conditions and treated unfairly. Even though he gave bonuses and high wages so they could work harder, only the unemployed men were allowed to work and had to follow strict rules. Since the workers did want to obey these harsh rules, it led to the Ludlow Massacre of 1914 where Rockefeller sent out the National Guard to stop them, killing 13 strikers and 32 women and children. Overall, Rockefeller’s tricks and immoral decisions led him to be a robber baron. Andrew Carnegie was another entrepreneur that was a robber baron. He treated his workers badly, had a monopoly, and bribed people through vertical integration. Worse than Rockefeller, Carnegie’s workers were in an even worse situation. Carnegie barely paid them anyway and he cut their wages, leading them closer and closer to a strike. The working conditions were also dangerous, leaving them with injuries due to their fingers or arms getting cut off in the machines. This resulted in the Homestead Strike, refusing to let the strikebreakers take over their jobs. Shooting broke out, leaving some strikers dead. Carnegie also used the methods of vertical integration and horizontal consolidation. Vertical integration is when Carnegie bought out all suppliers to control all the stages of the manufacturing process, such as transportation, raw materials, and etc. One of his good friends, Theodore Roosevelt, was an example of whom he bribed so he can buy out his suppliers with no one knowing. Horizontal consolidation was when Carnegie bought out all competing companies, soon creating a monopoly and owning 80% of the steel industry. Even though Carnegie built schools, libraries, homes, and railroads with most of his money, he still wanted profits from everything and tricks to bribe people into getting more. Finally, Henry Ford was also a robber baron. He glorified only himself, bribed his workers, and was anti-Semitic. Ford was seen as a great man for building hospitals, museums, etc. , especially since he was deeply appreciated for his good impact on America. But when he was glorified for expressing his love for American customs, the background story of this was that he deeply wanted his workers to be â€Å"Americanized†, teaching them English during work. Unfortunately though, he intruded on their personal lives and always made sure they were home at night, weren’t out drinking, or doing any other actions he restricted. He was also glorified for sending out ships to Europe to stop WWI with no profit, but when he arrived at Europe, he went right back to America. He made no impact on the war, and didn’t even care that the U. S. would have to get involved soon, even though he said he wanted to help them in the beginning. The first thing he was known for was scientific management and strengthening the mass assembly line, which would make the workers work harder but be happier. Although, this led to mass production, which gave him the benefit of higher profits. Ford also bribed his workers. Although he paid them very high wages and reduced their working hours, he only did this so they would not form a Union to rebel against him. Since the workers could also only purchase things from where they work, Ford got back their wages most of the time, which was also a good reason to increase their wages. Finally, Ford was anti-Semitic. When buying out the ‘Dearborn Independent’, people appreciated that he expressed his beliefs, but his hatred against the Jews was going way too far. He did not let them work in his factories, did not stop his publisher’s harsh words against them, and believed that they were immigrants who were here to take away the jobs of Americans. Overall, Henry Ford, John D. Roosevelt, and Henry Ford were three entrepreneurs that should be classified as robber barons in the 1900’s. Roosevelt and Carnegie had monopolies and were controlling leaders, were tricky business partners just like Ford, who was also selfish and glorifying for all the wrong reasons. Each entrepreneur are not captains of industry, but robber barons; people who manipulate the people for their own benefit.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Designing A Network Essays - Inter-process Communication, Server
Designing A Network I. STATEMENT & BACKGROUND The college of Business (COB) server is now being used to support deliver to the Computer Information System (CIS) department. The CIS professors would be using the server for various operations. Assignments, e-mail, and other types of information would be easier for the students to access. Network users are able to share files, printers and other resources; send electronic messages and run programs on other computers. However, certain important issues need to be addressed and concentrated on. In order to begin the process of setting up the COB server, the total numbers of users (faculty and students) must be determined. Some other significant factors to be approached are: the required software applications needed on the network, an efficient and appropriate directory structure and effective security structure. In designing the directory structure, the major focus must be on accessibility. The number of undergraduate CIS courses that the server will be used for is be! tween 15 and 17. For the users to be ensured that their information is not at risk, we will create an effective security structure. In composing the appropriate security structure there must be certain access rights assigned to the users. An important technical detail in setting up a server is the amount of money that will need to be allocated for the restructuring of the system. For the system to function properly, the amount of hardware/ software will need to be determined. II. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The COB server will primarily be used by CIS professors and CIS students. The approximate number of professors in the CIS department is between five and seven and the approximate number of CIS majors is between 100 and 120. As computer technology continues to grow, the number of CIS majors is vastly increasing. If we see a considerable rise in Computer Information Systems majors the department will have to expand its faculty members. The CIS professors will be using the server to disburse their syllabi, distribute specific assignments and send e-mail to their students. The layout, design and complexity of each class will determine how much the professor may be using the server. The first class a CIS major usually takes at Western is CIS 251. Management Information Systems (CIS 251). This class offers students a basis for management information systems in business organizations. In putting the COB server to use and getting the student ready for hands-on knowledge of computer-based information systems, CIS 251 focuses on analysis, development, design, implementation, and evaluation. Other tasks that are covered in this class are computer applications ins spreadsheets, word processors, and database systems. Information systems affect both business people and people who live in society. The first programming class CIS majors take is CIS 256. This CIS course will be very beneficial for the server. Business Computer Programming (CIS 256) introduces the student to an application of programming principle in business. Detailed assignments involve flowcharting, coding, documentation, and testing. This course provides the student with a background of computer architecture and data representation. This class account will require the BASIC programming language that will be used as well as the compiler. The CIS elective, CIS 301, emphasizes maximum hands-on experience with microcomputers and software packages, including word processing, spreadsheets, database managers, and graphic systems. Microcomputer Applications (CIS 301), is an important course for students not majoring in Computer Information Systems, but would like to familiarize themselves with the personal computer. This account will contain Microsoft Office and e-mail capabilities. An important class that becomes useful for the server is the CIS 358 course. The professor can send applications, reports, programs and other data to the server where the student can transfer to a disk or their VAX account. Applications Development II (CIS 358) is a study of the state of art tools and techniques for developing complex business applications; data organization, on-line processing, software engineering, and software maintenance. This CIS class is an extension to CIS 258. The student will expand his/her knowledge of the COBOL programming language. In order for the CIS major to apply principle of good application design and solving problems, the Visual Basic programming language will also be introduced. The account for these two classes will contain the COBOL programming language and the compiler for it as well as Visual Basic. For the students to learn more about client-server technology, CIS 365 is required to the Computer Information Systems curriculum. The student will be involved in learning about different types of
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