Saturday, December 28, 2019
Toyota Operations Management Paper - 2072 Words
Quality Control Management Kristi Goddard Capella University MBA6022 – Strategic Operations Management Sunday, March 17, 2012 1205 Sumac Circle Zebulon, NC 27597 Telephone: (919) 880-9037 Email: Instructor: Dr. Gary Reinke Abstract The overlying mission of The Toyota Motor Corporation is to develop and provide innovative, safe and outstanding high quality products and services that meet a wide variety of customers demands to enrich the lives of people around the world (TMC, 2006). In order to ensure that each and every segment of TMC excels in this mission, a number of principles and philosophies have been outlined in order to meet the corporation objectives in the most beneficial manner,†¦show more content†¦One key point is that Toyota did not stress its production system beyond its capabilities, but rather it was a failure of management, letting its 15% global market share target overshadow its traditional priorities. Desired Outcome The desired outcome of the Toyota crisis is that not only does Toyota manage to regain the trust, loyalty, respect and reputation of the masses, but that they exceed their own, their customers and their investors expectation. The dream would be that Toyota out perform all other automobile makers. Ultimately the goals or desire would be that Toyota experiences the fewest recalls of any of the leading automobile manufacturers and offer a product that is safe and effective. The company will need to spearhead reforms to further instill the company’s operations throughout the world with a customer perspective. Newly appointed quality officers will represent concerns of customers; while representatives from the TMC’s business operations will be present for global committee member meetings. Having a TMC representative present at the global committee member meeting and the regional quality committee member meetings will spearhead comprehensive improvements to the companyâ €™s operations; thereby promoting the strengthening of global quality improvement activities. Safety executives will need to participate in recalls and other safety decision making on a global basis. The goal is to form an optimal andShow MoreRelatedToyota Process Identification and Improvement1239 Words  | 5 PagesProcess improve Toyota Process Improvement Abstract This paper will address the identification of processed used by Toyota Corporation during the accelerator crisis. It will identify the process used and the core problems with the process. In part A of the paper the paper addresses the issues that began with sticky gas pedals, floor mats, and pedal entrapment and braking issues on some models of Toyotas vehicles. The quality of the vehicle was the issue. In part B of the paper the issue was safetyRead MoreFinancial Situation Of Toyota Motor Corporation784 Words  | 4 PagesMBA 535 Quantitative Paper Ashrafi, Omid Feb 2, 2015 City University of Seattle Abstract This paper is focusing on financial situation of Toyota Motor Corporation. It will analyze three main factors for Toyota in past few years. First, it is going to analyses financial receivable and operating lease. Second, it will talk about Toyota revenue in 2012 and finally it will discuss about cost which include financial operation for Toyota. Toyota Overview Toyota Motor Corporation isRead MoreEssay Operations Improvement Plan1639 Words  | 7 PagesU06a1 Operations Improvement Plan Jessica Horlacher Capella University MBA 6022 February 16, 2012 Dr. Huang Executive Summary Toyota is one of the leading vehicle manufactures in the world and has faced some challenges throughout the years. This paper will discuss a key issue that Toyota has faced and how they can utilize communication software to improve the business relationship between supplier and Toyota. Operations Improvement Plan Introduction Toyota Overview Toyota is oneRead MoreCorporate Govenance- Business Strategy841 Words  | 4 Pagesfour page APA style paper. Introduction Toyota Motor Corp. is a company that produces vehicles. Their logo is â€Å"filled with possibilities†. It is a cleaver logo because it is a picture of a gas tank set on full. The â€Å"F†for full, is used in the logo to start the word Filled. Toyota has been in the United States since 1957 ( Toyota was a trusted company until a defect in the gas pedals was detected. This led to some massive recalls. The purpose of my paper is to evaluate Toyota’sRead MoreFinancial Situation Of Toyota Motor Corporation843 Words  | 4 PagesThis paper is focusing on financial situation of Toyota Motor Corporation. 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Its success is based on the nature of its products and manufacturing processes. In 2010, Toyota sold 7Read MoreImpact Of Management On The Globalization Of Business1374 Words  | 6 Pages Impact of management in the globalization of business Ruth Wills University of the People Abstract The purpose of this paper is to show impact of management in the globalization of business. The following topics are addressed in this paper: 1. Definition of Multi-National Corporation 2. Cultures and Norms 3. Management Style and Culture Shock 4. Management Style of a Multi-National Corporation : Toyota Motors 5. Ethical and Economic challenges faced Multinational CorporationRead MoreMini Case Paper #1-Building â€Å"World Car†950 Words  | 4 PagesMini case paper #1-Building â€Å"world car†1. Discuss the strategies implemented by Toyota and Honda to achieve greater efficiency in car production. One of the major strategies implemented by Toyota and Honda to achieve greater efficiency in car production is pursuing the continuous improvement and using â€Å"lean†production system in order to eliminate waste in the organization. Toyota and Honda show a strong emphasis on total product quality not only at the expense of lead time but alsoRead MoreToyota Motor Corporation: Analysis1253 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of Toyota Motor Corporation Introduction Automotive industry is one of the most competitive, profitable, and fastest growing industries of the world. The uncertainties and challenges present in the external environment enforce them to think beyond their limitations, take risks, and make decisions in strategic perspective (Kurtz Boone, 2011). Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the top market leaders in the automobile industry of the world with respect to the scale of operations, businessRead MoreThe Effect Of Lean Production On A Process Plant Essay1138 Words  | 5 PagesREVIEW OF â€Å"THE USE OF LEAN PRODUCTION IN A PROCESS PLANT†HARRY DEBOLE Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD4222, Australia This paper presents a review of the use of Lean Production in a process plant. It defines lean production as a process putting into consideration the history and the reason it was formulated. It also considers the application, benefits and the barriers to the effective maximization of the process. Keywords: Lean Production, Process plant, Definition
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Institutional Racism The Systematic Oppression Of People...
Institutional Racism: The Systematic Oppression of People of Color According to the oxford dictionary, institutional racism is defined as discrimination amongst people of a certain race that society becomes to see as normal. Looking back at the â€Å"discovering†of America, the history of colonization, slavery, the trail of tears and even Japanese internment camps, anyone not of European(British descent) were always seen and treated as less than. Because so many years have passed, one would think that something as simple as a skin color no longer was such a big determinant of prison time, obtaining a house, getting an education, and even getting a college degree (Irizarry and Raible, 2014). A good example of institutional racism is incarceration. An 1850 census shows that, there are currently more black men in prison than were enslaved in the year 1850 (Arene-Morley, 2014). Incarceration statics shows how the system is very unfair to minorities. The crack vs. cocaine sentencing laws also depicts incarceration disparities. Crack is a drug used predominantly by black people while cocaine is predominantly used by white people. Crack and cocaine is essentially the same drug. The only ingredient that separated them is banking soda. Even though these two drug are virtually the same, crack gets a much harsher sentencing than cocaine (Kurtzleben, 2010). Another examples can be seen through employment and poverty. Black men make seventy-two cents to every dollar a white man makes.Show MoreRelatedAmerican History And Its Current Setting927 Words  | 4 Pagesused the term racist or racism, the denotation suggest that they are talking on an individual level. The Oxford dictionary regards racism as an individual hate and discrimination against another race. But what about the bigger picture? Is society ignoring the systematic and power relationship racism actually stems from? The first print of the term racism was recorded in Oxford Dictionary in 1902 by Richard Henry Pratt (Demby, â€Å"The Ugly, Fascinating History Of The Word Racism†). Pratt once made aRead MoreSpeech On Racism And Oppression1604 Words  | 7 Pageseducated on racism and oppression, however after reviewing my initial video from the first few weeks of class, I quickly comprehended that in fact I had not been appropriately educated on racism or oppression throughout my life. I was among many individuals in society who were convinced that they looked at all individuals equally, so color of skin was never a factor taken into consideration. Unfortunately, I didn t realize how damaging the colorblind approach was. In reality, I was ignoring racism as aRead MoreRacism Paper1548 Words  | 7 PagesAaron Riehle March 30, 2011 Racism Paper Prof. Thompson Racism is the systematic oppression and exploitation of human beings on the basis of their belonging to a particular racial group or people. â€Å"Systematic†indicates that we must look at the status of the group as a whole, and not at those few individuals who may have climbed a â€Å"ladder of success†in the white society. The word â€Å"systematic†also connotes practices and policies which are pervasive, regardless of whether they are intentionalRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave977 Words  | 4 PagesThis book not only showed people what life was truly like in the eyes of a slave, but it became instrumental in propelling the abolitionist movement and helping it gain motion all across the country. Douglass was truly a revolutionary person because throughout the duration of slavery, African American people were not permitted to be educated. This was considered dangerous. It wasn’t until Frederick Douglass was mo ved to Boston, where slaves were treated more like people instead of cattle, that heRead MoreThe Comet By W. E. B. Du Bois Essay1494 Words  | 6 Pagesstruggles especially with racism. While it is easy to look back at history and accept the accounts for misconduct and atrocities, it is vital to reexamine and revise thoughts and actions in order to prepare for the future. An invisible type of racism that can be revealed with reexamination often times is institutional racism. The short story, â€Å"The Comet†written by W. E. B. Du Bois, is a story set in a post-apocalyptic world. The story shows that in order to bring down barriers of racism, it requires a catastrophicRead MoreRacism And The Black Athlete Essay1483 Words  | 6 PagesRacism is an evolving problem that we have face in our society for generations. This issue is evolving because it opens itself to all components of life. Sport is no stranger to involvement with racism, in fact it has been a platform which sparks change or intensifies the state of racism in society. Racism refers to the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races (Oxford Dictionary)Read MoreBecoming An Ally By White Americans927 Words  | 4 PagesBecoming an Ally When white Americans choose to self-educate about systemic racism they can become allies in the fight to dismantle racist structures in our society. Systemic racism is a theory that â€Å"takes a look at how individual, structural, and institutional forms of racism intersect, overlap, and create a deep-rooted form of prejudice and discrimination that advantages a cultural group at the expense of others in all institutions of a society - economics, political representation, the criminalRead MoreThe Women s Liberation Movement Essay2464 Words  | 10 PagesS, however this feminist movement was not as easy to join if you were a black woman. A reason for this hardship was because of the racial conflict and tension that is experienced by African American people living in the United States that is dated back to the inhumane implantation of slavery. Racism in America is the result of the white social construction of identity and the perpetrated norm of the â€Å"otherness.†The m arginalization of disclosing black women from the U.S. women’s liberation movementRead MoreRacial Segregation And The Civil Rights Movement1407 Words  | 6 Pagesthat kept black communities marginalized and disenfranchised. As overt discrimination was becoming less commonplace, the seedlings of covert, institutionalized racism were being planted. George Lipsitz identifies this maintenance of subtle hegemonic power that unfairly withholds political, economic, and social advantages from people of color as the â€Å"possessive investment in whiteness†(2-3). This process of domination is precisely what occurred in the post-Civil Rights Era. Despite the alleged progressRead MoreResearch Proposal On Environmental Racism And Environmental Justice Essay1172 Words  | 5 Pages Unit 8 Learning Assignment Research paper University of the People term 4 (2015-2016) Phil 1404: Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice May 30, 2016 Andy Stanford (Instructor)
Friday, December 20, 2019
Supply Chain Management Zara s Strategy - 847 Words
According to Motiwalla (2011) â€Å"Supply chain management is the science of developing a strategy to organize, control, and motivate the resources involved in the flow of services and materials within the supply chain.†(P. 305). In fact, Zara’s strategy in the clothing retail business is to comprehend the customers needs, produce new fast styles of clothing, and market it for sale using efficient information systems to gather information, manage product, inventory and distribution. Likewise, Limited Brads strategy managed to consolidate their technology operations into a single shared service for all of its brands using chain technologies and processes to drive the speed to market requirements. First, â€Å"Retail companies have become involved in supply chain management in order to control product quality, inventory levels, timing, and expenses.†(About money). For this reason, Zara’s strategy ensured that its supply chain capabilities supported its ability to satisfy the targeted customers. In addition, Zara collects information on customer needs, integrates data with design, manufacturing and distribution functions. With this in mind, Zara concentrated its product to short lead time, lower quantities, more styles and use an effective distribution system. Similarly, Limited Brands, shifted to a high end product line that required a strategy to bring product to market and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, Limited Brands management approved the project of building a globalShow MoreRelatedZara Postponement Strategy1702 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿The case of Zara – The Postponement strategy I) Introduction In order to compete in the world of rising globalization and shortening of product life cycle nowadays, firms have to deal with the demand for increasing product variety to meet the diverse needs of customers. Mass customization has become a requirement for many businesses especially in the dynamic, fast-changing industries. However, the more product varieties, the more difficult it is to forecast demand, control inventory and manufactureRead MoreZara877 Words  | 4 PagesSupply Chain Management – Case Assignment 2 Guidelines for submission The questions in this document should be answered for the Zara case, which can be found on pages 267 – 279 of the text book. The questions on page 294 should NOT be answered. Please keep your answers concise and to the point. Include the numbering of the questions. You are allowed to use bullet points. Use MS Word, 12 point font size, standard margins for A4 paper. Start the document with your student number and name onRead MoreThe Supply Chain Of Zara Essay1140 Words  | 5 PagesZara is one of the biggest brands in the world in the field of clothing. It always keeps in mind to improve their production quality. Supply chain management is the intercorrection of organizations managements that relate to each other through linkages between processes that produce value to customer. The term supply network refers to all operations that were linked together to provide goods and services through this network along individual channels or standards of that network. The supply chainRead MoreZara s Supply Chain Of Zara1300 Words  | 6 PagesZara’s Supply Chain Zara is characterized by its unique and rapid-fire supply chain that is governed by the vertically integrated system that links their shops, designers, and distribution system. The key players in this system are the wholesalers and retailers, so controlling the activities of those mark the success of the business. Zara’s system is so integrated that makes it hard for other competitors to nail the starting point of a similar product. In the Design Phase, 300 professional designersRead MoreZaras Case Study1373 Words  | 6 Pages1. What is Zara’s value Proposition? How does it differ from its Competitors? â€Å"Zara has pioneered leading-edge fashion clothes for budget minded young adults through a tightly integrated vertical structure that cuts delivery time between a garment’s design and retail delivery to under three weeks (against the industry norm of three to six months)†(Grant, 2010, p.212) According to Clayton Christensen in order to process you Value Proposition you must look at the following (Harvard BusinessRead MoreZara- Rapid-Fire Fulfillment1006 Words  | 5 PagesZara-Rapid Fire Fulfillment BUS3022/Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management August 19, 2013 Oliver Schwabe Zara-Rapid Fire Fulfillment It is becoming apparent that the ever changing environment in the global marketplace requires a swifter response time from businesses and their supply chains. The era when production was moved overseas, so businesses can take advantage of low-cost labor is coming to an end, because businesses are not only competing on price but also on time. TheRead MoreZar A Critique Of A Business Case Essay1269 Words  | 6 PagesZARA’S OPERATIONS STATEGY, A CRITIQUE OF A BUSINESS CASE. 1.Excecutive summary. Operations management is in regard to all operations within the organization responsible for creating goods and services that organizations pass to their customers. This function is at the heart of all organizations, giving the means of achieving their aims and reason for their existence. These activities include: managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage and logistics. A great deal of focus in operationsRead MoreCase Study : Zaras Success1299 Words  | 6 Pages3.0 Zara s success is due to its approaches to operations management Discuss. 3.1 INTRODUCTION Operations management refers to all operations and activities within the organization responsible for the creation of goods and services that the organization passes to its customers. The main activities of operation management include managing purchases, quality control, inventory control, storage and logistics and a great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of such a process (slackRead MoreZara Business Plan1168 Words  | 5 Pages a ready-to-wear chain distinguishes itself through its original strategy and its lightning growth: Zara. This apparel retailer belongs to the group Inditex, which also owns for example brands such as Massimo Dutti and Bershka. The company’s headquarters are in Corunna (Spain), and was founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega. The concept of Zara’s stores is to propose a wide range of clothes as well as underwear, accessories and shoes –and even recently, interior decoration with Zara Home. Stores can beRead MoreZara s Supply Chain Management3096 Words  | 13 PagesZara’s Supply Chain Management (SCM) System Ratchanobon Kamdecha Virginia International University CMP 570 Enterprise Information Systems Professor Moses Niwe October 22, 2014 Table of Contents: Abstract 3 - Introduction 4 - History 4 - Production 4 - Design 4 - Store 5 - Distribution and Procurement 5 The supply chain of Zara 6 - Rules of fashion supply chain management system 7 - The value chain of Zara 8 - Zara information
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Global Warming Climate Change - 923 Words
Fall is a season loved by many because of the changing leaves, anticipation of Halloween, and of course the cool weather. Living in Las Vegas, I have always looked forward to the beginning of fall after the overbearingly hot summers. As I am sitting in my living room with the air conditioning blasting, I am pressed with a question- why is it 100 degrees in the middle of October? This steady increase in temperature is a direct result of climate change, although some scientists may disagree, climate change is happening, and this change can be clearly identified by such indicators. By defining climate change, displaying the unnatural causes, and portraying how this affects us, I intend to then bring light to how we can lower the risks of the unintended consequences brought on by future climate change. When hearing the phrase climate change, people generally tend to assume that it is an interchangeable term with global warming. Although global warming is an aspect of climate change, they are not to be confused. According to the article What Are Climate and Climate Change? in Nasa Knows, climate change refers to any long-term change in Earth s climate, or in the climate of a region or city, while global warming is the long-term increase in Earth s average temperature. As reported by the Environmental Protection Agency in their web article â€Å"Climate Change†climate change can be seen in the rising global temperature, an increase in floods, heat waves, drought, also the meltingShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Climate Change974 Words  | 4 Pagesabout global warming, whether it is true or false. Is there evidence to prove that global warming has impacted the climate due to the rise in the earth’s temperature? Climate change is a problem that is worldwide that should be reviewed. The rise in the earth’s temperature has caused some impact to the weather and climate changes to many places worldwide. This rise in temperature has the po tential of causing drastic changes to the earth in many ways. It is time to view the global warming concernsRead MoreClimate Change Of Global Warming924 Words  | 4 Pages Figure 0.1 shows the different effects of global warming. Global warming is the warming of our planet at an extreme rate. The Earth’s climate has warmed by 7.8OC since 1880. (Quick facts about science, 2015). What causes global warming? The cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide. This acts like a blanket. Protecting the earth, and heating the earth. Sun rays would normally bounce around the earth, but with the blanket, the sun rays heat the blanket which heats the earth. (Petersen ScienceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change1398 Words  | 6 Pages Global warming and climate change have been frequent topics of discussion over the past several years. Although people tend to focus on the politics, it is important to look past the media aspects of it into the cold hard facts of what our Earth is currently experiencing, and what has caused it in the first place. The cause of climate change includes natural causes, but human causes are what is generating such a rapid global temperature change. It’s time that the ways in which humanity affectsRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1060 Words  | 5 PagesClimate change (Klaus) 1000 The terms â€Å"global warming†, â€Å"climate change†or â€Å"greenhouse effect†have become more than just parts of the popular lexicon as they rather are subject of public discussions, scientific research or political debates. Despite the popularity and the ubiquity of these terms, the public’s theoretical and conceptual understanding of them and their causal relations is often based on superficial knowledge and buzzwords or caricatures outlined and depicted in several popular mediaRead MoreClimate Change : Global Warming1194 Words  | 5 PagesDonya Curtis April 19, 2017 English 1001-rough draft Global Warming Global warming is one facet of the broader term climate change. It is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth s surface air and oceans from the mid 20th century and the projected continuation. The Global warming is primarily the consequence of building up greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Emission rates for most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, CO2, have increased 120 fold in the past 140 years. WhileRead MoreClimate Change and Global Warming1074 Words  | 5 PagesClimate change and Global Warming are out of control. This means that, no matter what policies, processes or actions are implemented, the Earth as we know it will never be the same again. There is significant evidence to support this hypothesis. The dilemma becomes whether we can limit the damage and adapt to a new status quo or not. Rising sea levels and the damage caused by this phenomenon has irreversible impacts on coastlines worldwide. Damage to sensitive reef systems cannot be fixed. This alsoRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1022 Words  | 5 PagesWhat = Climate Change Who = Emma, Aoife, Julia, Rachael, Mariah and Cà ©line What is it? Climate Change is a change in the demographic distribution of weather patterns, and related change in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, happening over time scales of decades or longer. It’s the world’s greatest threat. Climate change is the change in temperature over a period of time. It involves the greenhouse effect and global warming. Where is it? It is an issue affecting everyone everywhere. ClimateRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1474 Words  | 6 Pagesphenomenon, known as â€Å"smog†became an often daily occurrence in big, urbanized cites across the globe. Also, Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth, popularized the issue of climate change and global warming as a result of the damage that the modern world has done to the atmosphere. He noted that people resist the facts about climate change due to the inconvenience of changing their lifestyles. But, uninhibited industrialization of several countries has led to intense modernization and revolution of theRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming928 Words  | 4 PagesThis paper will discuss climate change and global warming on the economy. The paper also gives a description on climate change and global warming. As well as what it hold for future business owners. It will also discuss what the government is doing about climate change/global warming. Climate change is a long-term shift in the statistics of the weather (including its averages). For example, it could show up as a change in climate normal (expected average values for temperature and precipitation)Read MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1630 Words  | 7 PagesClimate Related Threats Global warming will lead to uncontrollable devastation such as famine, war, and economic instability. Climate change will accelerate the dislocation of hundreds of millions of people and the extinction of many species. The negative effects of climate change are obvious on every continent. Professor Le Quere, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia said, The human influence on climate change is clear. The atmosphere and
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Sartre Existentialism Essay Example For Students
Sartre Existentialism Essay In the stranger, Camus uses Mersaults experiences such as his mothers death,killing the Arab, the trial, and his interaction with other charactersthroughout the novel to convey his philosophy, which satisfies all principals ofexistentialism. The existentialism idle proposes that man is full of anxiety anddespair with no meaning in his life, just simple existing, until hes made adecisive being. To convey his existentialism philosophy, Camus use the death ofMersaults, mother in the beginning of the novel. On the first page, Mersault ismore concerned about the time of his mothers death, and not the fact that hehad recently lost a loved one. This shows that Mersault felt that there is noreason to mourn for his mothers death, and also conveys the existentialist ideathat reason is powerless to the idea with the depths of human life. The factthat Mersault shows no compassion ultimately conveys Camus philosophy. Also, atMersaults mothers funeral Mersault does not cry or behave the way that s ocietyexpects him to act. This is because Mersault is an existentialist, and does notact in the appropriate manner in which society expects, which makes him astranger from the people around him. The murder of the Arab is clearly thecentral event of the novel, therefore, Camus placed it right in the middle ofthe book. This violent crime interrupts the routine of the story. It is the lastincident recounted in part one, so its importance is underscored by a structuralbreak in the story. It is related in one of the longer chapters, which recordsin fine detail the events of the day, even when their relevance is not anobvious for example, several paragraphs are devoted to describing how Marie andMersault frolic in the sea. The murder marks an obvious change in Mersaultslife, from free man to prisoner, and more subtle associated changes, such as hisincreasing introspection and concern with memory. Mersault himself describes theshooting in terms that emphasize both the destruction of a past and the start ofsomething new: and there, in that noise, sharp and deafening at the sametime, is where it all started I shook off the sweat and the sun. I know thatI had shattered the harmony of the day, the exception silence of a beach whereId been happy.(pg. 59) Until the murder, nothing very dramatic hashappened and nothing dramatic seems likely to happen. Partly, of course, thisair of normality results from the way Mersault tells the story. His mothersdeath could have been a momentous event, but he begins the novel with thestatement: Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I dont know.(pg. 1) The tone and the uncertainty combine to make us feel that this is not asignificant event. Mersault agreeing to marry Marie, could have been presentedas a turning point in his life; however he relates their engagement as if itwere a routine decision: That evening Marie came by to see me and asked meif I wanted to marry her. I said it didnt make much difference to me and thatwe could if she wanted to Mersault expresses very much the same attitudetoward the murder as he has previously; his actions have no conscious motives. In the event leading up to the point when Mersault kills the Arab, the heat,sun, and the light begins to affect him more and more, at which point hissensual feeling overwhelms him and causes him to pull the trigger and kill theArab. I was walking slowly towards the rocks and I could feel my foreheadswelling under the sun. All that heat was pressing down on me and making it hardfor me to go on But the whole beach, throbbing in the sun, was pressing on mybackThe sun was the same as it had been the day Id buried Maman, and likethen, my forehead especially was hurting me. ( pg. 57-58) This part of the novelshows how Mersault is a stranger from nature, in the way that for the first timethe sun and his sensual pleasures begin to act against him, and cause him tolose control. During the trial, Camus begins to ridicule the legal system, andmake apparent the fact that Mersault is truly an outsider. Camus does this bymaking Mersault feel out of place at has trial; also by showing that Mersault scase is rushed, due to the fact that there is an exciting parricide case next. .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 , .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .postImageUrl , .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 , .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98:hover , .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98:visited , .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98:active { border:0!important; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98:active , .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98 .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u719d7d8d406b17cad7dc3a2da8b11f98:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Road to Becoming a Teacher EssayAll throughout the trial the prosecutors try to make a case that, becauseMersault did not cry at his mothers funeral, he was guilty. The distortion isthat society believes that if you dont cry or show grief in some outward way,you have no soul. The prosecutor in his closing arguments says that: But here inthe wholly negative virtue of tolerance must give way to the sterner but loftiervirtue of justice. Especially when emptiness of a mans heart becomes, as wefind it has in this man, an abyss threatening to swallow up society. (Pg.101) Asif to say that the murder of the Arab was a direct result of the fact that hedid not cry at his mothers funeral. Society has distorted the facts of thecase, he is actually being tried for the fact that he did not cry at hismothers funeral rather than the actual crime at hand. This reveals Camusphilosophy by making Mersault a stranger from society, and the legal system. During the time in which Mersault is imprisoned, he begins to feel as though heis unable to accept death and wants to escape the inevitable. This is how Camususes Mersault to explain other principles of existentialism, which is fear,anxiety, and angst. The reason that Mersault feels this way is that hes deniedeverything in prison and has nothing to deal with but himself, which makes himable to consider what is doing to happen to him. In the novel, Mersault dealswith people such as his friends or acquaintances that were not readily acceptedin the society of that time. When Salomano comes to talk to Mersault about hisdog, instead of being compassionate and consoling the old man, Mersault tellshim that the pound keeps the dogs for a few days until it is put down. Thisshows that Mersault feels no reason to lie to Salamano or tell him something tocomfort him; Mersault does not feel pity for the old man. This is also anexistentialist viewpoint in the way that Mersault has no need to confor m tosociety how most people would. In conclusion, Camus writes the novel in order toexplain the absurdities of life, with the actions of Mersault to portray hisexistentialist beliefs. By showing that Mersault goes against everything that isdefined as appropriate in society, Camus has managed to do well enough that onewho did not have much knowledge about existentialist may gain an insight of whatit is, and the belief that an existentialist has.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Question: Discuss about the Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Answer: Introduction: Dr. Clare Grave is a known person who has contributed a lot in the field of leadership and development. Most of us have learned that empathy listening, healing, emphasizing, persuading, foreseeing, building communities, conceptualization, supporting and empowering are the norms of most world religions and cultures so principles of servant leadership cross religious and cultural lines. Overall, it does not matter what your religious beliefs or cultural beliefs are to a leader; a leader is there to guide, support, and put first his/her stakeholders. Some of world religions are different for example (Birnbaum Lach, 2014). The American psychologist Graves theorized that there are eight value systems, which evolved over the course of human history. He assumed that each value system flows from the previous one as a response to ever more complex life circumstances and to the problems with the previous set of values. The first category given by Grave is purple drive. The person with purple drive is supposed to be cautious about safety and security. The other key words that describe the people with purple driver are belonging, tradition, feeling at home, togetherness, and seniority. The secondary category given by Grave is red drive. The person with red drive is supposed to be respect and power. I believe that the red drive could be considered with the people at higher authority in the organizations. They act impulsively, quickly, and forcefully without thinking of the consequences (Dion, 2012). Other key words for this drive are: reputation, strength, power, honor, and courage. The third category given by Grave is blue drive. The people with blue drive are supposed to be focused on security. These are the people who are disciplined and like to follow a punctual life. The fourth category given by Grave is orange drive. The people with orange drive are highly competitive in nature. Few other key wo rds for this drive are: achievement, success, results, progress, and influence. The fifth category given by Grave is green drive. The people associated with green category are supposed to be loyal. The people with green category want to live with harmony. The sixth category given by Grave is Yellow drive. The keywords associated with yellow drive are learning and independence. The people with yellow drive are highly creative in nature (Knutsen Brock, 2014). The seventh category given by Grave is Turquoise. The keywords associated with Turquoise category are responsibility, spirituality, integration and balance. The diagrammatic representation of Grave value systems theory can be shown as: In the modern world of contemporary organizations, organizations want the leaders that have the attributes and personalities from various drives. Attributes and expectations of value leadership are highly correlated with values, ethics, and serving others. The principles of Garves value system theory and effective leadership theory cross religious and cultural lines not only because of ones attributes and position in an organization or cultural status. For example some basic principles, listening, foresight, awareness are things that leaders in many organizations have that allow effective leadership to take place. Foresight also is a characteristic that enables leaders to understand lessons from the past, the realities of the present, and the likely consequence of a decision in the future. It is deeply rooted in the intuitive mind. Listening, awareness, and listening are all servant leadership principles but are used in non-religious organizations and also in many cultures. In the multinational organizations like Emirates Airlines, the management has realized that there could be leaders and managers that may not be the master of all the drives. However, it important that people should have a learning attitude (Krystofik, 2014). The industrial and entrepreneurship leadership theory has changed through the course of history. Leading people is as old as the earths known existence. But how one leads, whom they lead, and what philosophy they embrace as their mantra, has varied throughout the ages of time, as well as the culture in which one exists. The schoolhouse has emerged from a one-room building, with a single teacher and administrator into an elaborate system of schools that are a part of a district, with multiple facilities and multiple layers of administrative bureaucracy. The evolution of industrial leadership is in part due to how schools have grown, how our societys values have changed, and how our understanding of the theories of behavior and lea dership has changed through academic research. Evaluation of different leadership styles and behaviors This section would discuss the evaluation of various leadership for Emirates Airlines. With time, management realized that servant leadership style is the best leadership style for Emirates. The servant leadership style matches best with green drive. It is also correct to say that other color drives could also be observed across Emirates airlines. However, if the culture of Emirates Airlines were to be explained with a single color, it would be Green. The diagrammatic representation of the value system of Emirates Airlines can be shown as: The scientific study of the styles of leadership is a relatively new phenomenon that began in the twentieth century. In 1995, Larry Spears made the argument, As we near the end of the twentieth century, we are beginning to see that traditional autocratic and hierarchical modes of leadership are slowly yielding to a newer model one that attempts to simultaneously enhance the personal growth of workers and improve the quality and caring of our many institutions through a combination of teamwork and community, personal involvement in decision making and ethical and caring behavior (Williams, 2010). This emerging approach to leadership and service is called servant-leadership. Research studies have brought to light the importance of satisfying the needs of the follower and the leader in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Servant leadership is identified as a style of leadership theory that addresses the wholeness of human needs in mind, emotions, body, and spirit. Research on leadership by various scholars has brought this theory to the forefront of what is considered effective leadership in the new millennium. Servant leadership defines and describes what attributes are necessary for a leader to be successful in todays society and currently in the field of education. Thomas Sergiovannis framework of the sources of authority for leadership/supervisory policy and practices describe the five primary styles of leadership. Moral leadership as defined by Sergiovanni, includes the concept of Servant Leadership, which is the primary focus of this study. With time, Emirates Airlines have make changes in its leadership style to suit external environment. The management of Emirates believes that organizational leadership has commonality throughout different cultures. Servant leaders avoid making choices that are compromising to ones values; they choose solutions that strengthen their values (Trompenaars Voerman, 2009). Cross culturally servant leaders respect the capabilities of their followers. They are not afraid of sharing their power through empowerment (Hannay University, 2012). A true leader understands that they are no stronger than their weakest link; therefore their focus is bringing out the best in their subordinates. The management of Emirates Airlines has integrated the green drive with servant leadership style. In the business world, in life, or wherever the action occurs, a servant leader is first and foremost a servant. They are intent upon helping others and ensuring they are successful (Spears, 2010). Being a servant leader takes an extreme amount of effort and dedication to be successful, one must put themselves, as servant in front of others. Once someone has mastered the art of serving, the leadership aspect can begin to come into play. The combination of service and the art of influencing others through your dedication culminate in what we refer to as a servant leader (Pilbeam, 2010). Servant leaders can be very successful since they are a powerful combination of helping people to succeed and also providing guidance and leadership to ensure successful outcomes. Evaluation and analysis of leadership issues One of the leadership issues that Emirates Airlines faces is the issue of managing leadership in the contemporary business environment. The top leaders of Emirates Airlines believe that they have various managers but not effective leaders. The lack of effective leadership skills is one of the issues for Emirates Airlines. The one thing that separates managers from leaders is a vocation. In addition, effective leaders are those that are called to be a leader. In other words, not all are called (vocation) to be leaders, however, any manager can be trained to be good leaders but they will not be authentic in their efforts while leading their followers. Todays traditional approach may be subdued by larger needs, complexity, power, impersonal, lack of competence resulting in a poor outcome with greater issues with ethics. Overall, servant leadership is associated with a participate leadership. The other styles such as; autocratic, laissez-faire, do not embrace servant leadership. when organizational leaders are committed to improving the relationship with their employees there will be an improve output in quality that stems from employees being committed and motivated to do better as their leaders take the time and place the needs of others before themselves as mentioned. Additionally, being authentic while being empathic, empowering, ethical, neutering and so forth. Overall, traditional leadership do not place the needs of individuals over themselves nor collective. Traditional leadership is more concern in getting the task completed than developing a relationship with others and or their followers. The problem with servant leadership is its time constraint to develop employees, even though there are models such as, One Minute Manger, One Minute Reprimand that help leaders in steering their employees to better performance with a servant style leadership but time constraints and opposing views still concerns. The airline industry is a very tricky industry and it is expected that people in this industry would have the capabilities and abilities to manage the concern of consumers. Another issue for Emirates Airlines is the issue of authority and power in leadership. There are four dimensions of Moral Authority and are used as the core of being a servant leader and are consistent with types of behavior a servant leader may exhibit. The first dimension is called sacrifice, which refers to the persons lack of an ego (Greenleaf, 1977). Having a quiet conscious instead of a boisterous ego is a centerpiece of a servants behavior. The second part of Moral Authority or Conscience is supporting a cause higher than you, in other words: Servant. Thirdly, the means used are just as important as the end product (Greenleaf, 1977). Do not sacrifice morals or ethics to achieve the outcome. Be a servant and focus on how things are done, not just the end result. Finally, relationships are important, not indi vidual behavior. A servant leader means building relationships and sharing in the values and goals together (Greenleaf, 1977). Servant leadership differs from traditional forms due to the emphasis on being a servant first and a leader second. Traditional models are centered on the leader as the person who is responsible and leading the charge. In a Servant leader, the emphasis is not on the leader, but rather the people. Generally, it is in the interpersonal relationships between the servant leader and the followers that the biggest difference is seen, regarding the different leadership styles. While other leadership styles may have some focus on the followers, such as transformational leadership, most of the other styles focus on the end product -- the change, the work, the output of the organization. Other types of leadership can be put on and taken off as needed, as in situational leadership, where what the leader does is dependent on the situation and the followers. Servant leadership is unique in that it is based on the desire of the leader to serve the followers, not on a desire to make money or gain power. Reflection: My analysis of leadership When I started this course I had a basic understanding of leadership. However, today I have a deep understanding of leadership. In this course I learned the concept of the servant leader, and how it is not just an individual who can be a leader -- an organization or a group can also function as a leader (Newitz, 2015). There are various positive take away from this course and one of the most important takeaways for me is the concept of servant leadership. I have learned that a leader just simply wanting to become a servant leader isnt enough. They often need to put a great deal of work on themselves by developing a comprehensive understanding of their abilities as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Development is critical for a leader that is wants to be a servant leader. It does indeed take time to make these adjustments but leaders can learn from experience. I think that leaders need to have experience before they can do this effectively. They must learn from both success and failure and make adjustments as needed. A servant leader must be comfortable with the idea of looking beyond their personal needs and to give power to followers in an effort to move them towards greatness. Servant leaders must learn to set a good example, become consistent with their actions, and demonstrating integrity with their values and behaviors (Ebener OConnell, 2010). Indeed these efforts do take time to master, but this effort makes a major difference in ones ability to make a profound impact on their followers and with their own abilities. I agree and like what Dr. Gibbs states about a servant leader and those exemplar characteristics they display in every sphere of their lives. He indicates, A servant leader should be the hardest working person in the organization; the one who clearly shares a vision and provides resources, training, coaching and a climate that fully supports their team (Gibb, 2015). The apex of a servant leader is an internal as well as an external example of Christ Jesus himself. If I have to summarize my learning then I would say that It is very important to make sure that you build a bond with people that you plan on leading in any type of way. You have to know your people and you have to be able to make sure that becoming a servant leader that you gain the trust of that leader. When you have that much authority over people you have to have their trust. And once you get their trust than you have a good person to lead you. Making sure that things are going to go well you and the rest of the people will know that their choices they made were good and respected by all. It's hard to find a person that is willing to step up to the plate and give their all to total strangers and gain their trust and fight to keep their trust as long as it may take (Reidenbach, 2013). Being a good leader you have to have a good ear to listen even when you do not want to. You have to know where your people are coming from and where their going rather good or bad. It will never be easy once you have start because you have so many people trying to see if you are going to be able to listen to them. Theyre going to test you as a servant leader to make sure that you able to take on the task. If you listen well that mean you will communicate well and that's what people look for also. If you can hold a conversation with a total stranger and fix their issues and it's observed by other than youre in a win-win situation. It makes you as the leader looks very good in the eyes of the people that are watching you closely. The traits, behaviors and leadership styles that I would expect to see in a person who identifies their self as a servant leader would be; a person who is willing to sacrifice their personal interest for the wellbeing of others, they would possess the natural feeling of need to serve others first, they would take great pleasure in helping others to grow and reach their full potential, they would be willing to share the glory and power with others, and they would not exhibit domineering traits. The servant leadership may be considered vocational because the it remains a quality in which those who possesses it is more spiritually fulfilled through the actions of giving and not receiving. References Ebener, D., O'Connell, D. (2010). How Might Servant Leadership Work? Nonprofit Management Leadership, 20(3), 315-335.Greenleaf, R. K. (1977). Servant Leadership. Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press. Gibb, R., PhD. (2015). Servant Leadership: The First Pillar of the Colangelo College of Business. Hannay, M., University, T. (2012). Retrieved from Trompenaars, F., Voerman, E. (2009). Servant Leadership Across Cultures: Harnessing the Strength of the World's Most Powerful Leadership Philosophy. Infinite Ideas. Birnbaum, R. and Lach, L., 2014. Teaching About What Ethical Social Work Practice Means: Responsibility Starts With Schools of Social Work.Lencadrement juridique de la pratique professionnelle, p.37. Dion, M., 2012. Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership?.Leadership Organization Development Journal,33(1), pp.4-24. Knutsen, W., Brock, K. (2014). Introductory essay: From a closed system to an open system: A parallel critical review of the intellectual trajectories of publicness and nonprofitness.Voluntas: International Journal Of Voluntary Nonprofit Organizations, 25(5), 1113-1131 Newitz, A. (2015). Google Attempts to Fight Patent Trolls with a Pretty Dubious Strategy. Retrieved from: Reidenbach, R.E. and Robin, D.P., 2013. Some Initial Steps Toward Improving the Measurement of Ethical Evaluations of Marketing Activities. InCitation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 315-328). Springer Netherlands. Krystofik, M., Babbitt, C. W., Gaustad, G. (2014). When consumer behavior dictates life cycle performance beyond the use phase: case study of inkjet cartridge end-of-life management. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19(5), 1129-1145. Pilbeam, S. Corbridge, M. (2010) People resourcing and talent planning: HRM in practice. 4th ed. London: Prentice Hall International. Williams, S. (2010). Strategic planning and organizational values: links to alignment.Human Resource Development International, 5(2), pp.217-233.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Major Boundaries or Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship
Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Dr Sam Prince. Answer: Introduction Dr Sam Prince is an industrialist with a degree in medicine. He is of Scottish born origin with Sri Lankan heritage and runs a chain of Mexican restaurants in different regions of Asia-Pacific, particularly in locations like Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Vietnam. Sam started his Mexican food restaurant named Zambrero at the age of 21. Since then he has been able to earn a good reputation as an efficient entrepreneur with a showcase of excellent skills from an early period (Warnecke 2015). The present paper discusses the extent to which Zambrero founder Sam Prine exemplifies certain entrepreneurial characteristics and traits. The paper then outlines three major challenges involved in establishing and sustaining a social enterprise. A logical conclusion is provided at the end of the paper. Analysis of Entrepreneur Traits/Characteristics Dr Sam Prince has been known to be a generous doctor, and this character is often reflected in his work as an industrialist. Sam crave for building up an association dedicated to societal conscientiousness. The aim that he had was to build up a humanitarian organisation that works for the society as well as reflects the modern Mexican culture. The first trait that Dr Sam Prince exhibits is of a social entrepreneur. In the given case study Sam displays the traits of a social entrepreneur wherein the sole concern is not about generating profits from the restaurant Zambrero but is also about giving something back to those who are needy in the society. His company takes initiatives to serve the societal concerns and addresses the major issues faced by the society. Some examples of the initiatives he has taken are One Disease at a Time and Plate for Plate that strives to help the society. Prince is known to eventually help and improve lives of many individuals with the implementation of a wide range of innovative and advanced business, aid and medical projects (Enos 2015). According to Zahra et al. (2014), social entrepreneurs have a vital role in leading changes in organisations as they have the deep understanding of the importance of giving back to the society they come from. They belief that if a real impact is to be made in the society, then there is a need of significant changes coming from within the organisation placed in the society. Prince as such a social entrepreneur has the belief that for making aid organisations thriving they are to be run with the equivalent rigidity and strictness as required for running a business. It is true that one cannot understand the pain and plights of the under privileged unless they are a part of such scenario. Prince was able to witness and feel such situations of helplessness and distress when he was working as a doctor in hospitals. The second trait that Sam exhibits is passion or obsession. Dr Sam is a philanthropist and entrepreneur at the same time. He can be refer to as a social entrepreneur, with the main focus on social work (Goffee and Scase 2015) As per the case study a deep passion is reflected in the work Sam does and his obsession to work for the needy had led to the startup restaurant Zambrero. He had been working for people suffering from eradication of scabies. Assisting that populace who show anguish and want to eliminate major public health concerns like scabies requires patience, empathy and determination. This determination was what Sam had as he was determined to fulfil his goals and objectives at any cost. In the vein of the entrepreneur skills is a passion that can take a new entrepreneur to the epitome of success (Hulgrd and Andersen 2016). The third impactful trait that Sam has is the ability to pre-plan all tasks before executing them. At the present time, the focus of Sam has gone beyond Asia and is highlighting native communities. Prince had planned about setting up the organisation while he was working as a doctor. As an entrepreneur, it is pivotal to have a farsightedness and plan every step in advance in order to walk towards the distinct goal (Carraher, Welsh and Svilokos 2015). Major Boundaries or Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship While setting up enterprises that aim to have a great social impact, social entrepreneurs face a wide array of challenges that are to be overcome for achieving success. The explosion in the global connectivity had aided in the boom of social entrepreneurship, however, the intense competition for receiving philanthropic funds have been a concern in the present era. Social entrepreneurship is faced with large-scale social issues that are to be solved in some creative ways using innovative ideas. The unique challenges faced in the way of delivering the social impact, social returns and social value are linked with commercial values (Choi and Majumdar 2014). The most important challenge that social entrepreneurs face is funding. Social enterprises might be run as a non-profit or for-profit and fits in a position between the solely charitable organisation and traditional corporation. It might be difficult to generate adequate income by selling socially beneficial products or services approaching the concerned investors are often a hurdle and not a smooth process. Many donors may come out to be distrustful of social enterprises being established as a for-profit company where the focus is more on wealth generation and not on social values. The second challenge faced by the social entrepreneur is communication of value objectivity. Social enterprises deliver to an extent more than commercial value and social values ignite the desire of the social entrepreneur. This fact along with the actuality that social values are not measured in easy terms make it challenging for entrepreneurs to communicate the actual scenario to investors. It is crucial to have a uphold objectivity for convincing others and taking the appropriate decisions to move the enterprise towards the set goals (Peris-Ortiz et al. 2017). The third imperative challenge that can be discussed in the present context is setting up of a strong combination of strategy and long-term goals. Any business would need to have long-term strategies in order to make a place in the list of top companies in the same sector. It is indispensable to define the accurate goals and eventually drive growth in a manner that is sustainable. Difficulties stem from the very fact that the purpose held by the organisation is to have social benefits. Manifold social benefits may lead to a wide array of goals. Every goal is to be evaluated strongly in terms of provision of cost just to ensure that true value is created. A robust and realistic strategy would add value to the unique proposition and provide a competitive advantage over other organisations (Sivathanu and Bhise 2013). Conclusion The main objective of the present paper was to analyse the different entrepreneurship traits and characteristics of Dr Sam Prince, founder of Zambrero, and highlight three important challenges faced by social entrepreneurs. From the paper, it can be concluded that Sam Prince has exhibited the desired traits of a philanthropist in his work as an entrepreneur. With his passion, dedication and planning power, he is all set to being a difference to the society. Social entrepreneurs are known to put social values before commercial values. In doing so social entrepreneurs are faced with a number of challenges like short of funding, difficulty in the communication of value objectivity and absence of strategy and long-term goals. For a rising entrepreneur, it would be suitable to analyse such aspects in order to achieve the desired objectives in the field of social entrepreneurship. References Carraher, S.M., Welsh, D.H. and Svilokos, A., 2016. Validation of a measure of social entrepreneurship.European Journal of International Management,10(4), pp.386-402. Choi, N. and Majumdar, S., 2014. Social entrepreneurship as an essentially contested concept: Opening a new avenue for systematic future research.Journal of Business Venturing,29(3), pp.363-376. Enos, S.L., 2015.Service-learning and Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: A Pedagogy of Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan. Goffee, R. and Scase, R., 2015.Entrepreneurship in Europe (Routledge Revivals): The Social Processes. Routledge. Hulgrd, L. and Andersen, L.L., 2016. Social entrepreneurship. InSocial Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises. Routledge. Peris-Ortiz, M., Teulon, F. and Bonet-Fernandez, D., 2017. Social Entrepreneurship in Non-profit and Profit Activities. Theoretical and Empirical Landscape: An Overview. InSocial Entrepreneurship in Non-Profit and Profit Sectors(pp. 1-7). Springer International Publishing. Sivathanu, B. and Bhise, P.V., 2013. Challenges for social entrepreneurship.Intl. J. Appl. Innovation Eng. Manage. ISSN, pp.2319-4847. Warnecke, T., 2015. Sowing the seeds for global'changemaking': teaching international development for a social entrepreneurship major.International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education,6(1), pp.12-31. Zahra, S.A., Newey, L.R. and Li, Y., 2014. On the frontiers: The implications of social entrepreneurship for international entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,38(1), pp.137-158.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sensory Loss free essay sample
Acquired Sensory Loss This is when somebody is born without any sensory loss, but then has an accident or illness which causes a sensory loss. Illness Diabetes: The most serious complication of diabetes for the eye is the development of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes affects the tiny blood vessels of the eye and if they become blocked or leak then the retina and possibly your vision will be affected. Measles: Measles blindness is the single leading cause of blindness among children in low income countries, accounting for an estimated 15,000 to 60,000 cases of blindness per year. There is a close synergism between measles and vitamin A deficiency that can result in xerophthalmia, with corneal ulceration, keratomalacia, and subsequent corneal scarring or phthisis bulbi. Glaucoma: Glaucoma is an eye disease in which the optic nerve is damaged in a characteristic pattern. This can permanently damage vision in the affected eye(s) and lead to blindness if left untreated. We will write a custom essay sample on Sensory Loss or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is normally associated with increased fluid pressure in the eye Perforated ear: If you have a perforated eardrum, your hearing may be affected. The extent of any hearing loss will depend on the size of the hole in your eardrum. A small puncture may only cause a slight loss of hearing, whereas a large puncture is likely to cause greater hearing loss. The hearing loss is only temporary and your hearing will return once your eardrum has healed. Swimmers ear: Otitis externa is often referred to as swimmers ear, as repeated exposure to water can make the ear canal more vulnerable to inflammation. Symptoms of otitis externa include: †¢ Ear pain, which can range from moderate to severe †¢ A discharge of liquid or pus from the ear †¢ Some degree of temporary hearing loss Usually only one ear is affected. With treatment, these symptoms should clear up within two-to-three days. In some cases the symptoms can persist for several months, which is known as chronic otitis externa. disease There are genetic conditions like Usher: people with Usher III experience a progressive loss of hearing and roughly half have vestibular dysfunction. The frequency of Usher syndrome type III is highest in the Finnish population, but it has been noted rarely in a few other ethnic groups. Alstrom: This condition is very rare; about 500 affected people have been reported worldwide. Alstrom syndrome is a condition that affects many body systems. Many of the signs and symptoms of this condition begin in infancy or early childhood, although some appear later in life. Alstrom syndrome is characterized by a progressive loss of vision and hearing, Stickler: Children who have Stickler syndrome often experience eye disorders more commonly associated with older adults. †¢ Severe nearsightedness. Children with Stickler syndrome are often born with severe nearsightedness, a vision disorder in which you can see near objects clearly, but objects farther away appear blurry. Cataracts. Some children with Stickler syndrome are born with cataracts, a clouding of the focusing lens within the eye. Cataracts also may develop later in childhood. †¢ Glaucoma. Glaucoma causes the pressure within the eye to increase, sometimes to the point that the optic nerve is damaged. †¢ Retinal detachments. Problems with the lining of the eyeball, called the retina, are common with Sticklers syndrome. The retina is crucial to vision, so blindness can result if it pulls away or tears free from the back of the eyeball. The extent of hearing loss varies among people who have Stickler syndrome. It usually affects the ability to hear high frequencies and tends to worsen over time. Accident There are many accidents that can cause blindness and deafness, from car accidents to sporting or work accidents. Old age can also be a cause of sensory loss. Acquired Acquired Deafblindness is when a person is born without a sensory impairment and at some time in their life develops both or is born with a single sensory impairment and at some time in their life develops the second. This may be due to an accident, illness, a genetic condition, e. g. a syndrome such as Usher, Alstrom, and Stickler, etc. or as a result of aging in later life. In children and young people if these problems occur later in life, this is called acquired Deafblindness. From skillsforcare. org. uk Congenital When someone is born with combined sight and hearing difficulties this is called congenital Deafblindness. Examples of this include conditions such as Rubella or CHARGE. Congenital can also refer to people who have lost vision/ hearing before the acquisition of language, i. . in their very early years. From skillsforcare. org. uk †¢ Deaf: deaf with a small d simply refers to the medical condition of hearing loss. However, most people who use BSL/ ISL refer to themselves as Deaf. The use of upper case D indicates a language preference and is also a political and cultural term of belonging to the Deaf community. It is used in the same way that people who belong to a national, cul tural or religious group would describe themselves, for example, as French or Muslim. It is for this reason that many Deaf people do ot define themselves as disabled, rather they describe themselves as belonging to a cultural or linguistic minority †¢ Deafened: A person who was born hearing and subsequently became severely or profoundly deaf †¢ Hard of hearing: A general term used to describe people with a range of hearing loss and communication needs †¢ Deaf blind: This term applies to people with dual sensory loss. Some people who are Deaf blind have no hearing or vision; others have a degree of hearing loss or vision impairment Some of the signs for sight loss could be over cautious driving habits. Find lighting either: too bright or too dim, Frequent eyeglass prescription changes, Holding books or reading material close to face or at arms length, Squinting or tilting the head to see, Difficulty in recognizing people, Changes in leisure time activities. Change in personal appearance Changes in table etiquette, moving about cautiously, Bumping into objects and Acting confused or disoriented. Some signs for deafness People seem to mumble more frequently. You experience ringing in your ears. You often ask people to repeat themselves. You often ask people to repeat themselves. Your family complains that you play the Radio or TV too loudly. You no longer hear normal household sounds, Such as the dripping of a faucet or the ringing of a doorbell. You have difficulty understanding a conversation when in a large group or crowd You have trouble understanding all the words in a conversation You find Telephone conversation increasingly difficult You have trouble hearing when your back is turned to the speaker. You have been told you speak too loudly. PROPLEMS WITH DAILY LIVING Rooms/Furniture Make sure there are clear travel paths in hallways and through rooms. Rearrange furniture so there are no trip hazards. Coffee tables are fine for sighted people, but can be a trip hazard especially for elderly visually impaired people. The same is true of other household clutter such as throw rugs and childrens toys. Keep things in specific places since a visually impaired person cant scan the room looking for something. Moving things around such as furniture can be confusing until they learn the new set-up. Stairs/Ramps Mark all steps both inside and outside the house with contrasting colours. Paint the handrails a contrasting colour from the wall. A good way to mark steps is to paint a yellow stripe on the edge of the step. Paint a strip at the beginning and end of ramps too. Kitchen High quality florescent lighting is the best bet for the kitchen, laundry room, and shop. Appliances with controls on the front make life easier and safer for the visually impaired. Every thing has its place in a visually impaired persons kitchen. Moving the baking powder from one shelf to another can ruin a whole recipe. Kitchen cabinet doors left open are very dangerous A rehabilitation teacher from an agency for the blind and visually impaired can help with adapting appliances like: stoves, microwave ovens, washers, dryers, thermostats, etc. They can also teach new cooking techniques. Socially Blindness may also cause difficulties with participating in activities outside of a workplace, such as sports and academics. Many of these social challenges limit a blind persons ability to meet people, and this only adds to low self-esteem. Technology Technology poses a challenge for blind people as well. For example, a blind person cannot read the information on a web page. Searching the Internet requires screen reading software will read the information on a website, but this may require a significant amount of time to learn the process. People who have limited vision may have difficulty with viewing websites as well, particularly the small fonts, icons and screen colors used by many sites, says the University of Wisconsin. People with low vision may require special equipment that can enlarge a screen significantly. Other technology, such as music players that require visual selection of music, or text messages, will also cause challenges for blind people. Signs and symptoms Blindness Holding books or reading material close to face or at arms length, Bumping into objects and Acting confused or disoriented. , Find lighting either: too bright or too dim, Difficulty in recognizing people, Sitting close to TV, Squinting when looking for things. Deafness, TV or radio too loud, Cannot hear you talking if you are behind them. Asking you to repeat yourself. Cannot hear telephone ring or hear people on the phone. AIDS FOR THE BLIND Carer support for the blind person to help with everyday tasks. Smartphone Mobile, cellular phones such as smartphones offer many advanced personal digital assistant capabilities. Some of these phones allow blind people to access work-related and other materials, as well as providing assisted communication capabilities. These phones have built in functions such as voiceover that assist the person when triggered by a finger rolling over the screen of the phone. Navigation Tools Handheld navigation tools contain keyboards with Braille and a synthesized voice mechanism that can help the blind person to navigate to different places as he walks to destinations. This type of tool cannot replace a guide dog, Electronic Cane Device This type of cane contains sensitive sensors that help the person who suffers from blindness by making her aware of different variables in the environment as she walks to his destination. The importance of knowing the variables plays a key safety role in a blind persons desire to get to a destination. And of course guide dogs. AIDS FOR THE DEAF Hearing aids help amplify sounds for those who are not completely deaf, allowing them to make out words and sounds. Alarm clocks for the deaf and hard of hearing feature flashing and vibrating features to help individuals wake up without an audible alarm. Some clocks feature one or the other, though alarm clocks are available that feature both lights and vibrations. Much like alarm clocks for the deaf, visual alert signallers provide flashing lights or vibrations to let a hard-of-hearing individual know that the doorbell is ringing or that certain sounds are being made. INFORMATION Locally doctor, social worker, charities and nationally web sites like www. bda. org. uk and www. sense. org. uk and lots others PERCENTAGE OF SENSORY LOSS Around 360,000 people are registered blind or partially sighted in the UK. †¢ 299,000 in England (NHSIC, 2011) †¢ 34,500 in Scotland (Scottish Government, 2010) †¢ 16,000 in Wales (Welsh Assembly Government, 2010) †¢ 8,000 in Northern Ireland (RNIB estimate) †¢ 1 in 5 people aged 75 and over are living with sight loss †¢ 1 in 2 people aged 90 and over are living with sight loss †¢ 63 per cent of people with sight loss are female, 37 per cent are male.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Improve Your German Pronunciation With Tongue Twisters
Improve Your German Pronunciation With Tongue Twisters German tongue twisters are known as tongue breakers in German, or Zungenbrecher. Many of the classic German tongue twisters easily fit that unique description, and they can also be an amusing and entertaining way to practice your German pronunciation. German Tongue Twisters Here is a collection of German tongue twisters - with an English translation of each one. Want more tongue breaking? Here is a collection of more tongue-twisters. 1. Acht alte Ameisen assen am Abend Ananas. Eight old ants ate pineapple in the evening. 2. Allergischer Algerier, algerischer Allergiker. Allergic Algerian, Algerian allergic 3. Esel essen Nesseln nicht, Nesseln essen Esel nicht. Donkeys dont eat nettles, nettles dont eat donkeys. 4. Es klapperten die Klapperschlangen bis ihre Klappern schlapper klangen. The rattlesnakes rattled until their rattles sounded run-down. (This is a Schà ¼ttelreim, or goat rhyme, as is the the next one.) 5. Es sprach der Herr von Rubenstein, mein Hund der ist nicht stubenrein. So spoke Mr. von Rubenstein, my dog, hes not house-trained. 6. Es grà ¼nt so grà ¼n, wenn Spaniens Blà ¼ten blà ¼hen. It turns so green when the flowers in Spain flower. (This is the German version of The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain from My Fair Lady.) 7. Fischers Fritz ißt frische Fische, frische Fische ißt Fischers Fritz. Fischers Fritz eats fresh fish; fresh fish eats Fischers Fritz. (This can be compared to the English Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.) 8. Hottentottenpotentatentantenattentat Hottentot potentates aunt assassination. (Note: the correct term for Hottentot is actually Khoi-Khoi, a people from what is now Namibia.) 9. Im dichten Fichtendickicht sind dicke Fichten wichtig. In the thick spruce thicket thick spruces are important. 10. In Ulm, um Ulm, um Ulm herum. In Ulm, around Ulm, all around Ulm. 11. Die Katzen kratzen im Katzenkasten, im Katzenkasten kratzen Katzen. The cats scratch in the cat box, in the cat box scratch the cats. 12. Die krumme Katze tritt die krumme Treppe krumm. The crooked (hunched) cat goes down the crooked stairs crookedly. 13. Der Cottbuser Postkutscher putzt den Cottbuser Postkutschkasten. The Cottbus postal coach driver cleans the Cottbus postal coach chest. 14. Ob er à ¼ber Oberammergau, oder aber à ¼ber Unterammergau, oder ob er à ¼berhaupt noch kommt, ist ungewiß! Whether hes coming via Oberammergau, or perhaps via Unterammergau, or not at all, is uncertain. 15. Der Pfostenputzer putzt den Pfosten, den Pfosten putzt der Pfostenputzer. The post-cleaner cleans the post, the post is being cleaned by the post-cleaner. 16. Wenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen, dann fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach. When flies fly behind flies, then flies fly after flies. 17. Wenn hinter Griechen Griechen kriechen, kriechen Griechen Griechen nach. When Greeks creep behind Greeks, Greeks creep after Greeks. 18. Wenn meine Braut Blaukraut klaut, dann ist sie eine Blaukrautklaubraut. If my bride steals red cabbage, then shes a red cabbage-stealing bride. 19. Zehn Ziegen zogen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo, zum Zoo zogen zehn Ziegen zehn Zentner Zucker. Ten goats pulled ten centners of sugar to the zoo, to the zoo pulled ten goats ten centners of sugar.(A hundredweight, der Zentner, equals 50 kilograms, 100 Pfund or 110 U.S. pounds.) 20. Zwischen zwei Zwetschgenbumen zwitschern zwei Schwalben. Between two plum trees twitter two swallows. Need Help? If youre struggling with the tongue-twister, ask a German native to say it for you or look online to hear the pronunciation. It can help to hear it, not just read it. Start slowly; practice just small chunks of a tongue twister first.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Tobacco And Western Culture Essays - Human Behavior, Smoking, Health
Tobacco And Western Culture Essays - Human Behavior, Smoking, Health Tobacco and Western Culture Grade Received on Report : 89 Essay 1: Tobacco and Western Culture The use of tobacco dates back to the 17th century. The primary reason for its beginning was purely economic at first. It later became apparent to researchers over the decades that tobacco was more than just a commodity to be traded for economic gain. It was actually a drug, nicotine, which developed into physical dependency and had adverse side effects as people began to live longer. Further research at the social level, revealed its social impact on the western culture. It didn't take long before early traders began to realize the economic benefits of trading tobacco as a primary cash crop. Its known influences were completely overlooked to maintain the desired income and trade benefits. In western culture, early settlers, saw tobacco as a primary source of support for the family. It was entirely possible to grow tobacco and live a very good lifestyle. During the early years, tobacco was not seen as a bad thing. Instead, it was actually a way of life. As time passed, govermental agencies also began to see the economic benefits produced by the tobacco industry. Taxing the crop became very lucrative and later resulted in subsidizing the farmers as needed to maintain taxation levels. The advent of production cigarrettes soon opened doors for manufacturers which hadn't existed before. A cheap and easy method of providing tobacco users a manageable product soon led to widespread use in the western world. This attitude soon began to chang! e, however, as researchers began publishing reports on the ill effects of smoking and tobacco use. Tobacco lost a lot of its social influence when people began to understand its physical effects. Tobacco use was linked with birth defects in pregnant women. Lung cancer was directly linked to smoking in 1950 by the Cancer Control Department in the New York State Health department. It became very clear that the past opposition to smoking and tobacco use was substantiated. It had also become clear that smokers were in a group alone from the rest of society. Just as other groups grew and shrank with the times, so would the smokers. Nicotine had been discovered to be the dependency factor in tobacco and soon ranked a classification with other social drugs like alcohol and caffeine. Its use was seen to be just as severe as these and warranted just as much focus in the social arena. This didn't stop people from using tobacco. The reasons for tobacco use had already become more complex than just physically damaging. Tobacco use had grown to be a social instrument. It can be easily proven that people smoke for different reasons. Stress is now a large part of society and nictotine tends to reduce the stress factor. There have also been reports of the soothing effects nicotine provides during times of prolonged strain on the brain. This is typically due to long hours of reading or studying. The ability of nicotine to soothe the mind allows the brain more concentration and thus the individual is able to more easily comprehend the task at hand. Despite the good and bad effects of tobacco use, it still continues today and I feel that it will be some time before smoking is completely removed from society. Actually, it's not half bad considering the alternatives of the 21st century. Consider pulling up in your car next to someone at a stop light smoking a cigarette and think about seeing someone smoking marijuana. Which would you prefer? Essay 2: Birth Control The main reason to limit the population in a given society is to insure that a balance between the resources available and the number of people is not exceeded. It is fundamental to the survival of a given society that everyone has enough food, housing, and work to maintain certain social standards. This has been done in many ways throughout the centuries. Birth control methods range from religious belief to medical fact to social superstition. In all cases the limiting of newborn has effectively kept people out of anarchy. In looking at the history of birth control, it is easy to imagine why the population must be regulated. Even today the situation is being
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company
Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company Christina Enquist shares her experience assembling the team of professionals that helped launch her debut novel, The Immundus - and her very own independent publishing company, Odolf Mingan Publishing.I was on safari, traversing my way through the rugged terrain of social media, seeking the elusive and coveted book editor. Not just any editor would do. I knew I had to have an editor with experience in editing young adult and science fiction, preferably someone who had edited bestsellers and award-winning novels.I tried reaching out to editors on Twitter and got some bites, but I was concerned about handing my manuscript over to a person whose qualifications I wasn’t sure of. It was then that I happened upon a Mark Dawson podcast where he talked all about Reedsy. I began to investigate Reedsy myself and was instantly hooked. Thus ended my safari, as I found a prize better than I imagined: an entire herd of talent.I knew that I had found my resource for top talent, one that cou ld support me in starting my indie publishing career. I didn’t have to worry about hiring full-time or even part-time employees. I could hire professionals per project/book by contracting them through Reedsy.I am gearing up to launch my debut young adult dystopian novel, The Immundus. The story is set in the year 2828 in Domus, the world’s last remaining country. Domus’ population is dwindling as the result of a mysterious disease called allagine. When 16-year-old Nia is recruited by a research company pioneering a cure to allagine, she witnesses something she shouldn’t have. As she sets down a dangerous path that uncovers national secrets, Nia must decide not only what kind of person she wants to be, but how far she’s willing to go to save humanity.In order to make The Immundus the best it could be, I connected with professionals at different stages of my book’s development.EditingI contracted two editors to get my book ready for the pre sses. Katrina Diaz Arnold served as my developmental and line editor, while Parisa Zolfaghari worked as my copy editor and proofreader. Both of these women were wonderful to work with and provided exceptional feedback to help me shape my story and tighten the lines.For example, Katrina was instrumental in helping me determine where to end the book - not always a straightforward task when writing a trilogy. She also made me aware of areas where I needed more thought or dialogue so the reader could fully understand what’s going on - which is crucial in any novel with dense worldbuilding. "Working with a professional editor is crucial for any novel with dense worldbuilding." @cienquist Parisa added additional depth to my story: she not only provided copy edits to make sure my punctuation and grammar were appropriate, she also provided some of her own developmental recommendations - even adding a few more scenes to raise the stakes of the novel’s central conflict. Since I started working with the professionals I found on Reedsy, I have learned so much about the publishing industry and its standards: from learning about widows and orphans thanks to my copy editor, to understanding bleeds and crops from my designer, my team helped me acquire the knowledge I needed to become an indie publisher.The Immundus is available for pre-order on Amazon!Please share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Christina Enquist in the comments below!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Organizational Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organizational Design - Essay Example Recent reports from all over the world shows that most of the companies reducing their work forces to stay in the market. Though the IT sector and real estate field has immensely affected by the current crisis, all the other sectors also suffered a lot from the current crisis. Apart from financial crisis, so many other factors like growing crime rates and violence are also made it difficult to operate business functions. There is an important relationship between the organizational structure and strategies.†A strategy is the plans and actions necessary to achieve organizational goals†(Griffin and Moorhead, (2007), p.450) The success of a business lies in identifying the proper organizational structure and strategies. The goals of the organization must be well defined before implementing changes in organizational structure. As far as Fruity Foods (FF) store is concerned, the main problem is the location. No store can operate successfully in a poor location even if their products are better compared to others. Second problem of FF is the environment. Customers are normally reluctant in going for shopping in places where the crime rates are more. More over this shop is more vulnerable to theft because of the owner’s inability to take necessary precautions. Since the owners are approaching their retirement, this store needs to be completely restructured in order to sustain in the market. For that purpose, an evaluation of the organizational environment is essential. â€Å"The organizational environment includes all of the elements ---people, other organizations, economic factors, objects and events---that lie outside the boundaries of the organization. The environment is composed of two layers; the general environment and the task environment. The general environment includes all of the broad set of dimensions and a factor within which the organization is operates including political, legal, cultural, technological, international and
Why you like Risk Management Plans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why you like Risk Management Plans - Essay Example A risk management plan is a document that is created by the project manager to estimate risks, assess the impact of the risks and define solutions to the challenges. Risk management plans also contain a risk assessment matrix that determines the impact of a risk over a specific period (Power, 2008). The procedure of creating a risk management plan starts with understanding how risk management works then the project is defined, stating all the risks and their possible impact. Input from other stakeholders is crucial at this stage. All irrelevant issues are removed then probability of each risk occurring is calculated. The possible losses from the risks are then assigned with an impact number on a scale from 0.00 to 1 with less risky activities having a small value. Next, the total risk is computed then mitigation strategies are developed. After that, the project manager creates contingency plans and analyzes the efficiency of the strategies. Finally, an effective risk is calculated. A risk management plan has several objectives. The plan calculates risks and the probability of the risks resulting in loss. This is important when determining whether to pursue a business project. A risk management plan creates strategies for managing risks or managing the losses from the risk. The plan reduces the possibility of surprises and supports efficient use of organizational resources (Rejda, 2011). Risk management plans contain strategies on how to tackle risks. These strategies include risk avoidance, loss reduction, and risk control, spreading the risk, self-retention, and duplication of resources, accepting risks and transferring risks. Risk avoidance is the most efficient risk management technique. By avoiding a risk, the possibility of loss is eliminated completely. Risk avoidance is the most effective approach but not the most practical one. It is impossible to eliminate all aspects of risk in a project. Some
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why are men most of the time the leading character in science fiction Essay
Why are men most of the time the leading character in science fiction films - Essay Example Such determinations have manifested through female actors joining and streaming the art of science fiction films to agitate for their recognition. Feminist female writers have expressed desire to translate the current social shift that is intending to achieve total gender equality. Many reasons underlie the mystery of male gender appear to dominate or assume massive roles as leading characters in the science fiction film. One reason attributes to the intensive use of technology in the science fiction films (Tolette 42). In most of the science fiction films, it is common to come across high-tech guns, rockets, robots and massive scientific phenomena in the lines of technology. It is undisputable that male genders or men have been the main innovators, inventors and creators of the technologies and the technological devices. The fact that they create technology and technological devices places them in the best position to control and manage the operations of the devices. Tolette confirm s that these are facts known to every individual in the wider societies and it would be deceptive or meaningless for writers of the science fiction films give women leading roles in the movies (49). The aspect of deception can occur because movies and films act as reflections of the contemporary or future social issues within the particular societies, and people find it enjoyable when movies demonstrate some aspects of social reality. This means that using male gender to play leading roles in the films creates sense of reasonability, credibility and authenticity of the particular films of science fiction. However, the technological aspect tat warrants male dominance in the science fiction films is slowly fading since women are increasingly participating in technological advancements making it reasonable to begin featuring females as leading characters in the films. One example of such developments includes The Stepford Wives (1975) that featured a small village where there was gradu al replacement of wives with robotic women (Stange, Carol and Jane 1223). Other examples are the Eve of Destruction (1991, Aliens (1986), Terminator 2 and Cherry 2000 (1987), which pointedly placed women in the positions of technological mastery. The listed films feature women as wielders of hardware, creators of powerful programs and givers of orders. In the demonstration of Johnston, another reason for male taking leading roles in most of the science fiction movies relates to the fact that they men constitute the majority writers of the films (52). This dominance has seen male film writers focus on giving men roles of leading characters. The dominant male film writers also take advantage of widespread perception and reality that men constitute the great scientists and use the scientific fictions in films to confirm this reality to the societies. In addition, dominant male writers of the science fiction films use the privilege to hold on the traditional beliefs that put men above w omen. The film writers have the urge to demonstrate and reinforce their initial social order of making women subjective to men and incapable of playing complex roles. Another reason for domination of male in leading characters in science fiction relates to be belief that women make decisions based on emotions and tension while those of males rely on rationality (Stange, Carol and Jane 1224) 43). This fact makes filmmakers afford women subordinate and supporting roles while men play leading roles. Science fiction films solely bases on the principles of technology and are tech intensive. To operate successfully, scientific devices such as those
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